
  1. They do not know any solution.
  2. They do not give up drunk driving.
  3. They do not behave in public places.
  4. They do not admit being alcohol addicts.

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  1. Loss of judgment and alertness.
  2. Problems of liver, kidney and other organs of the body.
  3. Divorce.
  4. Car accidents and family problems.

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  1. To stop them from fighting back.
  2. To thank them for their hospitality.
  3. To teach them the European lifestyle.
  4. To relieve their pains and sufferings.

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  1. Without intervention they will be a headache to the nation.
  2. With support they can be brought back to a normal life.
  3. They readily respond to medical treatment.
  4. They pose a serious threat to social stability.

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  1. Alcoholics vary in their social background, gender, age and race.
  2. Some kinds of people are more susceptible to the disease than others.
  3. Alcoholism is now a social problem.
  4. The causes of alcoholism have all been discovered.

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Alcoholism is a serious disease. Also known as alcohol use disorder and alcohol dependence syndrome, alcoholism is a broad term for any drinking of alcohol that results in problems. Nearly nine million Americans alone suffer from the illness. Many scientists disagree about what the differences are between the alcohol addict or alcoholics and social drinker. The difference occurs when someone needs to drink. And this need gets in the way of his health or behavior. Alcohol causes a loss of judgment and alertness. After a long period, alcoholism can deteriorate the liver, the brain and other parts of the body. The illness is dangerous, because it is involved in half of all automobile accidents. Another problem is that the victim often denies being an alcohol addict and refuses to get help. Solutions do exist. For example, many hospitals and centers help patients cope with it. Without the assistance, the victim can even destroy his life. He would detach himself from the routines of life. He may lose his employment, home or loved ones.

All the causes of the sickness are not discovered yet. There is no standard for a person with alcoholism. Victims range in age, race, sex and background. Some groups of people are more vulnerable to the illness. People from broken homes and North American Indians are two examples. People from broken homes often lack stable lives. Indians likewise had the traditional life taken away from them by white settlers who often encourage them to consume alcohol to prevent them from fighting back. The problem has now been passed on. Alcoholism is clearly present in society today. People have started to get help and information. With proper assistance, victims of alcoholism can put their lives back together one day.