
  1. He couldn't get any sleep.
  2. He had awful pains in his belly.
  3. He had some diarrhea.
  4. He had a bad appetite.

(Click to show or hide the key.)


  1. The pain was sometimes up in his stomach.
  2. The pain was sometimes down in his belly.
  3. The pain went away when he moved.
  4. The pain came and went.

(Click to show or hide the key.)


  1. A lung cancer.
  2. Appendicitis.
  3. Heart troubles.
  4. Some diarrhea.

(Click to show or hide the key.)


  1. He is going to throw something away.
  2. He is going to throw himself up to the sky.
  3. He is going to be thrown up to the sky.
  4. He is going to vomit.

(Click to show or hide the key.)


  1. It hurts me when I move.
  2. Last night I was vomiting about every two hours.
  3. I have had some diarrhea.
  4. I usually have one bowel movement every day.

(Click to show or hide the key.)

W:Good morning, Mr. Hutchinson. I'm Dr. Hawkins. What brings you to the emergency room?
M:I've got terrible pains in my belly. And I feel like I'm going to throw up all of the time.
W:How long have you had the pain?
M:It started last night, up here but this morning it's here, and it really hurts.
W:How was it last night?
M:The pain came and went, and I managed to get a little sleep, but now it's really killing me. It's been here for the past four or five hours.
W:How has your appetite been?
M:Oh, gee, I haven't eaten a thing since yesterday. I just couldn't stand to look at food.
W:Are your bowel movements regular?
M:I usually have one every day, but this time I haven't had one for two days.
W:Have you had any diarrhea?
W:How about nausea or vomiting?
M:Last night I was vomiting about every two hours.
W:Point with your finger where it hints the most.
M:Right here.
W:Does it help if you lie still?
M:Yes, it does.
W:Please take your clothes off and put this sheet over you. I'll come back in a minute.