
  1. They were able to telephone the police.
  2. They almost hit a boy.
  3. Somebody tried to rob them.
  4. Something frightened them.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

M:Boy, that was a close call.
W:Yeah, I was really scared.
M:What do the man and woman mean? B)


  1. Sally rarely borrows money.
  2. Sally rarely repays loans quickly.
  3. Sally has had a lot of expenses lately.
  4. He's never lent Sally any money.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

W:I lent Sally twenty dollars two weeks ago and she still hasn't paid me back.
M:She has a reputation for that kind of thing.
W:What does the man mean? B)


  1. 10:00.
  2. 9:00.
  3. 9:15.
  4. 9:30.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

M:Hello. This is Tom Davis. I have an appointment with Dr. Jones for nine o'clock this morning, but I'm afraid I'll have to be about fifteen minutes late.
W:That's alright, Mr. Davis. He doesn't have another appointment scheduled until ten o'clock.
M:When will Mr. Davis most probably meet with Dr. Jones? C)


  1. During economics class.
  2. Before economics class.
  3. In about an hour.
  4. The next day.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

W:Excuse me, Professor Davidson, but I was hoping to talk to you about my class project for economics.
M:I have a class in a few minutes. Why don't you come to see me during office hours tomorrow?
W:When will the woman discuss her project with Professor Davidson? D)


  1. She needs to please her buddy.
  2. She is sure she will get an A.
  3. Bundy likes references.
  4. Bundy is too strict.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

M:You're putting in an awful lot of references.
W:Well, this paper has to shine if I expect to get an A. And you know what Bundy is like with references.
M:What does the man imply? C)


  1. She can only see it until three.
  2. She can see it after three.
  3. She can't see it after three.
  4. She can see it but not for long.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

W:Hey, I have a brilliant idea on our website layout. I really want to show you now.
M:I sure would like to have a glimpse, but I'm all tied up till 3.
W:What does the man imply? B)


  1. She's going to miss her first class.
  2. She prefers going to the dentist later in the day.
  3. The man will be finished before his first class.
  4. The man might sleep late and miss his appointment.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

M:I have to be at the dentist's at 7:30 tomorrow morning.
W:Then you won't miss any classes.
M:What does the woman imply? C)


  1. She hadn't taken the test yet.
  2. She wouldn't know about the prize.
  3. She wouldn't take a picture of them.
  4. She hadn't participated in the competition.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

W:Did you know that Sarah won first prize in the photo contest?
M:So she did enter.
W:What had the man assumed about Sarah? D)


  1. Barbara mailed the letter too early.
  2. Barbara is late in mailing the check.
  3. Barbara took a week to send it.
  4. Barbara mailed the check a week ago.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

M:Barbara should have mailed the check a week ago.
W:I wonder what happened?
M:What are the man and woman talking about? B)


  1. He doesn't want the woman to have a lot of pain.
  2. He doesn't want the woman to catch the disease.
  3. He doesn't want the woman to catch him.
  4. He admits he doesn't look good on that day.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

W:Is something wrong? You don't look like yourself today.
M:Something's giving me a lot of pain in my throat. I can't exactly describe it. But whatever it is, you don't want to catch it.
W:What does the man mean? B)


  1. Vienna.
  2. Paris.
  3. Rome.
  4. Geneva.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

M:Where did you and John go on your vacation?
W:We spent four days in Vienna, one week in Paris, and five days in Rome and we had a two-day delay in Geneva before we went to Italy.
M:In which city did the woman and John stay the longest? B)


  1. She is on a plane.
  2. She needs to be picked up at school.
  3. She is often late.
  4. She has been delayed at work.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

W:I'm glad I called to check on the time for picking Sue up.
M:Was the plane delayed again?
W:What does the man imply about Sue? A)


  1. Ask the professor if the course will be given again.
  2. Postpone taking the course.
  3. Request permission to take the courses together.
  4. Take the course from a different professor.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

M:I want to take comparative anatomy this year, but according to the requirements I have to have taken introductory biology course first.
W:Ask the professor if you can take them simultaneously. All they can do is say no.
M:What does the woman suggest the man do? C)


  1. He was alcoholic.
  2. He is short of money.
  3. His wife left him.
  4. He pays his bills ahead of time.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

M:Why does Dan look so depressed, anything wrong?
W:Yeah, he's got so many bills and I'm afraid he'll never get ahead.
M:What do we learn about Dan? B)


  1. Because the professor postponed the conference.
  2. Because the professor has to go to a meeting.
  3. The students have to review what they've learned.
  4. The students have taken the test already.

(Click to show or hide the key and the script.)

W:Aren't we supposed to have an anatomy test tomorrow?
M:Yes. But since the professor has to attend a conference, we have to put it off.
W:Why won't they have the test? B)