Just because you're better educated doesn't mean that you're any more rational than everyone else, no matter how hard you may try to give that impression.

Take the selection of lottery numbers. A survey in Florida described at this year's annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science shows that better educated people try to use random number systems to pick their lottery numbers.

Despite the apparent logic of choosing random numbers, however, their chances of winning are no better than those of ordinary folk who use birthdays, anniversaries and other "lucky" dates. Nor are they better off than those who draw on omens and intuitions, picking numbers seen on car number-plates and in dreams. But no doubt they feel a lot more rational.

That appearance of "rationality" may be a dangerous thing. Scientists are not immune to subtle and subjective influences on their judgments. Take the data from a survey of the public and member of the British Society of Toxicology discussed at the same meeting.

The survey showed that most people agree with the view that animals can be used to help predict how human will react to chemicals, and that if a chemical causes cancer in an animal, we can be "reasonably sure" it will cause cancer in humans. The toxicologists, however, are more circumspect. They accept the first statement but less likely to agree that if a chemical causes cancer in an animal, it will do so in a human.

Can this difference be attributed to their expertise? Perhaps. But consider the considerable variation among toxicologists: those who were young, female, working in academia rather than industry or who felt that technology is not always used for the good of all were more likely to agree that what causes cancer in an animal will cause cancer in a human.

Maybe we need to think more about how who we are affects our "rational" decisions.