7.84 nouns used with reported clauses

There are many nouns, such as 'statement', 'advice', and 'opinion', which refer to what someone says or thinks. Many of the nouns used in this way are related to reporting verbs. For example, 'information' is related to 'inform', and 'decision' is related to 'decide'. These nouns can be used in report structures in a similar way to reporting verbs. They are usually followed by a reported clause beginning with 'that'.

Here is a list of nouns which have related reporting verbs and which can be used with 'that'-clauses:

Some of these nouns can also be followed by a 'to'-infinitive clause:

agreement, claim, decision, hope, promise, threat, warning, wish

Note that some nouns that are not related to reporting verbs can be followed by 'that'-clauses, because they refer or relate to facts or beliefs. Here is a list of some of these nouns: