A 2009 neurological study shows that half of your thoughts are daydreams. Even now, as your mind drifts away from this report, maybe your mind is wandering toward your pressing personal problems or unresolved  51 . However, your best thinking occurs when you daydream, reported the study.

Daydreaming can be the mind's incubator. When you are hyperfocused, the possibility of the mind reaching into its reservoir and making an "Aha!"  52 . In daydreaming, there's no controlling censor to whisper in your ears, "That's ridiculous!" or, "Absolutely impossible!"

Here's good news: 10% of you are ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), even though half of you are  53 . A 2011 study showed that we adults with ADD show higher levels of original creative thinking and more actual creative achievements than you accountants who are good at attentiveness. A successful entrepreneur claimed that his secret of success was, "I'm ADD. I kept being  54  by ideas for making money that nobody else would waste time on." When  55  the source of his comedy, Bill Cosby replied, "I'm ADD."  56 , only 4% of us carry our ADD into adulthood; we've  57  to get focused, buy a mini-van, go to Harvard, and keep on the rails.

In 2011, brain scientists discovered that the brains of Rappers, when they improvised tunes and lyrics in the moment, showed unusually heightened activity that allows fresh connections between far-ranging  58  networks.

We are confronted with challenges like global warming, energy crisis, etc.  59 , we focus only on short-term and immediate pay-offs. The future belongs to those who go beyond facts and think globally, synthetically, make unanticipated associations and devise surprising, novel combinations.

So, daydreamers, time-wasters, ADDers unite! Throw off the chains of focused, well-disciplined attentiveness! Dare your imagination to roam, thereby to come up with the "Aha!" that will enable our civilization to  60  a brighter future than can be had through merely clear thinking.