Chapter 44 The end

1 I married Mr Rochester very quietly a few days later. I wrote immediately to my cousins to say what I had done. Diana and Mary approved my action without hesitation. How St John received the news, I do not know. He never answered the letter that I sent him on the subject. Six months later he wrote to me, calmly and kindly, but without mentioning Mr Rochester's name. He has since written regularly, though not frequently, from India, where he is giving his life to his work.

2 I soon went to see little Adèle at her school. Her wild joy at seeing me again filled me with pity. She looked pale and thin. I found the rules of the school too severe for a child of her age, and I took her home with me till I could find a more suitable place of education. When she left school, I found her a pleasing and grateful companion.

3 Mr Rochester remained blind for the first two years of our marriage. Then, one morning, as I was writing a letter for him, he said:

4 'Jane, have you a shining ornament round your neck?'

5 I was wearing a gold chain. I answered, 'Yes.'

6 'And have you a pale blue dress on?'

7 I had. He then informed me that he had fancied for some time that the darkness clouding one eye was becoming lighter, and that now he was sure of it.

8 He and I went up to London. He had the advice of a famous eye doctor, and in time recovered the sight of one eye. He cannot see very clearly, but when his son was first put into his arms, he could see that the boy had his own eyes as they once were, large, bright and black.

9 Diana and Mary Rivers are both married, and come to see us every year. Diana's husband is a captain in the navy, Mary's a clergyman, a college friend of her brother's.

10 St John is unmarried. He will never marry now. The last letter I received from him showed only too clearly that his work on this earth is nearly over. He has no fear of death, and the end will come to him as he has wished.