61. Just because it has not been confirmed yet whether mobile phone emissions can harm human tissue, according to the government report, does not mean that ____.

  1. the government should prohibit children from using cell-phones
  2. we should put down the phone for the sake of safety
  3. the industry can have a right to promote phone use
  4. children are safe using cell-phones

62. Tattersall argues that it is wise to refrain mobile phone use by children in terms of ____.

  1. their neural development
  2. their ill-designed cell-phones
  3. the frequency of their irrational use
  4. their ignorance of its possible health effects

63. On the issue in question, Preece ____.

  1. does not agree with Tattersall
  2. tries to remove the obstacles in the way
  3. asks for further investigation
  4. would stand by Stewart

64. What is worrisome at present is that the UK ____.

  1. is going to turn deaf ears to the voice of Stewart's plan
  2. finds it difficult to cut the current safety standards on phone use
  3. maintains different standards on safety limit from the international ones
  4. does not even impose safety limit on the mobile phones' energy emissions

65. Which of the following can be the best candidate for the title of the passage?

  1. Brain Wave
  2. For Adults Only
  3. Catch Them Young
  4. The Answer in the Air

(Reference keys.)