Outside the Stewards' house early Friday evening. Marilyn Stewart rides to the house on a bicycle. Inside, her husband Richard is looking at photos in his album. Marilyn enters and sits on the floor.
Marilyn: I am exhausted. My new exercise class is so hard.
Richard: Your new exercise class?
Marilyn: Yeah. My new advanced exercise class.
Richard: Why advanced?
Marilyn: My instructor thought that the beginner's class was too easy for me.
Richard: [He laughs because she looks so tired.] Too easy for you? [He helps her stand up.]
Marilyn: Don't laugh. In the beginner's class, they give you a chance to rest between exercises.
Richard: So?
Marilyn: The advanced class is nonstop.
Richard: [He teases her.] I lift weights every morning for sixty minutes without stopping. [He shows her his arm muscle.] No problem.
Marilyn: Listen, Richard, doing aerobics for an hour is a lot different than lifting weights.
Richard: Yeah. Quite a bit different. I think aerobics is easy. I could work out in your class with no problem.
Marilyn: You think so?
Richard: Oh, without a doubt. When's the next class?
Marilyn: Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. Try it.
Richard: Tomorrow morning after lifting weights, I'll try aerobics. [He snaps his fingers.] It's a snap. Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock.
In Richard and Marilyn's room the next morning. Richard is lifting weights. Marilyn is sewing.
Marilyn: Aren't you going to the aerobics class this morning?
Richard: [He finishes exercising and puts the weights on the floor.] Of course. Easy. [He snaps his fingers.] No sweat.
Marilyn: You are not going to be able to move after this and the aerobics class.
Richard: Are you kidding me? It's going to be a piece of cake. [Marilyn shakes her head no. ]
Richard: You want to bet?
Marilyn: Yeah. What's the bet?
Richard: I bet I can go one hour in your class this morning and not feel a thing!
Marilyn: The bet is—I win, and you cook dinner for the entire family. Or you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family.
Richard: [He shakes her hand.] It's a bet.
Marilyn: OK. Call my instructor, Jack Davis, right now. His number is 555-8842. The advanced class starts at ten o'clock.
Richard: Well, it's eight twenty now.
Marilyn: It only takes eight minutes by bicycle to the aerobics class. Give him a call. [Richard calls Jack Davis.]
Jack: Davis Aerobics Center for Good Health.
Richard: Jack Davis, please.
Jack: This is Jack Davis.
Richard: Hello. This is Richard Stewart. My wife, Marilyn Stewart, is a member of your program. I'd like to come to the ten o'clock advanced class this morning.
Jack: Oh, fine, fine. Be here a few minutes early. You need to complete some forms before the class.
Richard: Thanks. I'm on my way over.
Jack: Good-bye.
Richard: Bye-bye. [He hangs up.] It's all set. I'm going. [He puts his camera bag over his shoulder.]
Marilyn: Bye.
Richard: See you later. [They kiss.]
Marilyn: Good luck.
Richard: Don't forget about the bet. Dinner for the entire family. And that includes Susan.
Marilyn: Don't you forget. [Richard snaps his fingers and leaves. Marilyn snaps her fingers and smiles.]