Chapter 11 Advertisement for a post

1 The fever gradually disappeared from Lowood, but not before its violence and the number of sufferers had drawn public attention to the school. Inquiry was made into the cause of the appearance of the disease, and various facts became known which stirred public anger in the highest degree. The unhealthy position of the building, the quantity and quality of the children's food, the impure water supply, the pupils' miserable clothing and crowded living space—all these things were discovered, and the knowledge of them brought disgrace on Mr Brocklehurst, but improvements to the school.

2 Several wealthy people in the district combined to pay for the building of a better orphanage in a healthier place. New rules were made, improvements in the food and clothing were introduced, and the control of the school was put into the hands of a committee. Mr Brocklehurst still remained responsible for the school expenses, but his activities were watched by more generous-minded gentlemen. The school, thus improved, became in time a truly useful place.

3 I remained in it for eight years. During that time, my life was without change, but I was not unhappy, because I was not inactive. I had the chance of an excellent education. A fondness for some of my studies, and a desire to do my best in all of them, together with a great delight in pleasing my teachers, urged me on. In time I rose to be the first girl in the first class, then for two years I became a teacher.

4 Miss Temple had till now continued in charge of Lowood. To her teaching, I owed the better part of my education. Her friendship and company had been a comfort to me. She had stood for me in the place of mother, teacher and friend. But at this period she married. She left with her husband for a distant part of the country, and was lost to me.

5 From that day, I was no longer the same. My world had been for some years the narrow one of Lowood, and now that seemed empty. I remembered that the real world was wide, and offered all kinds of experiences to those who had the courage to go out into it. My holidays had all been spent at Lowood, and neither Mrs Reed nor her family had ever written to me or come to see me. School rules, school duties, school habits—these were all I knew. A sudden wild desire for freedom came over me.

6 'What do I want?' I asked myself. 'A new place, a new house, among new faces, in new conditions, is the best that I can hope for. How do people get a new place? They apply to friends, I suppose. I have no friends. What do people do in such a case?'

7 I could not tell: nothing answered me. But after a night's sleep, an idea came quietly and naturally to my mind. I must advertise.

8 I was up very early. I had my advertisement written before the bell rang to wake the school. It was as follows:

A young lady accustomed to teaching desires to find a post in a private family where the children are under fourteen. She is qualified to teach the usual subjects of a good English education, together with French, drawing and music. Address: J. E., Post Office, Lowton.

9 After tea, I asked permission of the new head teacher to go to the neighbouring town of Lowton. It was readily given. I went, visited a shop or two, slipped my letter to the newspaper into the post-office box, and returned home with a relieved heart.

10 The next week seemed long, but at last it ended, and I went once more into the town. The post office was kept by an old lady with glasses.

11 'Are there any letters for J. E.?' I asked.

12 She stared at me over her glasses, then opened a drawer. She turned over the papers in it for so long that I began to despair. At last, having held a letter for nearly five minutes in front of her glasses, she passed it to me with a curious and distrustful look.

13 'Is there only one?' I demanded.

14 'There are no more,' she answered.

15 I put it in my pocket and hurried back. Duties were waiting for me at school. I had to sit with the girls during their study hour, then it was my turn to say prayers, and to see the school to bed. It was night before I was free to open my letter. It was short:

If J. E., who advertised last Thursday, possesses the qualifications mentioned, and if she is able to give satisfactory proof as to good character and ability, a situation can be offered her where there is only one pupil, a little girl, under ten years of age. The salary is thirty pounds a year. J. E. is requested to reply to Mrs Fairfax, Thornfield, near Millcote.

16 I examined the letter for a long time. The writing was old-fashioned and rather hesitating, like that of an oldish woman. This was satisfactory: it sounded respectable. The salary mentioned was twice what I was earning.

17 Next day I made known my intention to the new head teacher, and asked her to mention the matter to the committee, or to Mr Brocklehurst, and find out whether they would support my application. Mr Brocklehurst declared that Mrs Reed must be written to, as my natural guardian. A letter was accordingly sent to that lady, who wrote back saying that I might do as I pleased, as she had long given up any interest in my affairs. This reply went to the committee, and at last formal permission was given to me to take a new post, and a letter of recommendation, signed by members of the committee, was presented to me.

18 I sent a copy of this letter to Mrs Fairfax, and got the lady's reply, stating that she was satisfied, and fixing the date when I should take up my duties as governess in her house.