
  1. He has got bowel cancer.
  2. He has got heart disease.
  3. He has got bone cancer.
  4. He has got heartburn.

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  1. To have a colonoscopy.
  2. To seek a second opinion.
  3. To be put on chemotherapy.
  4. To have his bowel removed.

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  1. A pretty minor surgery.
  2. A normal life ahead of him.
  3. A miracle in his coming years.
  4. A life without any inconveniences.

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  1. Thankful.
  2. Admitting.
  3. Resentful.
  4. Respectful.

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  1. It was based on the symptoms the man had described.
  2. It was prescribed considering possible complications.
  3. It was given according to the man's actual condition.
  4. It was effective because of a proper intervention.

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W:Well, you'll probably have an operation to remove the bowel, or some of it. It's too diseased to save, r m afraid.
M:How will I go without a bowel? How can I live without a bowel?
W:During the operation, they will fit you externally with a colostomy bag.
M:You mean the bag of shit hanging inside of my clothes?
W:Well, that's perhaps an unnecessarily cruel way of putting it. But, broadly speaking, yes. It is sealed and odor-free. They'll show you how to empty it and change it for yourself. And nobody need ever know that you've got one unless you tell them.
M:Well, thanks a lot. Cancer of the bowel! All this time you have been prescribing tablets for heart burn, and it turns out that I got cancer of the bowel? Oh, thanks a million. What next? How long will I go on now? Will I be able to live any kind of normal life? Tell me!
W:I prescribed for you on the basis of the symptoms you yourself described to me. Only a colonoscopy can reveal your condition. No doctor could diagnose your condition without the hospital tests that I arranged for you. And yes, you will be able to live a pretty normal life and go work, and everything. Nobody need ever know a thing unless you choose to tell them. And you have full life ahead of you.