2.44 Making the reference more precise: postdeterminers

There is a small group of adjectives which are used in a very similar way to determiners (see 1.161-1.236) to make the reference more precise. These are called postdeterminers, because their place in a noun group is immediately after the determiner, if there is one, and before any other adjectives.

You often need to make it clear precisely what you are referring to. For example, if you say 'Turn left at the tall building' someone might ask which tall building you mean. If you say 'Turn left at the next tall building', there can be no doubt which one you mean. The postdeterminer 'next' picks it out precisely.

Here is a list of adjectives which are postdeterminers:

Some of these adjectives can also be used like ordinary classifying adjectives.

Here is a list of classifying adjectives which can also be postdeterminers:

Adjectives which are used to indicate the position of something are also used for precise reference.

Here is a list of adjectives sometimes used to indicate the position of something as well as for precise reference:

Postdeterminers can also be used with numbers. This is explained in paragraph 2.44.