8.134 Other structures used like non-finite clauses

Phrases which do not contain a verb are sometimes used in writing in a similar way to non-finite clauses.


In writing, you can add a phrase containing one or more adjectives to a sentence. This is another way of making two statements in one sentence.

For example, instead of writing 'We were tired and hungry. We reached the farm', you could write 'Tired and hungry, we reached the farm'.


In a similar way, you can use a phrase to describe something which is connected with the subject of a sentence. The phrase consists of a noun group, followed by an adjective, an adjunct, or another noun group.

For example, instead of writing 'He came into the room. His hat was in his hand', you could write 'He came into the room, his hat in his hand'.

'With' is sometimes added at the beginning of a phrase.