1. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of status quoted of mathematics?

  1. One is cracking oneself up when expressing ignorance of mathematics.
  2. Mathematics is only discipline to tolerate the shame of knowing nothing about numbers.
  3. The shame of admitting that you can not read at a dinner party is paramount of admitting that you do not know about mathematics.
  4. Expression of ignorance in mathematics is a boast not only in the academic disciplines but also in other fields.

2. The style of "More or Less" by Michael Blastland and Andrew Dilnot can be described as ____.

  1. detailed and accessible
  2. technical and illuminating
  3. professional and inviting
  4. theoretical and humorous

3. The author of the article uses the example of average number of feet and average income to demonstrate that ____.

  1. to correctly understand the meaning of numbers is sometimes very tricky
  2. people can understand better about statistical data by comparing them with most common phenomenon
  3. the book helps people learn about the secret of numbers through interesting and daily examples
  4. the way of calculating average income is the opposite to that of calculating the average number of feet

4. Some villages develop high cancer rates through sheer bad luck other than masts because ____.

  1. they could not sense any link between these two phenomena
  2. they can only find some vague correlation between them without solid evidence
  3. there are not enough proofs to demonstrate that mast could raise cancer rate
  4. they could not deduce a reasonable relation of the cause and effect on the concerning issues

5. According to the authors of "More or Less", the main point they want to demonstrate is that ____.

  1. numbers are very difficult to understand
  2. numbers could be cheating in most occasions
  3. numbers can subtly be sensed by intuition
  4. numbers could shape people's minds into more reasonable

(Reference keys.)