10.16 passive of verbs referring to states

A few transitive verbs refer to states rather than actions. When some of these verbs are used in the passive, the agent is put after the preposition 'with'.

Here is a list of transitive verbs referring to states which are used with 'with' in the passive:

However, 'by' is used with some verbs which describe a state.

Here is a list of transitive verbs referring to states which are used with 'by' in the passive:

Some verbs, such as 'adorn' and 'surround' can be used with 'with' or 'by' after them.

Here is a list of transitive verbs which can be used with either 'with' or 'by' in the passive:

There are also several verbs which are used with 'in'.

Here is a list of transitive verbs which can be used with 'in' in the passive:

Note that 'cover' can be used with 'in', 'by' or 'with'.