10.20 ditransitive verbs

In the case of ditransitive verbs such as 'give', 'teach', and 'show', which can have an indirect object as well as a direct object in an active clause, either object can be the subject of a passive clause.

For example, instead of 'He gave the receptionist the key', you can say 'The receptionist was given the key', where the indirect object of the active clause is the subject of the passive clause. Note that the direct object is still mentioned after the verb.

But you can also say 'The key was given to the receptionist', where the direct object of the active clause is the subject of the passive clause. The indirect object can be mentioned after 'to' or 'for'.

Sometimes it is unnecessary to mention the indirect object at all.

For lists of ditransitive verbs, see paragraphs 3.74 to 3.83.