1.157 other pronouns

The number 'one' is a special case. Like other cardinal numbers, it can be used to refer to one of a group of things.

'One' is also used to refer back to a noun group with the determiner 'a'.

It can also be used for emphasis after another determiner.

'One' can be used as a personal pronoun. This use is explained in paragraph 1.109.


Note that 'the one' and 'the ones' can be used to refer to a noun alone, rather than to the whole of the noun group. They are nearly always used with a modifier such as an adjective, or a qualifier such as a prepositional phrase.


You use 'the other', 'the others', 'others', or 'another' to refer to different members of a group of things or people.


If you want to say something about a member of a group of people or things you can use 'one'. You can then refer to the rest of the group as 'the others'.

You can use 'the one' and 'the other' to refer to each of a pair of things.

If you do not wish to specify exactly which of a group you are talking about, you can refer to 'one or other' of them.