71. William James believed that man is more flexibly intelligent than other animals because man is more ____.

  1. adaptive
  2. reasonable
  3. instinctive
  4. sophisticated

72. What do we usually think of our normal behavior?

  1. It is controlled by powerful thoughts.
  2. It is beyond the study of psychology.
  3. It doesn't need to be explained.
  4. It doesn't seem to be natural sometimes.

73. According to the author, which of the following is most likely studied nowadays by psychologists?

  1. Why do we smile when pleased?
  2. Why do we love our children?
  3. How do we appreciate beautiful things?
  4. How do we reason and process information?

74. The author thinks that psychology is to ____.

  1. take the normal behavior for granted
  2. make the natural seem strange
  3. study abnormal competences
  4. make easy things difficult

75. The author stresses that our natural abilities are ____.

  1. not replaced by reasoning
  2. the same as other animals'
  3. not as complex as we think
  4. worth studying

(Reference keys.)