10.108 other clause elements

Other clause elements or clauses can be used in exclamations.

Noun groups can be used to show your reaction to something. Some nouns, for example 'rubbish' and 'nonsense', can be used on their own to express strong disagreement.

Predeterminers, especially 'what', are often used before the noun.

Qualitative adjectives can be used on their own, or with 'how' in front of them, usually to show a positive reaction to a statement.

A prepositional phrase with 'of' can be used to specify a person, and a 'to'-infinitive clause to refer to the action.

Sentences with 'how' and an adjective or adverb, or 'what' and a noun group can also be used as exclamations. The adjective or noun group is the complement or object of the verb, even though it comes first.

'How' can be placed at the beginning of an ordinary sentence to indicate the intensity of a feeling or action.