
  1. Infant Testing Procedures.
  2. How to Be a Good Parent.
  3. Choosing the Best Day Care for Babies.
  4. How to Choose a Good Pediatrician.

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  1. A baby-sitter.
  2. Another baby.
  3. A strange adult.
  4. An older child.

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  1. He conducts tests.
  2. He writes books about children.
  3. He teaches at the university.
  4. He recommends baby-sitters.

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  1. They would feel satisfied.
  2. They would feel comfortable.
  3. They would make strange sounds.
  4. They would begin to cry.

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  1. It is best to let babies stay with other babies.
  2. Take the babies to work.
  3. Adults should care for children.
  4. It is best to hire a baby-sitter.

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Recently a five-year study was conducted by the Center for Childhood Development in Los Angeles, California regarding the way babies react to different types of people. The findings of the study suggest that infant children seem to be more comfortable around other babies than they are with strange adults.

The results confirm the ideas of Dr. Richard Perelman, a well-known pediatrician, who has written many books about raising children. Dr. Perelman supports the findings of the study and adds that it is a sounder idea to keep children with other children, as in a day care center, than it is to have children cared for by a baby-sitter.

Two of the children in the study were especially close. It was reported that if the children were separated for any reason they would start to cry. The only way to satisfy them was to allow them to be together. If the findings are true it may lead to an increase in the use of family oriented day care centers where children can spend more time with each other and less time with adults.