86. Based on the first two paragraphs, the author is trying to focus our attention on ____.

  1. madness and romance
  2. genius and persistence
  3. creativity and mental disorders
  4. romance and artistic inspiration

87. According to Csikszentmihalyi and Root-Bernstein, endurance ____.

  1. does not necessarily mean discipline
  2. has much to do with original output
  3. is a label on those depressives
  4. actually comes

88. Which of the following statements about depression is true?

  1. It never strikes common people.
  2. The people who are more self-reflective are more likely to be hit by depression.
  3. Creativity has much to do with depression and we have figured out what it is.
  4. The thinking style of artists is in line with creativity itself.

89. What does "it" in Paragraph 4 refer to?

  1. Creativity.
  2. Depression.
  3. Self-reflective.
  4. Population.

90. What is the best title of this passage?

  1. Persistence and Creativity
  2. Genius and Madness
  3. Success and Madness
  4. Artists and General People

(Reference keys.)