
  1. A New York executive.
  2. A physician.
  3. A television announcer.
  4. A teacher.

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  1. A science fiction cartoon.
  2. A scientific program.
  3. A movie on personality disorders.
  4. A drama set in New York City.

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  1. To demonstrate the latest use of computer graphics.
  2. To raise funds for public television programming.
  3. To explain the workings of the brain.
  4. To increase membership in professional medical societies.

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  1. Because it is required of all science majors.
  2. Because it was made in New York City.
  3. Because it will be shown after working hours.
  4. Because it will be helpful with course work.

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  1. Because there will be a sequel after October 10.
  2. Because it is meant for non-scientists.
  3. Because a review will be printed before October 10.
  4. Because it is simple enough for children.

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Today I'd like to mention an interesting television program that will be shown on October tenth. It's about the brain. It's a new public television show produced in New York City. The program will investigate how the brain functions and malfunctions. Some interesting topics that will be discussed are dreaming, memory and depression. These topics will be illustrated with computer animations to make explanations easy to follow. The show is not for children. But don't worry; it's not intended for scientists either. I think the program will be very helpful with the work we are doing in class on the brain. I hope you'll watch it. Remember, it's on October tenth.