61. The first paragraph mainly discusses ____.

  1. concern of climate scientists
  2. ignorance of climate skeptics
  3. doubts about climate change
  4. divisions over climate change

62. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that SCT ____.

  1. justifies the public's lack of scientific literacy
  2. proves wrong because it fails to cure climate skepticism
  3. defends the rationality of divisions over climate change
  4. fits experts' interpretation of their scientific evidence

63. According to the cultural cognition thesis, steadfast skeptics are most probably with ____.

  1. high scientific literacy
  2. high social status
  3. rich cultural deposits
  4. an altruistic mind

64. According to "motivated reasoning", warmer-climate skeptics are mainly driven by ____.

  1. their herd mentality
  2. their scientific knowledge
  3. their presumed worldviews
  4. their reasoning ability

65. As for winning over skeptics, the author would most likely suggest ____.

  1. collecting a huge amount of data showing global warming
  2. presenting global warming in a more agreeable way
  3. offering guidance in approaching to global warming objectively
  4. providing more and better science on global warming

(Reference keys.)