10.114 other uses of tags

If you are making a statement about yourself and you want to check if the person you are talking to has the same opinion or feeling, you can put a tag with 'you' after your statement.

Tags can also be used to show your reaction to something that someone has just said or implied, for example to show interest, surprise, or anger. Note that you use an affirmative tag after an affirmative statement.

When using 'let's' to suggest doing something, you can add the tag 'shall we' to check that the people you are talking to agree with you.

If you are suggesting that you do something and you want to check that the person you are speaking to agrees, you can add the tag 'shall I?'

If you are telling someone to do something and you want to make your order sound less forceful, you can do so by adding a tag. The tag is usually 'will you', but 'won't you' and 'can't you' are also used.

When you are using a negative imperative, you can only use 'will you' as a tag.