
  1. She thinks Baker is too strict in class.
  2. She thinks Baker is not straightforward
  3. She thinks she is unfair.
  4. She does not explain her marking system.

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  1. Complained to Baker directly.
  2. Asked for a change in marks.
  3. Ask why she did worse than she expected.
  4. Worked harder at guessing her expectations.

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  1. Hal.
  2. Baker.
  3. Tammy.
  4. Tommy.

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  1. As a way of making people work harder.
  2. As a way of forcing you to anticipate.
  3. As a weakness of Baker's.
  4. As a way of promoting creativity and responsibilities.

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  1. It will increase since she will re-mark.
  2. It will decrease since students are taking more, responsibilities.
  3. It will decrease since marking is finished.
  4. It will remain busy since students will seek.

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M:Tammy, you once had Baker for a professor, didn't you?
W:Yeah, for a couple of classes actually.
M:Was she always so demanding? I mean, did she used to mark your paper really hard?
W:Well, she had her standards, but I don't recall her ever being that strict. At least not with papers anyway.
M:Well, I've always said you were some kind of "brain" or something. I don't think there's a professor in the world that you don't find easy.
W:Flattery will get you nowhere, Hal. But I think most of the others felt she was quite straight forward and fair.
M:Yeah, well, I'm not saying she's unfair. It's just that it seems, no matter what I do in my assignments, she docks me marks with no real explanation.
W:I had that problem once. In the first paper, I ended up with a "B". I thought it was a pretty good paper so I went to see her about it. And I was surprised how open and frank she was. She clearly told me her standards and expectations.
M:But shouldn't she have been doing this in class, long before she even gave out assignments?
W:She tends to be deliberately vague to force you to seek out her expectations. She wants you to be creative first and then think of your boundaries.
M:I See. She must be getting students knocking on her door for answers every time an assignment is handed back.
W:Well, I guess that's what she wants.