6.49 emphasizing adverbs

A group of adverbs of degree are called emphasizing adverbs. These are formed from emphasizing adjectives (see paragraph 2.40).

Note that the emphasizing adverb 'outright' has the same form as an adjective, an adverb of manner, and an adverb of degree.


You use an emphasizing adverb such as 'absolutely', 'just', 'quite', or 'simply' to add emphasis to the action described by a verb. Emphasizing adverbs usually come in front of verbs.

In a verb group, the emphasizing adverb comes after the auxiliary or modal and in front of the verb.

However, 'absolutely' can occasionally be used after verbs as well.

For other uses of emphasizing adverbs, see paragraphs 10.85 to 10.86.