In Susan Stewart's apartment in Soho, a neighborhood in Manhattan. Susan and Harry Bennett are preparing lunch for Harry's daughter Michelle and her friends.
Harry: You like living in New York, don't you?
Susan: Oh, I love it. It's so convenient. I can take the bus to work ... or the subway ... or a taxi. And there's so much to do. Lots of movie houses, and the theater.
Harry: I know what you mean. I'd like to live in the city, but living in New Jersey and the suburbs is better for Michelle. Trees, grass.
Susan: There's a lot of good things about suburban living. I grew up in Riverdale, remember? So I know. But, as a working woman, I think New York has all the conveniences—including the best tomatoes. [She gives a slice of tomato to Harry to taste.]
Harry: The truth is, I'd like to live in the city. Michelle's the right age. There are lots of things for her here.
Susan: You're right, Harry. Today is the perfect example. Michelle and her friends are at the aquarium in Brooklyn. They come back here for lunch, then go uptown to the Museum of Natural History. There's so much for young people to see and do. It's just incredible!
Harry: Not just for young people. What about me? I've never been to the aquarium or the Museum of Natural History. Have you?
Susan: Oh yes, Harry. My mother and father often took us somewhere in the city on the weekends. Dad was a busy doctor, but he usually managed to squeeze a Sunday in with Richard, Robbie, and me. I used to love to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Harry: I've been there several times. Twice with Michelle.
Susan: You ought to think about spending more time with Michelle at all the great places in the city.
Harry: Well, perhaps, you'll help me select some of the great places. And perhaps, you'll join us?
Susan: Perhaps I will.
Later. Susan and Harry have just set the table for lunch.
Susan: Well, there we are. All set for lunch, Harry.
Harry: It looks inviting. I wish Michelle and her friends would get here. I'm starving, aren't you?
Susan: I can't wait to take a bite of the pumpernickel. It smells so delicious. [The downstairs buzzer sounds. Susan goes to the intercom.]
Susan: Coming! Coming! [She speaks into the intercom.] Who is it?
Michelle: Michelle. It's us, Susan.
Susan: Come in, Michelle, and bring your friends along. We're on the fifth floor. Oh, you've been here before. [She opens the door.]
Harry: Susan, I really appreciate your doing this for Michelle and her friends.
Susan: Oh, please, Harry. It's nothing. I'm not just doing it for Michelle. I'm doing it for you.
Harry: Thank you.
Susan: I'm doing it for us, Harry.
Harry: Well, it's ... it's important for Michelle to see us together more often. That's true.
Susan: It's important for Michelle and me to get to know each other better. That's important for us.
Harry: That makes me feel good.
Susan: What, Harry? What makes you feel good?
Harry: Well, that you care about Michelle, that you care about me, and that you care about us.
Susan: Well, Harry, that's because I do. I do care.
Harry: They'll be here any minute. Susan, I'd like to continue this conversation later.
Susan: Of course, Harry. We'll finish the conversation when they go to the museum.
Harry: I'd like that.
Susan: So would I.