66. Which of the following can be most probably perceived beyond the first paragraph?

  1. The end of the world.
  2. A candle of hope.
  3. A Nobel prize.
  4. A quick fix.

67. According to the passage, the apparent "cure" of the HIV patient who had also developed leukemia would ____.

  1. make a promising transition from anti-retroviral medication to gene therapy
  2. facilitate the development of effective vaccines for the infection
  3. compel people to draw an analogy between AIDS and leukemia
  4. would change the way we look at those with AIDS

68. As another bit of good news, ____.

  1. HIV will be virtually wiped out first in Africa
  2. the cycle of HIV infection can be broken with ART
  3. the circulating levels of HIV have been limited to almost zero
  4. the existing HIV drugs will be enhanced to be more effective in 25 years

69. The last reason for optimism is that ____.

  1. governments will invest more in improving ART
  2. the cost of antiretroviral therapy is on the decline
  3. everybody can afford antiretroviral therapy in the world
  4. the financial support of ART is coming to be no problem

70. The whole passage carries a tone of ____.

  1. idealism
  2. activism
  3. criticism
  4. optimism

(Reference keys.)