
  1. He is having diarrhea.
  2. He vomited with blood.
  3. He has got seasick.
  4. He has been having a serious pain in his stomach.

(Click to show or hide the key.)


  1. 1 day.
  2. 3 days.
  3. 5 days.
  4. 4 days.

(Click to show or hide the key.)


  1. 1 or 2 times.
  2. 2 or 3 times.
  3. 3 or 4 times.
  4. 4 or 5 times.

(Click to show or hide the key.)


  1. Dull.
  2. Sharp.
  3. Aching.
  4. Cramping.

(Click to show or hide the key.)


  1. Examine the patient.
  2. Sit on the table.
  3. Make a diagnosis.
  4. Prescribe for the patient.

(Click to show or hide the key.)

W:Hello, I'm Dr. Aimee. What can I do for you today?
M:I've been having severe pains in my stomach and now I feel nauseated.
W:How many days have you been having the pain?
M:Well, they started about five days ago and for the last three days they have been terrible.
W:Have you thrown up at all?
M:Yes, I have been sick to my stomach and throwing up.
W:How many times have you vomited?
M:In the last two days, probably four or five times I still feel pukey.
W:Are you keeping any food down?
M:No, I'm not.
W:When you vomit, is there any blood?
W:Good. Are you having any diarrhea?
W:Have you had a fever?
M:I haven't taken my temperature. But I feel really cold.
W:Have you taken any medicine?
W:Where is your pain?
M:It's right here in my right side.
W:How would you describe the pain? Is it sharp, dull, aching, or cramping?
M:They are sharp pains.
W:Could you please sit on the examination table so I can examine you now?