Because English has a large number of prepositions, some of them, such as 'beside', 'by', 'near' and 'next to', are very close in meaning. Other prepositions, for example, 'at' and 'in', can be used for several different meanings. The meaning and usage of prepositions should be checked where possible in a dictionary.


Prepositions have an object, which comes after the preposition.

Note that if a personal pronoun is used as the object of a preposition, it must be the object pronoun i.e. 'me', 'you', 'him', 'her', 'it', 'us', 'them'.

Prepositions can also combine with complex noun groups to describe places in some detail. See paragraph 2.292 to 2.300 for information on the use of 'of' in noun groups.