86. According to Duke University's research findings, diabetes and cardiovascular disease could be ____.

  1. cured by means of intensive exercise
  2. induced by long-term, intensive exercise
  3. improved by means of loosing weight
  4. prevented through doing persistent exercise

87. The significance of the current Duke research lies in the fact that ____.

  1. it is the first of its kind conducted in real participants rather than selected population
  2. it is conducted by world famous researchers from the Duke University
  3. the body metabolized carbohydrates like glucose in healthy people
  4. the blood samples were taken after eight-hour fasts for the first time

88. In Paragraph 4, "de-training period" indicates ____.

  1. The period of new exercise training for diabetes patients
  2. the end of the exercise training for diabetes patients
  3. the symbol for a stop or pause of the exercise training
  4. the period of time after the intensive exercise ended

89. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas after eating ____.

  1. to regulate glucose levels in the blood
  2. to improve the patient's heart conditions
  3. to influence the blood cholesterol levels
  4. to achieve the maximum beneficial health effects

90. The Duke study indicates that ____.

  1. long-term exercise will lead to short-term improvements in glucose levels
  2. weight alone is a good marker for the risk of diabetes or heart disease
  3. persistent exercise produces beneficial effects in patients at risk for diabetes
  4. development of insulin resistance and glucose intolerance cannot be prevented

(Reference keys.)