Chapter Thirteen
I wake alone on the couch. A light blanket covers me, and I'm still naked from Luke's lovemaking. My skin feels sensitive and warm under the blanket. I could curl up and sleep here all night.
Wow. I've never had gentle, sweet, loving sex before, and I must admit, there's a lot to be said for it.
I sit up and stretch, looking around the great room. It's dark outside now, surprising me. How long was I asleep? Heavenly aromas are coming from the kitchen, but Luke's not in it. I stand and wrap the blanket around me and go to find him.
As I stroll toward the kitchen, I can hear Luke talking and look out on the deck. He's sitting on the loveseat, talking on the phone. I turn to go upstairs and have a shower to give him privacy, but then I hear my name and I can't help but stop to hear what he's saying.
"You'll like her."
Must be his family?
"No, Samantha, it's not like that. She's different. I wouldn't be bringing her to mom and dad's if that were the case. Look, I just wanted to give you a heads up that I'm bringing her with me tomorrow. I've already talked to mom and she's excited to meet her. Do not play the over protective big sister tomorrow. Please."
I can't help but smile.
"I'm serious, Sam. Be nice. I love you too. See you tomorrow."
He ends the call and runs his hands through his hair, standing to come inside and sees me inside the doorway. I give him a small smile, taking in his disheveled handsomeness in his faded jeans and white shirt.
"Overprotective sister, huh?"
"You have no idea."
"I can hold my own, Mr. Williams." He joins me inside and I open the blanket so he can slide his arms around my waist, and I wrap the blanket around his back.
"I know, but she can be ruthless. Sam and I have always been particularly close because we're less than two years apart in age. She has a history of thinking she needs to protect me, so just don't be surprised if she's a little cool toward you tomorrow."
"She's never liked your girlfriends in the past?"
"She's never met anyone from my past."
"What do you mean?"
"I've never introduced anyone to my family before."
"Why me?"
He leans down and kisses me in that gentle way he has and I sigh. "Because you didn't know who I am. And you have gotten under my skin. I don't think I'll ever have enough of you."
"I'd like to know you better," I whisper, intentionally missing his point.
"Ditto, baby."
"You know me better than anyone."
"There's still a lot to learn." He brushes my hair off my face and I grasp his wrist so I can kiss his palm.
"How long was I asleep?"
"Just about an hour."
"It smells good in here." He grins down at me.
"Stir-fry okay for dinner?"
"Mmmm...sounds great. Do I have time to take a quick shower first?"
"Sure, baby. You go shower and I'll get dinner ready." He pulls out of the blanket and releases me.
"I could get used to being spoiled like this," I quip.
I turn from him and head for the stairway when I hear him mumble, "I'm counting on it."
The drive to Luke's parent's house is fairly short. It's a rainy Sunday afternoon, so we're in Luke's black Mercedes SUV. How many cars does he have? I look to my left and take a deep breath, trying to fight down the nerves. My stomach is in knots.
I'm flat out terrified of meeting his parents.
This weekend has been wonderful. After dinner last night we cuddled on the couch and watched old comedies from the 80's and laughed all night. Then he took me to bed and made sweet love to me like he did on the couch.
Wow, he can be so tender. I can't help but remember when he slapped my ass the first time we made love, and I wonder when he's going to do that again.
Variety is the spice of life, after all. Perhaps we'll play when we get back to his place later.
He looks so beautiful, sitting here in his black T-shirt and another pair of faded blue jeans. His strong hands are on the wheel, and I shiver as I think of how they feel on me.
"Are you cold?" He reaches for the climate controls on the dash, but I stop his hand.
"No, I'm not cold."
He glances at me, and then does a double take, raising an eyebrow.
"I love your hands," I say as I twine my fingers with his. He raises them to his lips and kisses my wrist.
"They're just hands." He gives me a wicked smile and my stomach clenches.
"They do crazy things to me," I whisper.
"Behave, or I'll pull this car over and fuck you."
I gasp at his words. This is a completely different attitude from last night, and frankly, it's hot. Desire pools in my groin and I smile as I decide to play with him a little.
"Don't make promises you can't keep."
"Oh honey, trust me, that's a promise I can definitely keep."
I pick at an imaginary piece of lint on my red sundress. I'm wearing a soft blue denim jacket over it because of the weather and brown peep-toe sandals.
"Prove it."
He whips his head toward me and narrows his eyes. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me," I whisper and pull the hem of my dress up around the tops of my thighs, thrumming my fingers against my already sensitive flesh.
"You want to fuck in the car on the way to meet my parents?" His voice is incredulous, but his eyes are on fire and his breathing is shallow.
"Yes, please."
He takes the next exit off the freeway and parks behind a strip mall. It's heavily lined with dense trees, and there is no traffic behind the long building. He parks at the far end and shuts the car off, and pulls me over the console and into his lap; one hand dives into my hair and the other under my hemline and cups my ass.
"You are so fucking sexy. I want you all the time."
"I want you too."
I'm panting and needy, and I want him in me now.
"Straddle me, baby." Luke shifts the seat back with the automatic button, and I lean back against the steering wheel as he unzips his pants, freeing his erection. He cups my ass in both hands, pulls my thong panties to the side and lowers me onto him.
"Fuck yes, Luke."
I move up and down violently in the small confines of the car. His hands stay on my ass, guiding me, our eyes locked and mouths open, gasping for air.
"Fuck, I'm gonna come."
"Yes, baby, come for me."
I grind against him once, twice and then explode, milking his cock with my muscles and I feel him come apart beneath me, emptying into me.
I lean forward, resting my forehead against his as our breathing calms.
"Holy shit, Nat, that was just a little unexpected."
I pull up off of him and climb back over to my seat, straightening my dress.
"It turns me on to watch you drive."
"Well, hell, let's go on lots of road trips, baby."
I laugh and realize that it also helped to calm some of my nerves.
Luke zips himself up, rights his seat and starts the car.
We arrive at his parent's home a few moments later, just a few minutes late. I check my hair and makeup in the mirror, noting my bright eyes and rosy cheeks, compliments of a very satisfying bout of car sex.
"Nervous?" he asks me.
"Yes," I admit and offer him a smile.
He leans over the console and takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger and gives me a gentle kiss. "They're going to love you. You have nothing to be nervous about."
"I hope you're right."
"Come on."
He hops out of the car and comes around to open my door for me before leading me up to the entrance of the large, beautiful home.
The house is a white colonial style home with manicured lawns and beautiful, colorful flower beds.
"Does your mom garden?" I ask.
"Yes, she's passionate about flowers," he responds and I can't help but smirk. "What?"
"Like her son. My living room could rival her rose garden right now."
He laughs as we approach the door and kisses my hand. "Are you complaining?"
"Not in the least."
The red door opens and a very small, petite blonde woman greets us with a huge smile.
"Oh, Darling, you're here!" Luke leans down so she can kiss his cheek and gives her a warm hug.
"Hi, mom. I'd like you to meet Natalie Conner."
"Natalie, it is such a pleasure. Welcome to our home." She shakes my hand warmly and I instantly like her.
"Thank you for having me, Mrs. Williams."
"Please, call me Lucy. Come in, you two."
We follow her through the vast foyer, toward the back of the house, which I assume is where the kitchen is. I briefly glimpse a formal living area with white furniture and a large formal dining room. Luke is still holding my hand and kisses my knuckles. I gaze up at him and he smiles warmly down at me, clearly happy to have me here.
Damn, he's pretty.
"Luke and Natalie are here!" Lucy announces as we enter the eat-in kitchen. The kitchen is beautiful and large, in brown and bronze tones. The countertops are all dark brown granite, the appliances are stainless steel and the stove is enormous. Any chef would covet this kitchen. There is a casual dining area, opening up to a family room with a large television and plush, inviting furniture in more shades of brown, copper and bronze.
It's incredible and comfortable.
"Welcome, Natalie." A very tall blonde man is busy working in the kitchen. He wipes his hands on a towel and comes around the island toward me. "We're so happy to meet you."
"Nat, this is my dad, Neil."
"I'm delighted to meet you, sir." He shakes my hand firmly and his kind blue eyes smile at me. Luke is a dead-ringer for his father.
Luke's younger brother, Mark, who also looks like his father and older brother, is helping Neil in the kitchen. "'Sup, Natalie."
"You must be Mark." I smile at him and he nods.
"Yep, I'm the best looking one here, aside from you." He gives me a Cheshire cat smile, and I can't help but laugh. The Williams men are all handsome as sin and charming to boot!
"And this," Luke interrupts us, glaring at his little brother, "is my sister, Samantha."
Samantha is sitting on one of the plush couches with an iPad in her lap and a wine glass in her hand. She is simply beautiful and petite like her mother; blonde and blue eyed, with delicate features, but her eyes are shrewd, and she is not smiling or welcoming me into the fold.
"Natalie." She nods at me once, and then goes back to her impressive piece of technology.
I look up at Luke, but he's staring at Samantha. I can feel the tension in him, and remembering their phone call last night, I squeeze his hand so he looks down at me. Clearly, Samantha is going to be the hardest one to get to know in his family.
I shrug and smile at him and he smiles back at me, some of the tension leaving his shoulders.
"Natalie, come sit with me at the table so we can chat while the boys cook. Luke, grab an apron, son. I think your dad needs help with the steaks."
"I do not need any help," Neil looks affronted, but I can tell this is a running joke in the family. "I can cook a steak just fine."
Lucy rolls her eyes at him and leads me to the dining table. "Would you like a glass of wine, dear?"
"Yes, please."
We settle at the table with our drinks and I take a large sip, mentally preparing myself for the interrogation that is about to come.
"So tell me, what do you do, Natalie?"
"I'm a photographer." I glance over at Luke in the kitchen with his father and my mouth goes just a little dry at the sight of three very handsome, virile men bustling around the kitchen. What is it about a man who can cook?
"Oh, how interesting. What kind of photography do you do?" Lucy leans her elbows on the table and takes a sip of her wine. She's genuinely interested in me, and it makes me relax.
"I mostly do nature photography. I live on Alki beach, not far from Luke, so I have a lot of opportunities to take photos of the water, the boats and such. And I enjoy taking day trips around the area to take photos of flowers and just pretty things in general." I take another sip of my wine and Luke catches my eye with a naughty grin. He smirks and goes back to chopping something.
"I'd love to see some of your work. Do you have a website?"
"No, I sell my work in shops around Alki and in downtown Seattle near Pike's Market."
"I will have to look for it." Lucy smiles at me and I can't help but lean forward so only she can hear me.
"I have to thank you for something," I whisper.
Her eyes widen in interest and her grin widens. "What, dear?"
"Thank you for teaching your son how to cook. He's amazing in the kitchen."
She laughs, a full on belly laugh, and clasps my hand in hers. "Oh darling, you are welcome."
I glance in the kitchen and Luke is staring at us open-mouthed. He frowns and I smile to myself.
"What are you two whispering about?"
"Nothing," Lucy responds innocently. "How is my steak coming along?"
We're all seated at the table off the kitchen. Neil is at one end, and Lucy is at the other. I'm seated to Neil's right with Luke next to me and Samantha and Mark are across from us.
The guys prepared rib eye steaks, roasted baby red potatoes and roasted asparagus with garlic and bacon. Luke refills my wine glass as serving plates are passed around the table.
"So, Natalie," Neil hands me a basket full of rolls. "Are you from around here?"
"Yes, I grew up in Bellevue."
"Oh? That's not far from here. Would I know your parents?"
Luke's fork stops midway between his plate and his mouth at his father's question.
"No, it's okay," I murmur softly and smile at Luke's father.
"My parents passed away a few years ago, but you may have known them. Jack and Leslie Conner."
Neil's eyebrows shoot up. "The lawyer Jack Conner?"
"Yes, sir." I take a bite of steak.
"He did work for us at Microsoft on occasion."
I look up and notice Samantha's brief scowl before she smoothes her face into a perfectly neutral expression and drinks about half the glass of wine in front of her in one gulp. She fills her glass again and drinks some more.
"I'm so sorry to hear about your parents, Natalie," Lucy says softly. "I'd heard of their passing on the news when it happened."
"Thank you." I desperately want to change the subject, but Mark comes to my rescue.
"How did you guys meet?"
I smile smugly at Luke and answer him myself. "Luke tried to mug me one morning."
All eyes go to Luke and I can't help but laugh. Luke's cheeks flush as he looks over at me.
"You should know my brother doesn't need to mug anyone." Samantha's voice is cold and mocking and she clearly doesn't find me funny. Mark elbows her.
"She's kidding, Sam." Luke grasps my hand under the table and I resume eating with my left hand, content to keep my right one snuggled in his.
"I was taking photos down at the beach one morning, and he mistakenly thought I was taking photos of him, so he approached me. Quite angrily, really."
Lucy gives her son a knowing look and glances back at me. "How did you react, Natalie?"
"I was angry. I thought I was being mugged for my camera."
"You thought Luke Williams was trying to mug you?" Samantha's voice is incredulous.
"I didn't know who he was." I shrug and take a sip of wine.
"Right." She snorts.
"Samantha..." Luke's warning is unheeded by his now tipsy sister.
"Anyway," I continue, "We ended up running into each other later that same day when he was out buying a gift for your birthday."
"Which I'm now reconsidering based on your behavior," Luke adds.
"So you mean to tell me that you don't know what my brother does for a living?" Her face is openly hostile now.
"Samantha, what in the world is wrong with you?" Lucy's face is flushed and she's clearly embarrassed of her daughter's performance.
"Of course now I know what Luke does for a living, Samantha," I respond before Samantha can. "But I didn't recognize him at first, no."
"So you're not just fucking my brother because he's a rich movie star?"
Holy fuck.