Possessive forms can also be used to refer to things of a particular type which are usually associated with someone.


The possessive form can sometimes be used with nouns which refer to an action in order to indicate who or what is performing the action.

Note that prepositional phrases beginning with 'of' are used more commonly to do this, and that they are more formal than this use of possessive forms. The use of prepositional phrases beginning with 'of' to indicate who or what is performing an action is explained in paragraph 2.299.


Sometimes you can add apostrophe s ('s) to a noun referring to the thing affected by the performer of an action and put it in front of the noun referring to that performer. For example, you can talk about 'the scheme's supporters'.

Sometimes an apostrophe s ('s) structure can be used to indicate the thing affected by an action.

Note again that 'of' structures are more commonly used to do this.