Chapter 24 News from Gateshead

1 On the afternoon of this same day, I was called downstairs by a message that someone wanted me in Mrs Fairfax's room. There I found a man having the appearance of a gentleman's servant, and dressed in black.

2 'I expect you hardly remember me, miss,' he said, rising as I entered, 'but I was coachman with Mrs Reed when you were at Gateshead, and I live there still.'

3 'Oh, how do you do? I remember you very well. And how is Bessie? You are married to Bessie, aren't you?'

4 'Yes, my wife is very well, thank you.'

5 'And are the family well at the house?'

6 'I am sorry I can't give you better news of them, miss. Mr John died a week ago in London.'

7 'Mr John?'

8 'Yes. His life was very wild. He got into debt and into prison; his mother helped him out twice, but the third time she refused, and the next news was that he was dead. They say he killed himself.'

9 I was silent. The news was terrible. The coachman went on:

10 'Missis had been in poor health herself for some time. The loss of money and fear of poverty were troubling her. The shock of Mr John's death was too sudden. She fell ill, and remained for three days without speaking, but last Tuesday she seemed rather better, and kept making signs to Bessie and murmuring. At last my wife understood the words, "Bring Jane Eyre. I want to speak to her." She told Miss Eliza and Miss Georgiana and advised them to send for you, and at last they agreed. If you can get ready, miss, I should like to take you back with me early tomorrow morning.'

11 'Yes, I shall be ready. It seems to me that I ought to go.'

12 Having directed him to the servants' hall, I went in search of Mr Rochester. He was entertaining some of his guests. It needed some courage to disturb the party, but my business was urgent. I approached my master where he stood by Miss Ingram's side. She turned as I came near, and when I said in a low voice, 'Mr Rochester', she made a movement, as if tempted to order me away.

13 Mr Rochester followed me out of the room.

14 'Well, Jane?' he said, as he rested his back against the schoolroom door, which he had shut.

15 'If you please, sir, I want permission to be absent for a week or two.'

16 'What for? Where are you going?'

17 'To see a sick lady, my uncle's wife, at Gateshead. She has sent for me.'

18 'And what good can you do her? Nonsense, Jane! I would never think of running hundreds of miles to see someone who will probably be dead before you reach her.'

19 'I cannot be easy in my mind if I neglect her wishes.'

20 'Promise me only to stay a week ... '

21 'I had better not give my word. I might be forced to break it.'

22 'But you will come back? You will not be persuaded to remain permanently with her?'

23 'Oh, no! I shall certainly return if all is well.'

24 'Well, you must have some money. I have given you no salary yet. How much have you in the world, Jane?'

25 I took out my purse.

26 'Five shillings, sir.'

27 He laughed, and searched his pockets.

28 'Here,' he said, offering me fifty pounds in notes. I told him I had no change.

29 'I don't want change: you know that. Take your wages.'

30 I refused to accept more than was due to me. He owed me only fifteen.

31 He looked angry at first. Then, as if remembering something, he said:

32 'Right! Right! Better not to give you all now. You would, perhaps, stay away three months. There are ten pounds: that's plenty, isn't it?'

33 'Yes, sir, but you now owe me five.'

34 'Come back for it.'

35 'Mr Rochester, I may as well mention another matter of business to you while I have the opportunity.'

36 'Matter of business? I am curious to hear it.'

37 'You have informed me, sir, that you are shortly to be married. In that case, sir, Adèle ought to go to school.'

38 'To get her out of my bride's way? And you?'

39 'I must find other employment somewhere. I must advertise.'

40 'Of course!' he exclaimed, with a sharpness of voice and a twisting of his features unusual to him. 'You dare to advertise! I wish I had only offered you a pound instead of ten. Give me back nine pounds, Jane, I've a use for it.'

41 'And so have I, sir,' I replied, putting my hands and my purse behind me.

42 'Ungenerous little thing!' he said. 'Give me five pounds, Jane.'

43 'Not five shillings, sir, nor five pence.'

44 'Just let me look at the money.'

45 'No, sir, you are not to be trusted.'

46 'Jane!'

47 'Sir?'

48 'Promise me not to advertise, and to leave the finding of your employment to me.'

49 'I shall be glad to do so, sir, if you, in your turn, will promise me that Adèle and I shall both be safely out of the house before your bride enters it.'

50 'Very well! You go tomorrow, then?'

51 'Yes, sir, early.'

52 'Then you and I must say goodbye for a little while?'

53 'I suppose so, sir.'

54 'And how do people perform that ceremony of parting? Teach me, Jane.'

55 'They say, "Goodbye", or any other form that they prefer.'

56 'Then say it.'

57 'Goodbye, Mr Rochester, for the present.'

58 'It seems dry to me, and unfriendly. I should like something else. If one shook hands, for instance; but no—that would not content me either.'

59 'How long is he going to stand with his back against that door?' I asked myself. 'I want to begin packing.'

60 The dinner bell rang, and he rushed away without another word.