Index | I-3
A1, see primary auditory cortex
A2, see secondary auditory areas
absolute refractory period, 31
ACC, see anterior cingulate cortex
access-consciousness, 615–16
access to information, 609, 610–12
acetic acid, 176
acetylcholine (ACh), 33–34, 38, 68, 184, 331, 397, 438
acetylcholinesterase (AChE), 34
achievement and happiness, 461
achromatopsia, 201–3, 207, 242
acoustic coding, 388
acoustic input, 480, 481
acquired alexia, 240, 255, 256, 261
acquisition of learning and memory, 381, 382, 394
action chains, 589–90, 592
action control, see motor control
action gating, 49
action hierarchy, 533, 556
action inhibition, 545–49
action knowledge, 243–44
action observation and understanding, 363–66
action-outcome decisions, 511, 521
action plan, 532–33, 539
action potential, 30–32
continued stimulus and, 166
in motor neurons, 331, 337
neural activity rate and, 131
neuronal signaling and, 30–32, 68
neuronal switches and, 72
single-cell recording method and, 96, 97
synaptic transmission and, 33, 68
tDCS and, 89
visual pathway and, 185
action sequence representation, 340–41
action tasks, 225–27, 228
actions, what and why inferences, 590–91
active tasks and default network, 568–69
active transport proteins, 29, 34, 68
see also ion pumps
acuity of sensory systems, 167
acupuncture, 579
adaptability, 456
adaptation of sensory systems, 165–67
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 29
ADHD, see attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Adolphs, Ralph, 450–52, 563
adrenal glands, 38
adrenaline, 38, 39, 435–36
adrenocorticotropic hormone, 46
AEPs, see auditory evoked potentials
affective flexibility, 459
affective processing, 382
affective stimuli, response to, 157
afferent inflow to mammalian cortex, 9
afferent inputs to neural circuits, 37, 40, 339
afferent nerves, 331
affordance competition hypothesis, 347, 351
affordances, 347
Aggleton, John, 404
aggregate field theory, 7
aggressive behavior, 23, 639, 643
aging and inhibitory control, 543, 549
agnosia, 220, 238
see also visual agnosia
agrammatic aphasia, 472, 492
AIDS-related dementia, 80, 82
Akelaitis, A. J., 134, 135
akinesia, 327, 328
akinetopsia, 203–6, 207
alarm calls, 500
alcohol abuse, 332, 396, 548
alexia, 240, 255, 256, 258, 261, 486–87
alien hand syndrome, 349
all-or-none phenomena, 32
allocortex, 52, 53
alpha motor neurons, 330–31, 332, 334, 335, 337
alphabetic writing system, 484–87
Alzheimer's disease
DBS and, 362
as degenerative disorder, 80, 81, 82
hippocampus and, 397
neuronal growth and, 66
object recognition and, 236
PiB and, 106–7, 110
PM system and, 412
Amaral, David, 394–95
ambiguous local cues, 420
amino acids, 33, 35, 68
amnesia, 379–80, 382–84, 394–97, 407, 410, 567
amobarbital (Amytal) testing, 125, 138
amodal completion, 149
AMPA receptor, 418
amputees, cortical mapping of, 183
amusia, 238
ACC and, 465
activation of, 72, 73, 117, 597
anterior commissure and, 128
anthropomorphization and, 452
arousal and negative stimuli and, 460
arousal-enhanced memory effect and, 445–46
attention and perception and, 446–47
autism and, 586
brainstem and, 608
core affect and, 464
depression and, 464
emotion and, 425–27, 428, 429, 430, 447, 449, 461
emotional decision making and, 597, 599
emotional facial processing and, 464, 466, 563
emotional regulation and, 457, 459
emotional style and, 456
explicit emotional learning and, 443, 444, 445–46, 455
eye gaze and, 452, 455, 587
facial expression identification and, 450, 451, 455
fear and fear conditioning and, 437–38, 440–42, 450–51, 454–55, 464
hypothalamus and, 46
implicit emotional learning and, 439–43, 454
learning and memory and, 381, 382, 390, 394, 397–99, 402, 411
limbic system and, 47
location and circuity of, 437–38
LTP and, 416–17
novelty and, 447, 455, 460, 464
olfaction and, 174
reward information and, 526
social cognition and, 561
social group evaluation and, 452–54, 466, 585
summary of roles of, 466
theory of mind tasks and, 145
valence and, 460
value expectations and, 595
amygdala-temporopolar cortex, 145
amyloid plaques, 397
analytic-holistic dichotomy, 155, 257–58
analytic processing, 257–58, 261
anatomical personology, 6
AND operators, 171
Anderson, Michael, 545
Anderson, Phillip, 628
anencephaly, 62
aneurysms, 79, 238
associated brain areas, 429, 461, 464, 465, 466
facial expressions, 426, 431, 432, 449–50
angiography, 79, 82, 125
angular gyrus
Alzheimer's disease and, 397, 412
brain anatomy and, 49, 205
emotion and, 466
language and, 473, 474, 483, 485, 503
lesions in, 387
memory systems and, 412–13
animal communication, 500–2
Animal Intelligence (Thorndike), 12
animals as models, 83, 85
animate vs. inanimate objects, recognition of, 241, 243–45, 260–61, 442, 478–79
anisotropic diffusion, 94, 213
Aniston, Jennifer, 98
Annett, Marian, 158
anomalous trichromats, 201
anomia, 225, 469–70, 471, 498
anosognosia, 159
ANS, see autonomic nervous system
I-2 | Index
antagonist pairs of muscles, 330, 331
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
anger perception and, 450, 465
brain anatomy and, 53, 54
cognitive control in, 496
cooperation and, 598
corrective neural activity, 619
decision making and, 117, 522–23, 525–26
dopamine receptors in, 88
emotional feelings and, 460, 461, 462
emotional network and, 429
emotional processing and, 465
emotional regulation and, 458
empathy and, 577–78, 579, 580, 581, 592
facial expression recognition and, 465
love and, 462
mesolimbic pathway and, 526
monitoring and, 550–55
motor control and, 337
regret and, 449
self-perception and, 571, 573
social cognition and, 561, 562, 577–78, 579
social group evaluation and, 453
anterior commissure
brain anatomy and, 46, 48, 124, 128, 130
brain scans and, 112
definition of, 5
in monkeys, 154
surgical severing of, 133, 150
anterior end of brain, 41
anterior insula, 51
anterior neuropore, 62
anterior pituitary gland, 46
anterior-posterior gradient of PFC function, 519, 520, 533, 534
anterior temporal (AT) system, 411–12, 413
anterior temporal lobe
anatomy of language and, 471
consolidation and, 414–15
semantic representation and, 412, 478–79, 480
anterior thalamic nucleus, 45, 47, 382, 411, 412, 428
anterograde amnesia
defined, 382
lesions associated with, 410, 412
patient H.M., 383–84
patient R.B., 398, 399
procedural learning and, 391
self-knowledge and, 567
transient, 395–96
anthropomorphization, 452
antisocial personality disorder (APD), 600–601
AP5 (2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoate), 418
aphasia, 7, 8, 84, 388–89, 470, 472–75, 502
apperceptive agnosia, 237–39, 241
appraisal theory, 435–36
approach and withdrawal, 157, 434, 587
apraxia, 156, 336, 337
of speech, 472, 474
arachnoid mater, 38
Arbib, Michael, 501
archicortex, see hippocampal complex
Arcimboldo painting, 254, 255
arcuate fasciculus, 473, 474, 475
area F5 in monkeys, 501, 502
area MT, see under visual areas
area V1, see primary visual cortex
area V4, see under visual areas
areas of brain (visual), see visual areas
Aristotle, 638
Aron, Adam, 546–47
attention and perception and, 446–47
brainstem and, 43, 44
cognition and, 436, 555
instructed fear and, 444
insula and amygdala and, 460
memory enhancement by, 445–46
neglect and, 276
reticular activating system and, 44, 428, 608
selective attention and, 275, 286–87
thalamus and, 608
valence and, 433–34
arousal-enhanced memory effect, 445
articulation of speech, 497–98
artificial intelligence, 111, 484–85, 486
artificial lesioning, 113, 245
artificial limbs, 97–98
artificial neural networks, 13
aspartate, 33
Asperger's syndrome, 561
association cortex, 47, 52, 56–58, 67, 128, 129, 422
association motor areas, 336–37
association tracts, 39
associationism, 11–12, 14, 20
associative agnosia, 240–41, 241–45
associative learning, 393, 394
associative LTP, 417–18
associative memory, 512–13
asthma, 415
astrocytes, 35–36, 63
astrocytoma, 507–8
AT, see anterior temporal (AT) system
ataxia, 333, 371
atherosclerosis, 79
Atkins, Daryl Renard, 635–36
Atkinson, Richard, 385–86
ATP, see adenosine triphosphate
access-consciousness and, 616
anatomy of, 275, 276, 279–80, 466
control of, 312, 323, 584
emotional stimuli and, 446–47, 455
emotional style and, 456
information processing and, 76, 140–41, 142–44, 152, 160
medial frontal cortex and, 550–52
models of, 280–85
neural mechanisms of, and perceptual selection, 295–311
neural mechanisms of and perceptual selection
feature attention, 301–5, 301–8
object attention, 308–9
reflexive spatial attention, 295–97
review of, 309–11
visual search, 297–301
voluntary spatial attention, 285–95
neuropsychology of, 275–80
odor cues and, 76, 140–41, 142–44, 152, 160
RAS and, 608
selection of task-relevant information and, 535
sources and sites of, 312
see also selective attention
attention bias, 276–77, 278, 280
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 276
attentional blink, 446, 456
attentional control networks, 275, 311–22
dorsal attention network, 313–18
subcortical components of, 319–22
ventral right attention network, 318–19
attentional hierarchy hypothesis, 550–52
attentional orienting, 57, 160, 280, 321
attentional priming of sensory cortex, 313, 314
attentional reorienting, 319, 320, 584
attentional spotlight, 285, 294, 296, 300, 616
anatomical structure for, 164
computational goals in, 170–72
importance of, 167
neural pathways of, 168–70
range differences for, 165, 168–69
auditory agnosia, 238
auditory association area (A2), see secondary auditory areas
auditory attention, 281–82, 285, 286–87
auditory canal, 168
auditory cortex
auditory pathway and, 168, 172, 286
brain anatomy and, 56, 57
ERP and, 101
fear conditioning and, 446
language and, 474
MMF and, 385
tonotopic maps and, 97, 98
see also primary auditory cortex; secondary auditory areas
auditory driving, 209, 210
auditory evoked potentials (AEPs), 101, 541, 542
auditory functions, 44, 45, 46
auditory information transfer, 136
auditory nerve, see cochlear nerve
auditory pathway, 164, 167, 168–70, 172, 286
auditory-pattern processing, 224
auditory perception, 170–72, 210, 211
auditory processing, 56, 101, 155, 224, 473
auditory receptor cells, 27
auditory stimuli restricted to one ear, 151
auditory system, 166
see also audition
autism and autism spectrum disorders
amygdala and, 452
cortical organization and, 128
eye gaze and, 587–88, 592
face perception and, 247
mental state attribution and, 586–91, 592
social cognition deficits of, 561–63, 602
autonomic functions, 43–44, 174, 429
autonomic nervous system (ANS), 38, 39, 46, 428, 561
autoreceptors on presynaptic neurons, 34–35
axial section of brain, 41
Index | I-3
axon collaterals, 26, 27
axon hillocks, 30, 31
axon terminals
in cortex, 50
neuron structure and, 25, 26
neuronal signaling and, 30, 31, 32
synaptic transmission and, 33, 35
in cortex, 50
cortical plasticity and, 184
DTI and, 93–95
length of, 37
myelination of, 36
neuron structure and, 9, 25, 26
neuronal signaling and, 27, 30, 31, 32, 131
white matter and, 39, 40, 50
see also mossy fibers
Azevedo, Frederico, 58
BA, see Brodmann areas
backward referral hypothesis, 619
bacteriorhodopsin, 71
Baddeley, Alan, 387–88
Bailey, Percival, 8
balance, 44, 332, 334
Bálint, Rezső, 274
Bálint’s syndrome, 273–74, 276, 279–80, 312
Bannerman, D. M., 419–20
Bard, Philip, 435
barn owls, 170–72
Baron-Cohen, Simon, 562
Barrett, Lisa, 436
basal forebrain, 608
basal ganglia
brain anatomy and, 45, 47–49
disorders of, 80–81, 86, 96, 320, 328, 358–62, 391
dopamine system and, 510
emotion and, 428, 430
goal-oriented behavior and, 509
Leborgne's brain and, 473
LTP and, 416–17
memory and, 390
motor skills learning and, 391
motor system structure and control and, 329, 330, 332, 333–34, 335, 337
movement initiation and, 356–63, 547
neglect and, 279
neuron firing rates in, 96
prefrontal cortex connections to, 510
shifting functions of, 360–61
speech production and, 498
basal nucleus of amygdala, 437, 438
basic emotions and facial expressions, 430, 431–32, 433, 434
basilar membrane, 168, 172
basolateral nuclear complex of amygdala, 437
bats, 169, 170
Baumeister, Roy, 629
BBB, see blood-brain barrier
Beer, Jennifer, 571–72, 576, 594
brain association with, 6–7, 13, 20
connectivity and, 111, 112–13, 114
mental states and, 628–30
predictions of (criminal), 637
social layer and, 631
behavioral response, 430, 434, 437
behaviorism, 12, 13, 14
and behavior, 621, 623, 624, 628–29, 630, 631
and the law, 636
Bell, Joshua, 208
Belyaev, Dmitry, 639
benefits of attention, 284–85, 308
benign tumors, 79–80
Berger, Hans, 14–15
Berkum, Jos van, 491
Bernard, Claude, 10
Berns, Greg, 357–58
Berntson, Gary, 460
Berridge, Kent, 531
Berry, Halle, 98, 99, 235, 262
Bestmann, S., 298
beta-amyloid plaques, 106–7, 110
Betz, Vladimir, 8, 54
Betz's cells, 54
Bianchi, Leonardo, 511
biased competition model, 291–93
BIC, see binding of items and contents model
biceps, 330, 331, 342–43
bicuculline, 321
big brain theory, 58–59
bimanual movement coordination, 348–49, 350–51, 373–74
Binder, Jeffrey, 483, 484, 485, 495
binding of items and contents model (BIC), 406, 411–12
biogenic amines, 33, 34, 35, 68
biological motion, 442
biosocial model of violence, 600
bipedalism and handedness, 156
bipolar neurons, 9, 173, 176, 186, 187, 188
birds, 153, 165
Bisiach, Eduardo, 277–78
Bisley, James, 317–18
bits and chunks of information, 386
bitter flavor, 178–79
Bizzi, Emilio, 339–40
bladder contraction, 39
Blair, James, 449–50
blank slate, brain as, 11, 12
blastula, 60
blindfolding experiments, 214, 215
blindness, 206, 213–15, 260, 261, 501
blindsight, 610–13
Bliss, T. V. P., 416–17
blobs in visual cortex, 193
Bloch, Felix, 17
Block, Ned, 609, 610
block design experiment, 108–10
block design task, 122–23, 139, 150
block detector, 17
blood-brain barrier (BBB), 35, 36, 63, 87
blood flow in the brain
functional activity and, 15, 17, 18
measuring, 15, 16, 17–18, 79, 105–10
metabolic demand and, 61
TBI and, 81
blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD)
contrast, 18
see also functional magnetic resonance imaging
blood pressure and cerebral vascular disorders, 79
blood vessels, 36
Bloom, Paul, 500
Blumstein, Sheila, 483–84
BMI, see brain-machine interface
body of corpus callosum, 128
body part recognition, 258, 261
Bogen, Joseph, 121
Böhm, Gisela, 449
Bohr, Niels, 626
BOLD, see blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) contrast
Bonin, Gerhardt von, 8
bonobos, 501, 622, 640
Boria, Sonia, 590–91
bottlenecks in information processing, 282, 283, 285
bottom-up attention hypothesis, 412
bottom-up processes, 280, 285, 292, 312
Boyden, Ed, 72
bradykinesia, 358, 363
Braille, Louis, 214
Braille reading, 214
anatomy of
brainstem, 43–45
cerebral cortex, 49–58
cerebral hemispheres, 124, 125–33
diencephalon, 45–46
motor skills and, 373–74
navigational terms for, 41
perception and, 201
telencephalon, 47–49
ventral view, 4
ventricles, 42
behavior associated with, 6–7, 13, 20
as blank slate, 11, 12
blood supply and, 61, 79
CNS and, 37–38, 39
development of, 62–67
electrical stimulation mapping of, 488
evolution of, 4–5, 59, 68, 124, 127–28
history of research on, 5–10
imaging of, 16–19
levels of organization of, 627
measuring blood flow in, 15, 16, 17
organization and mapping of, 6, 7, 54–56, 57
plasticity of, 86, 139, 150, 181–84, 214, 215
regions of, 4, 5, 6–8
size of, 58–59, 67, 92–93
structural analysis of, 91–95
brain damage
attention and, 275–80
behavior and, 6–8
to frontal lobe, 54
language deficits and, 472–75
neuronal growth and, 66
to parietal lobe, 54
strokes and, 7, 79, 80
see also neurological dysfunction
brain function
blood flow and, 15, 17
evolution and, 4–5
localization of, 6–8, 10
MRI and, 17, 18
brain graph theory, 73
brain graphs and neuroimaging, 110–11
brain-gut peptides, see tachykinins
I-4 | Index
brain layers, interaction between, 624, 630, 631
brain lesions, 79–83
brain-machine interface (BMI), 352–56
brain maps for mind reading, 266
brain networks, see brain graphs and neuroimaging
brain scans, 112, 632, 634–35
brain tumors, 16, 79–80, 82, 102, 103
interaction between, 631
sensitivity to environmental factors, 634
variations among and within, 632, 634
AEPs and, 101
brain anatomy and, 40, 43–45, 48
cochlear nuclei in, 168
consciousness and, 607–8
emotion and, 449
motor system structure and, 329, 330, 332
sensory nerves and, 164–65
sound localization in barn owl and, 171, 172
strokes and, 79
brainstem nuclei, 332, 337, 341, 510, 526
Braitenberg, V., 112–13
Broadbent, Donald, 283, 285
Broca, Paul, 7, 8, 20, 47, 472
Broca's aphasia, 7, 8, 84, 472–75, 498, 503
Broca's area
anatomy of, 330, 335, 471, 473
damage to, 472–73
gestural language and, 501
hemispheric asymmetry and, 126–27, 133
history of cognitive neuroscience and, 7, 8
KE family and, 503
Lichteim's model and, 474
linguistic processing stages in, 498, 499
speech movements and, 330, 335, 337
stimulation mapping and, 488
syntactic processing and, 492, 493
unification and, 496
Brodmann, Korbinian, 8, 20, 51–52, 57
Brodmann areas
BA4, 335, 337
BA6, 335, 336, 337, 496, 550
BA8, 335, 337, 550
BA9, 496
BA17 (see primary visual cortex)
BA18, 52, 56, 392
BA19, 56, 392
BA22, 56, 155, 493, 495
BA28, 398
BA34, 398
BA35, 398
BA36, 398
BA40, 388
BA41, 56
BA42, 56
BA44, 335, 388–89, 410, 496, 498, 501, 502
BA45, 410, 496, 499
BA46, 410
BA47, 496
BA1, BA2, and BA3, 180
bronchi constriction and dilation, 39
Brown, Colin, 491, 492, 494
Brown, Malcolm, 404
Brown, Thomas Graham, 338
Brownell, Gordon, 16
bruit, 15
Bucy, Paul, 438
Bunge, Mario, 629, 631
butterfly effect, 625
CA1 region of hippocampus, 395, 396, 398, 399, 415, 416, 419
CA3 region of hippocampus, 399, 416, 417, 419
Cabeza, Roberto, 409, 410
Cacioppo, Stephanie (Ortigue), 462
Caenorhabditis elegans, 110
calcarine cortex, 52
calcarine fissure, 56, 611
calcium ions, 25, 29, 32, 33, 168, 418, 419
California Institute for Telecommunication
and Information Technology, 452
Call, Josep, 623
callosotomy, 86, 121, 133–35, 160, 350–51
see also split-brain research
Cannon, Walter, 435
Cannon-Bard Theory, 435
Canton, Richard, 14
Capgras' syndrome, 620
Caplan, David, 492
capsaicin, 176
Caramazza, Alfonso, 478
carbon dioxide, 36, 176
carbon monoxide intoxication, 225, 227
Carmena, Jose, 353–55
Carpenter, Malinda, 623
"Case of the Colorblind Painter, The" (Sacks), 242
CAT scanning (computerized axial tomography), see CT scanning
catecholamine-O-methyltransferase (COMT), 116, 117, 514
catecholamines, 33, 34
category-based organization, 244, 245
category discrimination test, 612, 613
category-specific deficits in object recognition, 241–45, 261, 477–79
category-specific systems, 258–61, 263
see also facial recognition
cats, 169
Cattaneo, Luigi, 589–90
cauda equina, 40
caudal end of brain, 41
caudate nucleus
brain anatomy and, 47–49
cooperation and, 598
Delgado's bull and, 23
empathy and, 580
KE family and, 503
love and, 462
motor control and, 333–34, 356
neurogenesis in, 65–66
causal inference, 148, 153
causal perception, 148–49, 153
causal reasoning, 148–49
causation and behavior, 629–31
causation and correlation, 92–93, 110, 158, 251
cause and effect, interpreter and, 620–21, 623
Cavanaugh, J., 294
cell bodies of neurons
gray matter and, 39, 50
neuron structure and, 24, 25, 26, 27
neuronal signaling and, 30, 35
cell stains, 8–9
cellular architecture, see cytoarchitectonics
center-out task, 342, 343, 353–55, 368
central canal of spinal cord, 38, 40, 42
central executive mechanism, 387–88
central gyrus, 337
central nervous system (CNS)
blood-brain barrier and, 36
myelin formation in, 36
oxygen consumption by, 105
prefrontal cortex coordination of, 509–10
structure of, 37–38, 38–39
central nucleus of amygdala, 437, 438, 440–41
central pattern generators, 337–38, 341
central representation of movement plans, 338–40, 341
central sulcus, 49, 50, 51, 53–54, 97, 337, 509
centromedial complex of amygdala, 438
cephalic flexure, 62
cerebellar cortex, 44, 332, 334
cerebellar peduncles, 5, 43, 44, 45
cerebellomedullary cistern, 42
anatomy of, 43, 44, 45
damage to, 7, 368, 369, 372–73, 376
development of, 62
error-based learning and, 368, 369–70, 371, 375
forward models and, 371–73
happiness and, 461
KE family and, 503
LTP and, 416–17
memory and, 390
motor system structure and control and, 44, 45, 329–30, 332–35, 337
number of neurons in, 58
prefrontal cortex connections to, 510
Purkinje cells of, 9, 25, 90
sensorimotor adaptation and, 369–70
somatosensory information and, 180
speech production and, 498
thalamus and, 45
timing and, 372–73, 375
cerebral aqueduct, 42, 44
cerebral arteriosclerosis, 79
cerebral cortex, 49–59
Alzheimer's disease and, 81
anatomical asymmetries in, 125–28, 133
anatomy of, 49–51
attention and, 274, 275, 279–80, 312, 313–18, 322
brainstem connections with, 45
cellular organization of, 8
consciousness and, 607, 608
cytoarchitectonic divisions of, 51–53
development of, 62–64, 66–67, 68
functional divisions of, 53–58
infarct in, 79
layers of neurons in, 38–39, 40, 52–53
see also cortical layers
LTP and, 416–17
measuring electrical activity of, 14–15
motor system structure and control and, 329–30, 332, 334–37, 341
MRI and, 93, 94
Index | I-5
sensorimotor learning and, 368–70
size of, 58–59
somatosensory information and, 180
thalamus and, 45–46
topographic organization of, 7
cerebral hemispheres, 6, 49–50
see also hemispheric specialization
cerebral hemorrhage, 79, 80
cerebral specializations, 132
cerebral vascular accidents, see strokes
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 38, 42, 91, 92
cerebrum, 47–49
cervical flexure, 62
cervical roots, 43
Chabris, Chris, 616–17
channelrhodopsin, 71
channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR-2), 72–73
chaos theory, 625, 631
chaotic systems, 625
Chapin, John, 352–53
chemical senses, 176, 179
chemical synapses, 32–35
chemical transmission between neurons, 27, 32–35
Cheney, Dorothy, 500
Cherry, E. C., 281–82, 283
chess, learning to play, 616–17
childhood disintegrative disorder, 561
children as eyewitnesses, 633
chimpanzees, 501, 502, 622, 623, 639, 640
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, 71
chloride ions, 25, 27, 28, 29, 42
chocolate, 178, 179
Chomsky, Noam, 14, 20, 490, 500, 501, 502
chorda tympani nerve, 176, 177
chorea, 358
choroid plexus, 42
ChR-2, see channelrhodopsin-2
chronometric methodology, 76, 283
chunking of information, 386
Chura, Linda, 133
Churchland, Mark, 345–46
Cikara, Mina, 580
CIMT, see constraint-induced movement therapy
cingulate cortex, 447
see also anterior cingulate cortex; posterior cingulate cortex
cingulate gyrus, 47, 53, 428–29, 430, 461, 462, 608
circadian rhythms, 46
circumvallate papillae, 177
Cisek, Paul, 347–48
cisterns of brain, 38, 42
C.K. (visual agnosia case study), 239–40, 254, 255
Claparède, Édouard, 439, 442, 443
classical conditioning, 393, 394, 439, 446, 454
classical model of language, 470, 474
claustrum, 5
closed head injuries, 81
C.L.T. (blindsightedness case study), 611–12
C.N. (auditory agnosia case study), 238
CNS, see central nervous system
coarticulation of speech sounds, 482
cocaine, 531, 548
coccyx, 40
cochlea, 56, 97, 101, 168, 169, 172, 286
cochlear nerve, 101, 164, 168, 169, 170
cochlear nuclei, 168, 169, 172, 286
cocktail party effect, 281–82, 285, 286, 287
cognition, 4, 13
cognitive control
decision making and (see decision making)
deficits of, 510–11
defined, 508, 511
of emotion, 455–59
frontal lobe and, 57
goal-based (see goal-based cognitive control)
goal-oriented behavior and (see goal-oriented behavior)
goal planning, 532–39
in language comprehension, 496
prefrontal cortex and, 508–20
working memory and, 508, 511, 512–19
W.R. (case study), 507–8, 510
cognitive neuroscience
combining methods for study of, 74, 114–17, 118
as term, 4, 20
cognitive processing, 10, 44, 76
cognitive psychology, 74–78, 83
cognitive resource sharing, 143–44
cognitive shifting experiment, 360–61
cognitive subtraction method, 18–19
Cohen, Jonathan, 553
Cohen, Laurent, 487
Cohen, Neal, 407
coincidence detector, 171–72
Colby, Carol, 150
colliculi, 44
color attention, 302–3, 308
color-blindness, 201
color perception, 190, 194, 195, 199–200, 201–3, 207
colored-grapheme synesthesia, 212, 213
colored-hearing, 212, 213
coma, 267–68, 608
commissures, 39, 128–29, 130
see also anterior commissure; posterior commissure
communication through decoders, 267, 268–69
compensatory strategies, 85
competition between movement goals, 347, 349, 350–51, 352, 549
complex emotions, 430, 432–33, 434
complex systems, 626, 628–31, 644
computed tomography (CT or CAT scanning), 15–16, 83, 91–92, 95, 327–28
computer modeling, 111–14
computer science and psychology, 14
COMT, see catecholamine-O-methyltransferase
concentration gradients across membranes, 29, 30
concentric center-surround organization, 191–92
conceptual act model, 436
conceptual information, representation of, 474, 477–80, 481
conceptual level of action, 340–41
conceptual priming, 392
concussions, 81
conditional neurotransmitters, 34
conditioned response (CR), 393, 394, 439, 440, 442–43, 454
conditioned stimulus (CS), 393, 439, 440, 442–43, 446, 454, 527–29
conduction aphasia, 474, 475
cones, 185, 186, 187
conflict monitoring, 553–55, 556
congenital blindness, 260, 261
congenital prosopagnosia, 246
conjunction, 610
conjunction search, 299, 300
connection loops, 608
connectionist model for letter recognition, 485–86
autism and changes in, 586
behavior and, 111, 112–13, 114
conscious experience, see consciousness
conscious processing, 609, 610, 613–20
consciousness, 606, 608–23, 644
anatomy of, 607–8
conscious and unconscious processing, 610–15
core, 607, 608
defined, 609, 618
extended, 607, 608
gaining access to, 615–18
interpreter and, 159, 620–23
left- and right-hemisphere, 621
as level of brain organization, 630
neural activity and, 618–20
in nonhuman primates, 622–23
split brain research and, 159, 620
consequentialism, 606, 636–37
consolidation of learning and memory, 381, 382, 394, 413–15, 416, 445–46
constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT), 336
constructivist theories, 436
contention scheduling, 549
decision making and, 522, 530
word recognition and, 489–90, 493
contextual fear learning, 401
contextual learning and memory, 399–402, 419
contralateral connections, 130
convergence in nervous system, 37
conversation, 631
cooperation, 598, 623, 639, 640–42, 643
copying images test, 277, 278
Corballis, Michael, 501
Corballis, Paul, 149
Corbetta, Maurizio, 303–4, 313, 318–19
core affect, 436, 461, 464
core consciousness, 607, 608
Coricelli, Georgio, 449
Corkin, Suzanne, 394–95
coronal section of brain, 41
corpus callosum
bimanual coordination and, 373, 374
brain anatomy and, 43, 45, 47, 48, 51, 124, 133
CNS structure and, 39
cognitive control and, 510
conscious experience and, 159
emotion and, 428, 429
facial expressions and, 140
I-6 | Index
function of, 129–33
interhemispheric communication and, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135–36, 150
motor planning and, 349
sex-based asymmetry, 132–33
somatosensory information and, 180
surgical severing of, 86, 121, 132, 133–34, 160, 350–51
see also split-brain research
corpus striatum, 5
corrective neural activity, 619–20
correlation and causation, 92–93, 110, 158, 251
cortical blindness, 159
cortical columns, 53, 64, 67, 126–27
cortical layers, 52, 53, 60, 62–63, 64
cortical multisensory integration, 210–11, 212
cortical neurons, 37
cortical nucleus of amygdala, 438
cortical plasticity, 181–84, 214, 215, 446
cortical plate, 63, 64
cortical reorganization, 213–15, 216
cortical stimulation mapping, 488
cortical topography, 55
cortical visual areas, see visual areas
corticobulbar tract, 337
corticocortical connections, 37, 49–50, 214, 337
corticofugal projections, 37
corticospinal motor axons, 43
corticospinal tract (CST), 334–35, 337, 341
see also pyramidal tract
corticothalamic connections, 37
corticotropin-releasing hormone, 33–34, 438
cortisol, 415, 446
Coryell, Charles, 17
Cosmides, Leda, 436, 641–42
cost and decision making, 522–23
cost-benefit analysis, 447, 555
costs of attention, 284–85, 308
countercoups, 81, 82–83
coup-contra-coup injuries, 559–60
coups, 81, 82
Courchesne, Eric, 586
covert attention, 275, 280–81, 282, 285, 287, 289–90, 293
CR, see conditioned response
Craik, Fergus, 563
cranial nerve ganglia, 180
cranial nerves, 43–45, 140, 141, 164, 332, 337
Crick, Francis, 71–72, 73, 294
criminal behavior, see law
cross-modal capture effects, 208
crystallized intelligence, 514
CS, see conditioned stimulus
CSF, see cerebrospinal fluid
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 461
CST, see corticospinal tract
CT scanning (computed tomography), 15–16, 83, 91–92, 95, 327–28, 508
cue invariance, 233
cuing tasks and paradigms methods, 284–85, 296, 300, 301, 302
see also spatial cuing task
cuneate nuclei, 43
Cunningham, William, 453
Cushing's syndrome, 415
Cutler, Anne, 482
cyclotrons, 16–17
cytoarchitectonics, 8, 51–53, 57
cytoplasm, 24–25, 27–28, 30, 35, 36
cytoskeleton, 24
Dale, Anders, 291
Dalmatian illusion, 282
Damasio, Antonio, 447–48, 465, 607, 618
Darwin, Charles, 430, 431, 432–33, 500
Davidson, Richard, 157, 434, 456
Davis, Mike, 440
Davis, Richard Allen, 605–6, 636
Dax, Marc, 7
Dayan, Peter, 113–14
D.B. (memory case study), 567
DBS, see deep-brain stimulation
De Martino, Benedetto, 597
de Quervain, Dominique, 642
deafness, 501, 502
decay of information, 385
Decety, Jean, 579
decision making, 520–32
amygdala and, 466, 597
cognitive control and, 510
dopamine and, 510, 526–32
emotion and, 447–49, 455, 597–99
explore vs. exploit, 525–26
genetic effects on, 116, 117
insula and, 460
orbitofrontal cortex and, 597, 599
prosocial, 598
search for causal relationships and, 148
social knowledge and, 595–96
theories and classification of, 520–21
value and, 521–25, 528, 530, 532, 595–96
decision variable, 525
declarative memory, 380–81, 389–90, 391, 392–94, 412, 445
decoder adaptation in BMI, 353–54, 356
decoding, 261–69, 270
decremental conduction, 30, 32
deep-brain stimulation (DBS), 86, 362, 363, 547–48
deep cerebellar nuclei, 44, 332, 334
deep dyslexia, 477
default mode network, 411–12, 413, 553, 568–70, 575, 588, 592
degenerative disorders of the CNS, 80–81
Dehaene, Stanislas, 487
Deisseroth, Karl, 72
delay conditioning, 393
delayed nonmatch-to-sample task, 398, 399, 400, 402
delayed-response tasks, 512, 513, 515, 516–17, 520, 541–42
Delgado, Jose, 23, 24, 27
Dell, Gary, 498
Delton, Andrew, 641–42
demons (in pandemonium model), 484–85, 486
demyelination, 101
in cortex, 50
neuron structure and, 9, 25–26, 27
neuronal signaling and, 30, 31, 35, 131
dendritic branching, 127
dendritic spines, 26, 33, 416, 418
dendritic tree, 25, 59
denervation hypersensitivity, 184
dense amnesia, 567
dentate gyrus, 65–66, 415, 416, 417, 419
dentate nucleus, 44
deoxyhemoglobin, 107
dependent variables, 75
depolarization of membrane, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 418
cortisol and, 415
emotional regulation and, 459
frontal lobotomies and, 564–65
hemispheric asymmetries and, 157
neuroanatomical model of, 464
depth perception, 223
Descartes, René, 10–11, 12
descending motor signals, 331, 332, 334, 337, 338, 341
Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 500
descriptive decision theories, 521
Desimone, Robert, 288–89, 291–92
D'Esposito, Mark, 542–43
determinism, 624–25, 629, 631, 638, 644
DeWitt, Iain, 483
D.F. (visual agnosia case study), 225–27
Diamond, Adele, 513
dichotic listening task, 151, 152, 281–82, 286, 287
dichotomies in hemispheric function, 155–56
dichromats, 201
diencephalon, 43, 45–46, 62, 395, 396, 412
diffusion of neurotransmitters, 34, 35
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 93–95, 111, 128, 134, 213, 546–47, 550–51
digestive functions, 39
digit span tests, 383, 384, 386, 388
direct pathway in basal ganglia, 356, 357–58, 359, 363
directional tuning, 199–200, 342, 344–46, 348, 349, 353–55
disappointment, 449
disgust, 460–61
associated brain areas, 429, 430, 460–61, 463, 465, 466
empathy and, 577
facial expressions for, 426, 431, 432, 577
disjunction, 610
distance perception, 339
distributed representations, 415
divergence in nervous system, 37
divided attention, 303–4, 551
DLPFC, see dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
dog whistle, 165
dogs, 165, 167, 639–40
domestication of animals, 639–41
Donders, Franciscus, 10, 18
Donoghue, John, 355
amygdala and, 438
aversive events and, 530
blood brain barrier and, 36
classification of, 33
cortical plasticity and, 184, 531
decision making and, 510, 526–32
genetics and, 514
learning and, 49, 87–88, 370, 514, 528, 530–32
movement initiation and, 356, 357, 358, 361–62, 363
Index | I-7
MPTP and, 328
outlook and, 456
prefrontal cortex and, 514
reinforcement and, 361, 528–30, 531
reuptake of, 34
schizophrenia and, 115, 514
dopamine receptors, 88, 356, 357, 358, 359, 526, 531
dopamine-related genes, 117
dopaminergic neurons
decision making and, 526–32
motors learning and, 370
MPTP and, 83, 328
Parkinson's disease and, 80, 358, 391
dopaminergic pathways, 356, 357, 358, 370, 375, 526
dorsal columns, 40, 181
dorsal frontoparietal attention network, 312, 313–18, 319, 322
dorsal horn, 40, 42, 181
dorsal nerve root, 40, 331, 332, 338
dorsal (occipitoparietal) stream, 222, 224–28, 229, 289, 364, 502
dorsal premotor cortex (PMd), 336
dorsal-root ganglia, 40, 180
dorsal striatum, 510, 514, 526, 532, 551, 642
dorsal surface of body and brain, 41
dorsal temporopolar cortex (DTPC), 412
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)
brain anatomy and, 53, 54
cognitive control and, 496, 518, 524
decision making and, 598, 638, 643
fairness and, 642
language comprehension and, 496
social cognition and, 561, 562
wine connoisseurs and, 179
dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, 430, 569, 582
double dissociation
auditory recognition studies and, 224
for declarative and nondeclarative memory, 392, 443
defined, 84
for encoding, 406
hemispheric specialization studies and, 139, 140, 149, 152
lesion approach and, 85, 86
in sensorimotor adaptation, 369–70
for short-term and long-term memory, 387
visual perception studies and, 206–7
Doyle, J., 630
DRD4 gene, 116, 117
dream interpretation, 267
Driver, Jon, 539, 544–45
Dronkers, Nina, 472, 493
drug addiction, 362
drug studies, see pharmacological studies
DTI, see diffusion tensor imaging
DTPC, see dorsal temporopolar cortex
dualism, 609
Duchaine, Brad, 259
Duchenne de Boulogne, 431, 451
Duchenne smile, 451
Duncan, John, 291–92, 308
Dunker, Rainer, 536
dura mater, 38, 43
dynamic filtering, 535, 538, 539
dynamic instability, 625
dysarthria, 472, 474, 496
dyslexia, 126, 128
dystonia, 362
eagles, 167
eardrum, see tympanic membrane
early selection model of information processing, 283, 285, 286, 287, 311, 323
EBA, see extrastriate body area
Ebbinghaus, Hermann, 12, 200
Ebbinghaus illusion, 200, 201
eccentricity, 196
echoic memory, 384–85, 393
echolalia, 474
echolocation, 170
ECoG, see electrocortogram
Economo, Constantin von, 8
ECT, see electroconvulsive therapy
ectoderm, 60, 67
edges, detection of, 191–92, 289
edges in brain graphs, 110
Edwards, Roy, 16
E.E. (memory case study), 387
EEG, see electroencephalography
effectors, 330, 335, 337, 338, 349
efferent nerves, 331
efferent outputs from neural circuits, 37, 40
effort and decision making, 522, 523
effort-based decision making, 88
Egly, R., 308
Einstein (robot), 452
Einthoven, Willem, 14
Ekman, Paul, 431, 432, 433, 435
Elbert, Thomas, 183
electric torpedo fish, 89
electrical brain-mapping, 134
see also topographic organization and mapping
electrical gradient across membrane, 29, 32
electrical potential across membranes, 27, 68
electrical synapses, 32, 35
electrical transmission
between neurons, 35
within neurons, 9, 10, 27–32
electrochemical equilibrium, 29
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 413–14
electrocortogram (ECoG), 102–4
electroencephalography (EEG), 98–100
affective stimuli and, 157
approach-avoidance brain activity and, 587
brain networks and, 111
decoding and, 262
emotional regulation and, 455–56
epilepsy and, 81–82, 83, 100
ERP and, 100–102
facial recognition and, 250–51, 253
history of, 14–15
MEG and ECoG compared to, 102–4
as method for study of neural function, 98–100, 102, 104
N400 response and, 490–91
semantic representation and, 478–79
electromagnetic spectrum, 165
electromyogram (EMG), 331, 456
electrons in orbit, 625
electrotonic conduction, 30, 32
elephants, 168–69
embodied cognition or awareness, 364, 578
embryonic development, 60, 62
emergence, 626–27, 631
EMG, see electromyogram
EMI (electronics firm), 16
anatomy of, 428
autonomic nervous system and, 38
basic, 430, 431–32, 433, 434
case studies
E.V.R., 447
S.M., 425–27, 429, 438, 449, 450–52
S.P., 442–43, 452–53
categorization of, 430–34
cognitive control of, 455–59
cognitive processes and, 438–55
decision making, 447–49, 455
learning, 439–46
perception and attention, 446–47, 455
social stimuli, 449–54
complex, 430, 432–33, 434
decision making and, 597–99
defined, 427
dimensions of, 430, 433–34
early concepts of, 428–29
emerging concepts of, 429–30
generation of, 430, 434–37
limbic system and, 49, 428–29
odor cues and, 174
emotional learning, 439–46
emotional memory, 397, 399, 402
emotional prosody, 139, 152, 452, 463
emotional reactivity hypothesis, 639, 643
emotional regulation, 455–59
emotional state transfer, 147
emotional stimulus, 430
emotional style, 456
empathic accuracy, 573
defined, 576, 592
emotion and, 461
modulation of, 579–80
neural basis for, 366
perception-action model of, 576–77, 592
theory of mind and, 576–80
empiricism, 10, 11, 20
encoding models, 263–66, 267, 269
encoding neural activity, 262–63
encoding of learning and memory, 381, 382, 402–4, 406–7, 445
end feet of astrocytes, 36
endocrine system, 46, 561
endoderm, 60
endogenous cuing, 284, 297
endoplasmic reticulum, 24, 25
endorphins, 34
endpoint control, 340
Endress, Ansgar, 574–75
energy, 27, 29
Enigma pattern, 199
enkephalins, 34
ensemble coding hypothesis, 235, 236
entorhinal cortex
anatomy of memory and, 382
hippocampus and, 416, 417
limbic system and, 47
medial temporal lobe memory system and, 394, 395, 398, 399, 401
retrieval of memories and, 405, 407, 413
I-8 | Index
surgical removal of, 379
enzymatic breakdown of neurotransmitters, 34, 35
ependymal cell layer, 62, 63
abnormal brain activity and, 81–82, 83
EEG and, 100
Montreal procedure for treating, 13
surgical intervention for, 85–86, 98, 102, 125, 133–34, 379–80, 392, 442
topographic mapping and, 7
epinephrine, 33, 34
episodic memory
amygdala and, 397
anterograde amnesia and, 391
computer modeling and, 113–14
consolidation and, 414, 415
cortical plasticity and, 184
defined, 390, 394
encoding and retrieval of, 154–55, 404–7, 410, 413
EPSPs, see excitatory postsynaptic potentials
Epstein, Russell, 258
equilibrium potential, 31
ERFs, see event-related fields
ERN, see error-related negativity (ERN) response
ERP, see event-related potential
error-based learning, 368, 369–70, 371, 375
error detection hypothesis, 552–54, 555
error-related negativity (ERN) response, 552–53, 555
escape reflex of invertebrates, 35
Esteky, Hossein, 251
estrogen receptors, 438
Ethical Brain, The (Gazzaniga), 601
evaluative processing, 460
event-related design, 108–10
event-related fields (ERFs), 102, 103
event-related potential (ERP)
definition and overview of, 100–102, 104
echoic memory and, 384–85
encoding of information and, 402
ERN and, 552–53, 555
FEF stimulation, 316
language study and, 470, 487, 490–93, 494
multimodal processing and, 210
social cognition and, 567, 573–74, 579
spatial and feature attention and, 302–3, 305–7
spatial attention and, 285–88, 290, 293, 295, 297, 299
visual search and, 300–301
brain and, 4–5, 59, 68, 124, 127–28
decision making and, 521
face perception and, 246, 258, 270
of language, 500–2
evolutionary psychology approach to emotion generation, 436
E.V.R. (OFC damage case study), 447, 560
excitation of postsynaptic cell, 32, 34
excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), 30, 31, 34, 35, 358, 416–17
executive attention, 551, 579
executive control systems, 312
executive function, 54, 579
see also cognitive control
exogenous cuing, 296, 297
experience sharing system theory, see simulation theory
experimental psychology, 10, 11
expertise, 251–52, 254, 373–74
explicit emotional learning, 443–46, 466
explicit matching task, 225–26
explicit memory, see declarative memory
explore vs. exploit, 525–26
Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals, The (Darwin), 431
extended consciousness, 607, 608
exteroceptive perception, 184
extinction, 278–79, 280, 440, 448, 464, 528
extracellular fluid, 25, 27–28
extrapyramidal tracts, 332, 333, 335, 337
extrastriate body area (EBA), 258–59, 261
extrastriate visual cortex
brain anatomy and, 56, 57
connectivity patterns of, 189
feature attention and, 304, 305, 311
plasticity of, 183–84
spatial attention and, 288, 291, 292, 295
tactile perception and, 115
see also secondary visual areas; visual areas
anatomy of, 185
emotional expressions and, 451–52, 455
eye-centered reference frame, 349
eye gaze, 452, 563, 585–86, 587–88, 592
see also gaze direction
eye movements
association motor areas and, 337
Bálint’s syndrome and, 279
face perception and, 450–51
motor planning and, 349
neglect and, 276–77
optic ataxia and, 228
pons and, 44
relational memory and, 407, 408
superior colliculi and, 56, 206, 209–10, 357
vestibulo-ocular reflex and, 332, 334
see also saccades
eyeblink conditioning, 372–73
eyeblink startle reflex, 456
eyewitness testimony, 633
F5 in monkeys, 501, 502
face, sensation and motor control of, 43, 44, 45, 140, 141, 164
face cells, 248, 249, 261
faceblindness, see prosopagnosia
facial anesthesia, 431
facial expressions
basic emotions and, 431–32, 433, 434
generation of, 140, 156
mindblindness and, 562–63
monkeys and, 502
recognition and identification of, 449–52, 455
facial feedback hypothesis, 461–62
facial nerve, 141, 164, 176, 177
facial nucleus, 140, 141
facial perception in infants, 573–74
facial recognition, 246–58
autism and, 247
brain regions involved in, 248–53
failure of (see prosopagnosia)
hemispheric specialization and, 138, 139–40, 152
holistic processing and, 255–58, 270
object recognition compared to, 253–58
patient P. T. and, 163, 203
working memory and, 516–17
fairness, innate sense of, 637–38, 641–42, 643
false-belief tasks, 145–46, 574–75, 582–84, 586, 587
false memories, 409, 633
familiarity memory, 84, 404–7, 412, 413
Faraday, Michael, 17
Farah, Martha, 244–45, 248, 257, 260–61, 478, 595
fastigial nucleus, 44
fatigue, 49
faux pas task, 593–94
FBA, see fusiform body area
amygdala and, 425–27, 429, 438, 440, 448, 450, 451
appraisal theory and, 435
as basic emotion, 431, 432
Cannon-Bard Theory and, 435
conceptual act model and, 436
evolutionary psychology approach and, 436
facial expression of, 450–51
functional role of, 464
James-Lange Theory and, 434–35
LeDoux's theory and, 436–37, 441–42
Singer-Schachter Theory and, 435–36
fear-conditioning, 12, 90, 401–2, 439–43, 446, 454–55, 466
fear inhibition, 639
fear learning, 381, 401–2, 440
feature attention, 287, 301–5, 305–8, 311
feature competition, 306–8
feature extraction, 232–33
feature integration theory of attention, 300, 301, 306
feature selection ERPs, 305–6
Fechner, Gustav, 12
feelings, 427, 430, 434, 437
FEF, see frontal eye fields
Fehr, Ernst, 642
Fellows, Lesley, 595–96
Fendrich, Robert, 610–12
Feredoes, Eva, 544–45
fetal brain, 60
fetal development, 62
fetal position in womb and handedness, 158
Feynman, Richard, 625, 626–27
FFA, see fusiform face area
fiber tracts, 37, 39, 44, 93
see also corpus callosum
fight or flight response, 38, 46, 428, 430, 435, 441–42
fimbria, 382, 417 5-hydroxytryptamine, see serotonin
Flack, Jessica, 631
flanker task, 553–54
flicker fusion, 198
flickering checkerboard stimuli, 294, 296
Flourens, Marie-Jean-Pierre, 6–7
flow, 461
fluid intelligence, 514
Index | I-9
fMRI, see functional magnetic resonance imaging
focus shifting, 534–35, 539
foliate papillae, 177
food selection task, 524
footbridge dilemma, 598–99
foraging tasks, 525–26
foramen of vertebral column, 40
forebrain, 47, 62
form perception, see shape perception
fornix, 45, 47, 382
forward models, 371–73
Fosbury, Dick, and Fosbury flop, 366, 367
Foster, D., 416
Foundations of the Neuron Doctrine (Shepherd), 11
fourth ventricle, 42, 44, 45
fovea, 167, 185, 186, 196–97, 224, 228
Fowler, Jessie A., 6
Fowler, Joanna, 16–17
Fox, Peter, 17
foxes, 639–41
FOXP2 gene, 503
FP, see frontal pole
Frackowiak, Richard, 179
Frank, Michael, 547–48
Franz, Elizabeth, 350–51
free nerve endings, see nociceptive receptors (nociceptors)
free recall activity, 146
free-riders, 641, 643
free will, 606, 619, 623–31
Freeman, Walter, 565
frequency tuning, 168, 169, 170
Freud, Sigmund, 220, 461, 545, 614
Fried, Itzhak, 98, 235
Friederici, Angela, 492, 496
Fries, Pascal, 310–11
Frith, Chris, 536
Fritsch, Gustav, 8
frontal cortex
attention control and, 313–16
brain anatomy and, 53
evolution of, 509
language and, 471, 496
memory and, 404, 408, 410, 411
motor control and, 335, 348, 351
semantic deficits and, 478
see also orbitofrontal cortex; prefrontal cortex
frontal eye fields (FEF), 313, 314–16, 319, 330, 335, 337, 539
frontal lobe
aberrations and criminal behavior, 635
brain anatomy and, 49, 50, 51, 53–54, 57, 58–59
emotional regulation and, 455–56
hierarchical evaluation and, 533
hyperconnectivity in, 586
inhibitory control and, 541, 542
language network and, 496
lesions of, 507–8, 510–11, 522–23, 535, 541, 542
maturation of, 509, 537
mesocortical pathway and, 526
motor control and, 336
phonological working memory and, 388–89
psychiatric disorders and, 564–65
subdivisions of, 509
see also frontal cortex; ventromedial frontal lobe
frontal lobe syndrome, 513
frontal lobotomy, 23, 564–65
frontal operculum, 496, 498, 578
frontal pole (FP), 503, 508, 509, 511, 533–34, 556
frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), 596
Fulton, John, 15
Fulton, Robert, 11
functional activity and blood flow, 15, 17, 18, 61
functional asymmetry, 126, 133, 155–56, 156–59
functional brain mapping, 18–19
functional connectivity, 110, 540
functional fixedness, 536
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 107–10
active repression of memory and, 545
amygdala and, 447, 449, 453, 454, 457, 460, 462
AT and PM systems and, 412
in autistic individuals, 247
backward referral of consciousness and, 619
blindsight and, 611
blood flow in the brain and, 61
brain graphs and, 111
category-specific systems and, 258–61
combined with other methods, 115
conversation and, 631
cortical organization and, 55, 169, 214, 215
decision making and, 448–49, 523–26, 530, 532–33, 595, 597–98
emotion and, 447, 457, 461, 464
encoding of information and, 402–4, 413
error prediction and, 552–53
facial recognition and, 249–50, 251, 252–53, 254
false memories and, 409
feature-based selective attention and, 304–5
functional anatomy and, 105, 107–10
history of, 17–19
house-face study, 308–9, 312
inhibitory control and, 546
insula and, 460, 461
judgment and punishment, 638
KE family and, 503
language lateralization and, 125
letter strings and, 487
love and, 462–63
mind reading with, 221, 262–63, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268
mirror systems and, 364, 366
monitoring and, 550, 553–54
moral dilemmas and, 599
motor planning and, 349, 351, 352
multisensory integration and, 210
multitasking and, 540
object recognition and, 227, 231–32, 233, 234
olfactory system and, 174–75
perception and imagery and, 242, 268
posterior cortex modulation and, 542–43
predictions of mental states and, 572–73
rest periods and brain activity, 568
retrieval of memories and, 404–6, 408, 410–11, 413, 535, 538
self-perception and, 571
semantic representation and, 478–79
social cognition and, 566–67, 577–79, 580, 596
social group evaluation and, 452–54
spatial attention and, 290–93, 294–95, 296, 308–9, 539
speech and, 483, 484, 498
synesthesia and, 213
theory of mind and, 145–46, 575–76
TMS used with, 539, 541, 544–45
visual system and, 195–97, 198–99, 201
word recognition and, 255, 489–90
working memory and, 389, 517
fungiform papillae, 177
Funnell, Margaret, 469–70
Fusar-Poli, Paulo, 464
fusiform body area (FBA), 258–59, 261
fusiform cortex, 252
fusiform face area (FFA)
autism and, 247, 586
delayed response task and, 516–17, 542–43
face perception and, 249–53, 254, 255, 259, 261, 584–85
FEF stimulation and, 316
house-face study and, 308–9, 312
localizer task for, 582
mind reading and, 263, 266
social cognition and, 561
fusiform gyrus
anatomy of object recognition and, 222
animal perception and, 261, 478
autism and, 247
color perception and, 199–200, 201
face perception and, 249, 251, 487
inanimate object perception and, 261, 478
lateral, 261, 478, 487
medial, 199–200, 261, 478
memory encoding and, 109
recollections and, 404
social intuition and, 456
visual attention and, 304–5
visual word form area, 255
GABA, see gamma-aminobutyric acid
GABA agonists and antagonists, 320, 321
Gabrieli, John, 392
Gage, Phineas, 559–60, 561
Galea, Joseph, 369
Gall, Franz Joseph, 6, 136
Gallant, Jack, 264
Gallup, Gordon, 622
Galton, Francis, 165, 373, 374
Galuske, R. A., 155
galvanometer, 11, 14
gambling tasks, 597–98
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 33, 34, 184
gamma motor neurons, 330
ganglia, 37–38
ganglion cells, 9, 185, 186, 187, 191
Ganguly, Karunesh, 353–55
gap junctions, 35
Garavan, Hugh, 548
I-10 | Index
gastrointestinal tract, 176, 177
gated ion channels, 29, 32, 168
gating mechanisms for attention, 186, 283, 286
gaze bias, 276–77
gaze direction, 144, 585–86, 640
Gazzaniga, Michael, 147, 153, 601
Gehring, William, 619–20
Gelade, G., 299
gene-environment interactions, 374
gene knockout technology, see knockout procedures, genetic
generative syntax, 138
generosity, 641–42
genetic manipulations, 89–91
genetic models for handedness, 158
genetic polymorphisms, 115–17
geniculocortical pathway, 186, 187
geniculostriate pathway, 214, 612
genital organs, blood flow to, 39
genotype-phenotype mapping, 630
genu of corpus callosum, 128
Georgopoulos, Apostolos, 342, 344
Geschwind, Norman, 126, 474
gestural communication in nonhuman primates, 154, 500–2
Ghanzanfar, Asif, 631
Gilbertson, Mark, 93
glands and autonomic nervous system, 38, 39
glial cells
brain tumors and, 79
CNS structure and, 39, 40
function of, 24, 35–36
radial, 62–63, 64, 67
global and local processing, 144–45, 150, 151, 153
global aphasia, 474
globus pallidus (GPi), 47–48, 333–34, 356–57, 358–59, 362, 547
glomeruli, 173
glossopharyngeal nerve, 164, 177
glucocorticoid receptors, 415, 438
glucocorticoids, 446
consumption by brain, 79, 105
in CSF, 42
imaging tissue consumption of, 16–17
metabolism in OFC, 600
glutamate, 33, 34, 418, 438
glycine, 33, 34
gnostic units, 234, 235
goal-based cognitive control, 539–49
active repression and, 545
inhibition of action, 545–49
modulation of perceptual processing and, 539–45
multitasking and, 540
goal-directed processes, 274, 280, 285, 297, 309, 312, 315–16
goal-directed regulation of empathic responses, 579
goal-oriented behavior, 511–20
brain anatomy and, 49, 509
constraint of stimulus-driven behavior by, 624
decision making, 521
ensuring success of, 549–55
failures in, 533
habitual actions contrasted with, 511–12
need for cognitive control in, 508, 512
PFC organization and, 519–20
retrieval and selection and, 535–39
working memory and, 508, 511, 512–20
goal planning, 532–39
goal representations, 516, 517, 533, 534
goal selection, 346–48
Goldberg, Mickey, 317–18
Goldman-Rakic, Patricia, 14, 512
Golgi, Camillo, 8–9, 10
Golgi apparatus, 24, 25
gonadotropic hormones, 46
Goodale, Mel, 225–27
Goodman, Gail, 633
gorillas, 501, 622
GPi, see globus pallidus
Grabowecky, Marcia, 541, 542
gracile nuclei, 43
Grafton, Scott, 349, 351
grammar, 136, 137, 138, 472–73, 475, 480, 481
see also syntax
grammar-lexicon distinction, 136
grand mal seizure, 83
grandmother-cell hypothesis, 235, 236, 248
granule cell layer of dentate gyrus, 65, 416, 417, 419
Gray, Jeffrey, 213
gray matter
brain anatomy and, 42, 50
brain development and, 67
brain graphs and, 111
brain tumors and, 79
CNS structure and, 39, 40
computed tomography and, 91–92
DTI and, 94
KE family and, 503
loss of, 600–601
MRI and, 93, 94
in prefrontal cortex, 509, 600–601
Green, Anne, 3, 4
Greene, Joshua, 599
Greenwald, A. G., 452
Gross, James, 427, 457
growth hormone, 46
G.S. (visual agnosia case study), 219–20, 240, 243
guided search, 144
Gusnard, D. A., 568
gustation, 176–79
gustatory cortex, 176, 177
gustatory nucleus, 176, 179
gustatory pathway, 164, 167, 176–77, 179
gyri, 49, 50, 57, 65–66, 93
habenula, 526, 530
habits, 511–12, 520, 521
habituation, 393, 418
Hagoort, Peter, 491, 492, 494, 495
hair cells in inner ear, 168, 169, 172
Halobacterium halobium, 71
haloperidol, 87
Hamann, Stephan, 461
hand-centered reference frame, 349
Handbook of Emotions, 427
handedness, 153–54, 156–58
communication with, 500–2
coordinated use of two, 348–49, 350–51, 373–74
MEPs of, 364–66
happiness, 426, 431, 432, 451, 461, 462, 465
Hare, Brian, 639, 640
Hari, Ritta, 385
harm versus benefit ratio, 435
Hasson, Uri, 631
Hayden, Benjamin, 525–26
Haynes, John-Dylan, 198, 619
He, Sheng, 198
headaches, chronic, 362
heart, 38, 39, 43, 45
Hebb, Donald O., 13, 20, 181
Hebbian learning, 415–16, 417–18, 420, 531
Heinze, Hans-Jochen, 290, 304
Heisenberg, Werner, 626
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig von, 10, 14, 280–81, 293, 323
hemianopia, 206, 611
hemiplegia, 335–36, 337
hemispheric encoding/retrieval asymmetry (HERA), 154
hemispheric specialization, 121–60
analytic-holistic dichotomy and, 155, 258
anatomy of cerebral hemispheres and, 124, 125–33
discovery of, 121–23
evidence from normal brain, 150–53
evolutionary basis of, 153–59
interpreter and, 146–49, 153
lesion studies and, 149, 150, 151, 153, 160
object recognition and, 232
processing style and, 155–56
split-brain research and, 123–24, 136–45
attention and perception, 140–45
language and speech, 136–39
visuospatial processing, 139–40
theory of mind and, 145–46
hemodynamic response, 73, 107, 108, 110
hemoglobin, 17, 18, 107
HERA, see hemispheric encoding/retrieval asymmetry
Hernández-Peón, Raul, 286, 2887
heroin, 327–28
herpes simplex encephalitis, 241, 414
herpes simplex virus, 80, 81
Heschl's gyrus, 56, 170, 473, 482–83, 485
Heschl's sulcus, 170
heterotopic areas and connections, 128, 130, 133
hierarchical coding hypothesis, 234
hierarchical representation of action sequences, 340–41
hierarchical structure and processing, 144–45, 150, 151
high road of emotion generation, 436–37, 441–42, 454
higher cognitive functions, 53
higher order brain areas, 462
higher order information transfer, 136, 141–42
Hikosaka, Okihide, 530
Hillyard, Steven, 286–87, 302–3, 305–6, 490–91, 494
Hilts, Philip, 394
hindbrain, 43, 62
hippocampal complex, 53
Index | I-11
hippocampal-dependent memory, 65
hippocampal lesions, 84, 90, 393
hippocampal neurons, 26, 72
hippocampal reactivation, 114
active repression of memory and, 545
chronic stress and, 92–93
consolidation and, 413–14, 415, 416, 445–46
cortical plasticity and, 184
cortisol and, 415
emotion and, 428, 429, 430, 449, 461
emotional style and, 456
encoding and, 402–4
explicit memory and learning and, 443, 444, 445–46
limbic system and, 47
long-term potentiation and, 416–17
love and, 462
memory and, 381–82, 383, 393, 394–96, 397–402, 412–13
mesolimbic pathway and, 526
multiunit recording and, 97
neurogenesis in, 65–66
olfaction and, 174
reactivation of memories and, 113–14
relational memory and, 406, 407
retrieval and, 404, 405, 406, 409, 411
surgical removal of, 379, 383, 394–95
histamine, 33, 34, 179
Hitch, Graham, 387–88
Hitzig, Eduard, 8
H.M. (memory case study), 379–80, 381, 383–84, 390, 391, 392, 394–96, 399
Hobbes, Thomas, 12
Hodgkin-Huxley cycle, 31
Holcomb, Phil, 491
holding an object, 348
holistic processing, 256–58, 261, 270
homeostasis, 46
Homo habilis, 501
Homo sapiens, 623
Homo sapiens sapiens, 501
homotopic areas and connections, 126, 128, 130, 132, 133
homunculus, 55, 180, 182, 184, 550, 552, 555–56
Hopf, Max, 293, 305, 306
Hopfinger, Joseph, 290–91, 297, 313
horizontal section of brain, 41
hormones, 36, 46
Hounsfield, Godfrey Newbold, 16
house-face study, 308–9, 312
"how" pathway of visual perception, see dorsal (occipitoparietal) stream
How the Mind Works (Pinker), 609
HPA, see hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Hubel, David, 191–93, 234
hue-matching experiment, 202
Hughlings Jackson, John, 7, 13
human genome, mapping of, 89–90
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 81
Hume, David, 12
Humphreys, Glyn, 239
Huntington's disease, 80, 81, 82, 90, 358, 359, 391
H.W. (language case study), 469–70, 474, 498
hybrid encoding model, 264, 267
hybrid models of word comprehension, 489, 493
hydrocortisone, 415
hydrogen atoms, 92–93
hyperkinesia, 358, 361–62
hypermetric movements, 371
hyperpolarization of membrane, 31, 32, 34, 35
hypoglossal nerve (in birds), 153
hypokinesia, 358, 363
hypothalamic neurosecretory neurons, 35
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), 561
hypothalamic releasing hormones, 33–34
hypothalamus, 46
brain anatomy and, 43, 45, 46, 47
consciousness and, 607, 608
emotion and, 428, 429, 430, 435, 447
limbic system and, 47
olfaction and, 174
reward information and, 526
hypoxia, 567
IAT, see Implicit Association Test
iconic memory, 384, 385, 393
ideational apraxia, 336, 337
ideomotor apraxia, 336
IFG, see inferior frontal gyrus
illusion of unified self, 623–24
illusions, visual, see visual illusions
ILN, see intralaminar nucleus (ILN) of the thalamus
imitative behavior, 589, 622–23
immune response of nervous system, 36
Implicit Association Test (IAT), 452
implicit emotional learning, 439–43, 454, 466
implicit memory, see nondeclarative memory
impression formation task, 581–82
impulsivity, 456, 547–48
inanimate vs. animate objects, recognition of, 241, 243–45, 260–61, 442, 478–79
incus, 168
independent variables, 75
indirect pathway in basal ganglia, 356, 357–58, 359, 363
infectious disorders of the CNS, 80, 81
inferior colliculus, 44, 45, 168, 169, 172, 542
inferior frontal gyrus (IFG)
attention and, 319
brain anatomy and, 49
emotion and, 461, 462
inhibitory control and, 546–47
language and, 472, 484, 489–90, 493, 496, 498, 503
memory encoding and, 109
memory retrieval and, 535
motor control and, 337, 352
inferior frontal lobe/cortex, 7, 492–95, 535, 537–38, 540, 543–47, 553
see also inferior frontal gyrus; inferior frontal sulcus
inferior frontal sulcus, 534
inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, 95
inferior longitudinal fasciculus, 222
inferior olives, 5
inferior parietal cortex, 330, 334, 335, 387, 496
inferior parietal lobe (IPL), 352, 374
inferior surface of brain, 41
inferior temporal cortex/lobe
face perception and, 251, 253, 516–17
language and, 478, 483, 498
object recognition and, 222, 224, 225, 235
synesthetes and, 213
see also inferior temporal gyrus
inferior temporal gyrus
animal recognition and, 261
brain anatomy and, 49
emotion and, 461, 462
face recognition and, 248
language and, 483, 485, 495
inferotemporal neurons, 294
information processing, 74–78, 112–13, 282, 283
Information Processing I, 13
infrared light, 73
inhibition of action, 545–49
inhibition of postsynaptic cell, 32, 34
inhibition of return (IOR), 296–97, 311, 320
inhibitory control, 541–49
inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP), 32, 34, 35, 258
inner ear, 168
insects, 165
instructed fear paradigm, 444
insula (insular cortex)
ACC and, 465
anger and, 461
attention and, 275, 322
autism and, 586
brain anatomy and, 51, 53, 459–60
brainstem and, 608
disgust and, 461–62, 463
emotion and, 429, 447, 460
emotional decision making and, 598
emotional style and, 456
empathy and, 577–78, 579, 580, 592
evaluative processing and, 460
gustatory cortex in, 176, 177, 179
interoception and, 460
language and, 471, 474
Leborgne's brain and, 473
love and, 462
prediction error and, 530
social cognition and, 561, 577–78
speech production and, 337, 498
integrated processing, 83
integrative agnosia, 239–40, 241
intelligence, 514
intention, inferring of, 590–91
intention tremor, 333
intentionality, shared, 623
interactive models
of speech production, 499
of word comprehension, 489, 493, 495–96
interaural time and intensity differences, 171, 172
interference control, 514
interference of information, 385
interhemispheric communication, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135–36, 150
interhemispheric (longitudinal) fissure, 48, 49, 51, 124
intermediate zone, 63, 64
internal capsule, 5, 45
I-12 | Index
internal carotid arteries, 61
interneurons, 42, 329–30, 331–32, 334, 335
interoception, 460, 608
interparietal sulcus, 49
interposed nuclei, 44
interpreter, 146–49, 153, 159, 620–23, 630, 644
interventricular foramen, 42
intracortical axonal connections, 184
intracranial devices, 23, 98, 102–4
intracranial pressure, 81
intralaminar nucleus (ILN) of the thalamus, 608
intraparietal sulcus (IPS), 229, 313, 316, 317, 319, 337, 349
intuition, 616–17
invalid trial, 284
ion channels, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 68
ion pumps, 28, 29–30, 68, 71
ions, 25, 27, 32, 36, 42
IOR, see inhibition of return
Iowa Gambling Task, 448
IPL, see inferior parietal lobe
IPS, see intraparietal sulcus
ipsilateral connections, 130, 332
IPSP, see inhibitory postsynaptic potential
ischemia, 79, 395, 396
isolated retrograde amnesia, 414
isopotential neurons, 35
isthmus of corpus callosum, 133
Jackendoff, Ray, 609, 616
Jackson, Daren, 455
James, LeBron, 367
James, William, 274–75, 282, 323, 430, 431, 434–35
James-Lange Theory, 434–35, 436
Jasper, Herbert, 13, 55
J.B.R. (visual agnosia case study), 241, 243
jealousy, 432–33
joint attention, 585
Joliot-Curie, Frederic, 16
Joliot-Curie, Irene, 16
J.S. (visual agnosia case study), 227
jugglers, 183–84
Just, Marcel, 493
justice, 636–38, 643
J.W. (split-brain case study), 136, 137, 139–40, 142, 621
J.W. (synesthesia case study), 211–12
Kaas, Jon, 181
Kadish, Sanford, 638
Kali, Szabolcs, 113–14
Kant, Immanuel, 12
Kanwisher, Nancy, 258, 263
Kanzi (bonobo), 501
Kapp, Bruce, 440
Kasparov, Gary, 617
Kastner, Sabine, 292–93, 294
K.C. (memory case study), 567
KE family, 503
Keele, Steven, 360–61
Keillor, Garrison, 570
Kelley, William, 410, 566–67
Kennedy, D. P., 588
Kety, Seymour S., 15, 16
K.F. (memory case study), 386, 387
Kimura, Doreen, 151, 152
kinesthetic codes, 243
Kirschbaum, Clemens, 415
Klaas, Polly, 605–6, 636, 637
Klein, Stanley, 567–68
Kleinschmidt, Andreas, 308–9
Klin, Ami, 587
Klunk, William, 106
Klüver, Heinrich, 438
Klüver-Bucy syndrome, 438
knee-jerk reflex, 37, 40
Knight, Robert, 104, 541, 619–20
knockout procedures, genetic, 90–91, 118, 419–20
Konishi, Mark, 171–72
Korsakoff's syndrome, 80, 396, 439, 567
Kovacs, Agnes, 574–75
Krakauer, David, 629
Krasnow, Max, 641–42
Kuffler, Steve, 191
Kuhl, David E., 16, 17
Kuhl, Patricia, 481
Kuperberg, Gina, 491–92
Kurzban, R., 454
Kutas, Marta, 490–9 1, 494
L-DOPA, 87, 328, 361–62, 363, 370, 514
LaBar, Kevin, 446
LAN, see left anterior negativity
Lange, Carl, 435
Langston, William, 327–28
anatomy of, 471
brain damage and deficits of, 472–75
case studies
H.W., 469–70, 474, 498
KE family, 503
comprehension of (see language comprehension)
evolution of, 154, 156, 500–2
genetic components of, 503
left-hemisphere dominance for, 502
right-hemisphere and, 138, 471, 621
study of (see linguistics)
see also left-hemisphere
Language and Communication (Miller), 13
language-associated cortex, 126–28
language comprehension, 480–95
aphasia and, 472, 473, 474, 475
context and word recognition, 489–90
integration of words in sentences, 490
mental lexicon and, 475, 476, 477
neural models of, 495–96
perceptual analysis of input, 480–81
semantic processing, 490–91
spoken input, 480, 481–84
syntactic processing, 491–93, 495
written input, 480–81, 484–85
language development, 133
language network in left-hemisphere, 496
language systems approach, 470
laser surgery, 118
late selection model of information processing, 283, 285, 323
lateral dorsal nucleus, 45
lateral fissure, 509
lateral fusiform gyrus, 261, 478, 487
lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)
brain anatomy and, 43, 45, 46, 320
optic nerve fibers and, 206
receptive fields of, 191–92
visual system and, 56, 167, 186, 187
visuospatial attention and, 294–95, 296, 297, 298
lateral intraparietal (LIP) area, 317–18, 349
lateral-medial gradient of PFC function, 520
lateral nucleus of amygdala, 437, 438, 440
lateral occipital cortex (LOC), 196, 222, 227, 233, 236
lateral occipital gyri, 49, 205
lateral parietal cortex, 411, 524, 561, 568
lateral posterior nucleus, 126
lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC)
cognitive control and, 509, 511, 512, 515, 516–17, 518, 522–24
corrective neural activity and, 619–20
difficulty of task and, 554–55
lesions in, 541, 542
selection of task-relevant information and, 535, 536, 556
task switching and, 539
see also dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
lateral premotor cortex, 509
lateral sagittal section of brain, 41
lateral ventricles, 42, 48
laterality research, 150–52, 160
lateralization, see hemispheric specialization
Lauterbur, Paul, 17
law, 631–43
cooperation, 639, 640–42
eyewitness testimony, 633
punishment, 636–39, 641–42
responsibility, 632, 634–36, 642–43
law of effect (of Thorndike), 12
Lawrence, Ernest O., 16
layer III pyramidal cells, 127
Lazarus, Richard, 435
LC, see locus coeruleus
leading questions, 633
learned disuse, 336
biological basis for, 13, 20
dopamine and, 49, 87–88, 370, 528, 530–32
emotion and, 439–46
error-based, 368, 369–70, 371, 375
fear, 381
memory and, 380, 381, 382
motivation and, 49
motor skills, 366–75
reinforcement and, 361, 528–30, 531–32
sensorimotor, 368–70
spatial, 90
Leborgne (Broca's patient), 7, 472–73
LeDoux, Joseph, 147, 153, 436–37, 440–42
Leeuwenhoek, Anton von, 11
left angular gyrus, 387
left anterior negativity (LAN), 492, 493
left-ear advantage, 152
left-handedness, 133
left-hemisphere of brain
analytic processing and, 258
anatomical asymmetries with right-hemisphere, 125–28
approach behaviors and, 157
brain anatomy and, 57
causal inference and, 148, 153
conscious experience and, 159, 620–21
Index | I-13
dominant functions of, 135, 152, 156
facial expressions and, 140, 141
facial recognition and, 139–40, 152
gestural communication and, 501–2
global and local processing and, 145
guided search and, 144
interpreter mechanism of, 146–49, 153, 620–23
language areas and network in, 473, 496
language processing in, 104, 125, 139, 149, 154, 471
learning process and, 617
motor control and language specializations, 156–58
object function and, 240–41
phonological working memory and, 388–89
semantic categorization and, 131
sequential movements and, 156
sexual dimorphism in, 132–33
speech production and, 7, 138, 155–56, 498–500
split-brain surgery and, 58, 135
see also hemispheric specialization
left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG), 496, 502
see also Broca's area; inferior frontal gyrus
left perisylvian cortex, 386, 387, 488
left perisylvian language network, 471
left utricle, 158
Leibniz, Gottfried, 10–11, 12
lemmas, 497, 498
lesion studies
auditory processing and, 224
hemispheric specialization and, 124, 145, 149, 150, 151, 153, 160
in Japanese macaque, 154
knockout procedures as, 90
as method, 83–85
neural network models and, 113, 114
prosopagnosia and, 246, 248
virtual lesion approach, 88
visual processing and, 201, 206–7, 222, 224, 237–39
letter discrimination task, 619–20
letter-matching task, 74–76
letter priming, 137
letter recognition, 137, 144–45, 485–87
letter strings, 487
levels-of-processing model of memory, 563
Levelt, Willem, 496–98, 500
lexemes, 498
lexical access, 475, 480, 481, 489–90, 493
lexical competition, 490
lexical integration, 475, 494
lexical neighborhood, 476
lexical selection, 475, 480, 481, 489–90, 493, 497
lexicons, 136, 137, 152
LFPs, see local field potentials
LGN, see lateral geniculate nucleus
Lhermitte, Francois, 511
Libet, Benjamin, 619, 620, 630
Lichtheim, Ludwig, 474
LIFG, see left inferior frontal gyrus
light-gated ion channels, 72
limb loss and BMI, 353, 355
limbic system
as emotional brain, 428–29, 430
brain anatomy and, 45, 46, 47, 49, 57, 428
mirror neuron system and, 577
positive emotions and, 461, 462, 463
limited capacity stages, 275, 282, 283, 285
Lindquist, K. A., 438, 461, 464
line cancellation test, 277, 278
lingual gyrus, 199, 201, 213, 261
lingual lipase, 176
linguistics, 13, 14
LIP, see lateral intraparietal (LIP) area
Lissauer, Heinrich, 237
living things, agnosia for, 241, 243, 245, 478
lobes of cerebral cortex, 49, 50–51, 57
LOC, see lateral occipital cortex
local and global processing, 144–45, 150, 151, 153
local circuit neurons, 37
local field potentials (LFPs), 311
local networks in brain, 59, 154
localizationism, 7, 10, 20
localizer tasks, 582–83, 584
location planning, 339–40
locationist view, 429, 461, 464, 474, 475
Locke, John, 12
locked-in syndrome, 267–68, 608
Lockhart, Robert, 563
locus coeruleus (LC), 608, 619
Loftus, Elizabeth, 476–77, 633
logic, 11
logographic writing system, 484, 487
Logothetis, Nikos, 223
Lombardo, Michael, 586–87
Lømo, T., 416–17
long-term forms of memory, 380, 381, 389–94
long-term memory
active repression of, 545
amnesia and, 379, 382
consolidation and, 381
declarative, 380, 381, 389–90, 392, 393–94
defined, 380, 393
frontal cortex and, 408, 410, 411
hippocampal lesions and, 401
inability to form, 379, 383–84, 395
modal model and, 385–86, 387
nondeclarative, 380, 381, 389, 390–93, 394
reactivation in, 402, 407–8, 410
retrieval of, 402, 404, 406–8, 410–13, 415
structures associated with, 399, 400, 401, 402, 404–7
long-term potentiation (LTP), 415, 416–20
longitudinal fissure, 48, 49, 51, 128
Lorenz, Edward, 625
love, 432–33, 461–63
low road of emotion generation, 436–37, 441–42, 455
LPFC, see lateral prefrontal cortex
LTP, see long-term potentiation
Luck, Steven, 300–301, 305–6, 306–8
Lupien, Sonia, 415
Luzzatti, Claudio, 277–78
M1, see primary motor cortex
MacLean, Paul, 47, 428–29
MacMillan, Malcolm, 560
macroplanning of message preparation, 496–97
“Magical Number Seven, Plus-or-Minus Two, The” (Miller), 14
magnesium ions, 418, 419
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 92–93
Alzheimer's disease and, 397
anatomical asymmetries and, 126
bimanual coordination and, 373
brain graphs and, 111
brain injuries and, 83
degenerative disorders and, 81, 327–28
EcoG grids and, 104
history of, 17, 18
of Leborgne's brain, 472–73
of lower back, 635
object recognition and, 227
on patient C.L.T., 611
on patient H.M., 394–95
structural analysis of brain and, 92–93, 94, 95
surgical sectioning examined by, 134
tumors and, 387
see also diffusion tensor imaging; functional magnetic resonance imaging
magnetoencephalography (MEG)
feature-based selective attention and, 304–5, 306
human brain network and, 111
overview of, 102, 103, 104
semantic representation and, 478–79
somatosensory representations of hands, 183
visual attention and, 293, 295
Mahon, Brian, 261
major depression, 415
malignant tumors, 79–80
malleus, 168
mammillary bodies, 46, 47, 48, 382, 411, 412
Mangun, G. R., 304
mania and right-hemisphere damage, 157
MAOA, see monoamine oxidase A
maps of motor and sensory cortices, 7, 13
see also topographic organization and mapping
Marcel, Tony, 614–15
Marder, Eve, 627–28
marginal value theorem, 525
marginal zone, 63, 64
Markowitsch, Hans, 386–87
Marslen-Wilson, William, 489
Martin, Alex, 478
masking paradigm, 614–15
massa intermedia, 45, 46
Matching-by-Function Test, 240–41
matching vs. maximizing, 148
materialism, 609
maternal bonding and love, 46, 463
Mathis, Chester, 106
Matsumoto, Masayuki, 530
maximizing vs. matching, 148
Maxwell's laws of classical electromagnetism, 625
maze-bright and maze-dull rats, 90
maze tracing task, 616, 617
McAdams, Carrie, 289–90
McAlonan, K., 294
McCarthy, Gregory, 487
McClelland, J. L., 244–45, 260–61, 478, 485–86, 489
McDermott, Kathleen, 409
McGaugh, James, 445
McGurk effect, 208, 209
I-14 | Index
McNaughton, Bruce, 97, 416
Meadows, J. C., 201–2
Mechanism of Human Facial Expression, The (Duchenne), 431
mechanoreceptors, 168
medial dorsal nucleus, 45, 47
medial frontal cortex (MFC), 508–9, 511, 547, 548, 550–55, 556, 599
medial fusiform gyrus, 199–200, 261, 478
medial geniculate nucleus (MGN), 45–46, 56, 167, 168, 169, 172, 320
medial intraparietal (MIP) area, 349
medial nucleus of amygdala, 438
medial parietal cortex, 561, 562, 570
medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC)
autism and, 586, 587
brain anatomy and, 53, 54
cognitive control and, 524
default network and, 568–69, 570, 575
mental state attribution and, 581–82, 583–84, 592
PHC and, 412
self-referential processing and, 561, 566–67, 568, 573
simulation theory and, 575–76
social cognition and, 561, 579, 602
theory of mind, 145
see also ventromedial prefrontal cortex
medial temporal lobe memory system, 381–82, 384, 394–402, 568
medial temporal lobe (MTL)
anatomy and, 45, 398, 411
asymmetries in, 126
consolidation and, 404, 406, 414, 415
default network and, 568
encoding and, 404, 406
lesions of, in animals, 397–402
memory and, 113–14, 379–80, 383–84, 387, 390, 422
memory system of, 381–82, 384, 394–402, 568
retrieval and, 406–7, 409
semantic deficits and, 478
single-cell recordings and, 98
surgical removal of, 383, 384
thalamus and, 45
median eminence, 46
medulla, 43–44, 45, 164, 169, 179, 180, 181
medulla oblongata, 607
medullary pyramids, 5
MEG, see magnetoencephalography
Meissner's corpuscles, 179, 180
membrane potential, 27–30, 31, 32, 185
anatomy, 381–82
arousal-enhanced, 445
case studies
D.B., 567
E.E., 387
H.M., 379–80, 381, 383–84, 390, 391, 392, 394–95, 399
K.C., 567
K.F., 386, 387
M.S., 392
R.B., 395, 396, 398, 399
cellular basis of, 415–20
consolidation, 381, 382, 394, 413–15, 416, 445–46
deficits of (see amnesia)
emotion and, 428
encoding, 381, 382, 402–4, 406–7
episodic (see episodic memory)
false, 409
grammar-lexicon distinction and, 136–37
imaging, 402–13
knockout procedures and, 90
language comprehension and, 495
levels-of-processing model of, 563
long-term forms of, 380, 381, 389–94
measurement of, 12
multiple systems of, 13, 14
odor cues and, 174
perceptions and, 13, 14, 76, 221, 232, 233
quality, 402
retrieval (see retrieval of memories)
self-reference effect and, 563, 566
semantic, 244–45, 394, 410, 413, 414–15
short-term forms of, 380, 381, 383, 384–89
sleep and, 415, 416
social cognition and, 561
spatial, 184, 420
storage (see storage of memories)
stress and, 415, 446
structures supporting, 421, 422
types and processing of, 380–81, 384, 385–86, 421
working (see working memory)
memory comparison task, 77
memory distortion, 147–48
memory encoding, 109–10
memory failure, 109
memory retrieval, 109–10
memory tests, single and double dissociations, 84
memory traces, 381, 384–85, 393, 414, 416
memory-unification-control model of language comprehension, 495–96
meninges, 38
meningiomas, 560
Menon, Ravi, 55
mental lexicon, 475–80, 480–81, 489, 490, 497
mental representations, 74–78
mental retardation and the law, 635–36
mental state attribution, 575, 602
autism and, 586–91
neural correlates of, 580–86
mentalizing, see theory of mind
meperidine, 328
MEPs, see motor evoked potentials
Merkel's cells, 179, 180
Merzenich, Michael, 181
mesencephalic reticular formation, 44, 46
mesencephalon, see cerebellum; midbrain; pons
mesial temporal sclerosis, 442
mesocortex, 52, 53
mesocortical pathway, 526
mesoderm, 60
mesolimbic pathway, 526
Mesulam, M. Marcel, 312
metabolism, radioactive tracers and, 16
metrical information, 497
Meynert, Theodor, 8
MFC, see medial frontal cortex
MGN, see medial geniculate nucleus
Miall, Chris, 371, 372
mice, 169
microcolumns, 53
microelectronics, 187
microglial cells, 35, 36
microplanning of message preparation, 496–97
microscope, early, 11
microstimulation of neurons, 618–19
midbrain, 43–45, 62, 101, 169, 181, 279, 608
middle cerebral artery, 80
middle ear, 168
middle frontal gyrus, 49, 319
middle temporal gyrus (MTG)
brain anatomy and, 49
emotion and, 449, 462
language and, 471, 478, 483, 485, 489–90, 493, 496
lesions of, 204, 205
midsagittal section of brain, 41
Miesenböck, Gero, 72
Migaud, Martine, 420
migraine headaches, 79
migratory cells of cortex, 62–63, 64
Milan Cathedral, 277–78
milk production, 46
Mill, John Stuart, 12
Miller, Earl, 515–16
Miller, George A., 4, 13–14, 20, 386
Miller, Michael, 146, 632, 634
Milner, Brenda, 13, 14, 383
Milner, David, 225–27
Milner, Peter, 526
mind-brain system, 631
mind reading, 221, 261–69
encoding and decoding, 261–63
future of, 266–69, 270
statistical pattern recognition, 263–66, 267
mindblindness, 562, 587
minicolumns, 53, 126
minimally conscious state, 266
Minsky, Marvin, 13
MIP, see medial intraparietal (MIP) area
mirror neurons and systems, 363–66, 501, 561, 575, 577–79, 589–92, 602
mirror self-recognition, 622
Mishkin, Mortimer, 222, 224, 397–98
mismatch field (MMF), 384–85
mismatch negativity (MMN), 100, 384–85
Mitchell, Jason, 570, 581–82, 588–89
Mitchell, Robert, 622
mitochondria, 24, 25
MMF, see mismatch field
MMN, see mismatch negativity
M.N. (BMI case study), 355–56
modal model of memory, 385–86
model-based decisions, 521
model-free decisions, 521
modern science, birth of, 11
modular models of word comprehension, 489, 493
modulation of perceptual processing, 539–45, 549
modules and modularity, 154–55, 159
Molaison, Henry, see H.M. (memory case study)
Moll, Henrike, 640–41
monitoring system for behavior, 550–55, 556
Moniz, Egas, 565
Index | I-15
monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), 117
monoaural presentation of stimuli, 151
monosynaptic reflex arc, 37
Montaldi, Daniela, 406
Montreal procedure, 13
Monument Valley, 301, 302
Moore, Tirin, 314–15
moral decisions, 592–93, 598–99
Moran, Jeff, 288–89
Moran, Joseph, 571
More is Different (Anderson), 628
Morishima, Yosuke, 315–16
morphemes, 475–76, 480, 497
morphological encoding, 497
Morris water maze, see water-maze studies
Moscovitch, Morris, 397, 414
Mosso, Angelo, 15
mossy fibers, 416, 417
motion encoding model, 264
motion perception, 190, 194, 195, 199, 200, 203–6, 263
motion processing areas, 289
motivation, 49, 374, 375, 434, 461
motivation to eat, 178, 179
motor adaptation, 367
motor areas, 334–37, 348–49, 351
motor axons, 40
motor control
action understanding and mirror neurons, 363–66
anatomy and, 44, 49, 329–37, 375, 376
brain-machine interface and, 352–56
computational issues in, 337–41
goal selection and action planning, 346–52
language and, 471
learning and performing new skills, 366–75
movement initiation and basal ganglia, 356–63
neurophysiology of, 342–46
motor cortex
action observation and, 364–66
brain anatomy and, 44, 53–54, 58
brain development and, 62, 67
cortical topography and, 55
Huntington's disease and, 358, 359
motor system structure and, 329, 330
movement initiation and, 357, 361, 362
Parkinson's disease and, 358, 359, 362
prefrontal cortex connection to, 510
reorganization in, 184
sensory cortex and, 346
speech production and, 498
TMS stimulation of, 88
motor evoked potentials (MEPs), 364–66
motor execution, 334, 345, 346, 348–49, 364, 375
motor implementation level of representation, 340–41
motor intention, 349, 351
motor learning, 367
motor neurons, 330–32
anatomy and control of motor structures
and, 329–32
auditory system and, 169
brain anatomy and, 40, 42, 43, 45, 54
optogenetics and, 72–73
single-cell recording and, 96
somatosensory receptors and, 180
motor nuclei, 43, 44
motor outputs, 44
motor pathway diagram, 375
motor planning, 334, 336, 341, 344–45, 346–52, 375
motor preparation, 49
motor shifting experiment, 360
motor skills, learning and performing, 366–75
adaption, 367–70
expertise, 373–74
forward models, 371–73
shift in cortical control, 366–67
motor structures, anatomy and control of, 329–37
Motormouth (TV show), 156
Motter, B. C., 291
Mountcastle, Vernon, 191
movement direction, 342–45, 346
movement initiation, 356–63
M.P. (visual perception case study), 204, 205
MPFC, see medial prefrontal cortex
MPTP, 327–28
Mr. I (achromatopsia case study), 242
M.R. (social cognition case study), 559
MRI, see magnetic resonance imaging
M.S. (memory case study), 392
MTG, see middle temporal gyrus
MTL, see medial temporal lobe
Mueller, Notger, 308–9
multimodal integration hypothesis, 412
multimodal perception, 207–13
multisensory integration in the brain, 167, 207–11, 212, 216
processing errors, 211–13
multiple realizability, 627–28, 631, 644
multiple sclerosis (MS), 32, 80, 81, 101
multiple trace theory, 414, 415
multistable perception, 223
multitasking, 540
multiunit recording, 97–98, 104
Münte, Thomas, 302–3, 492
Murray, Ryan, 578–79
muscimol, 320, 321
muscle fibers, 330, 331, 337
muscle memory, 366
muscle spindles, 331, 332
muscles, 330–32
myelencephalon, see medulla
myelin, 26, 32, 36, 52, 94
myelin sheath, 31, 32, 50
myelinated axons, 30, 32, 36, 62, 67
myelinated pain neurons, 179–80
Myers, Ronald, 133, 136
mylohyoid muscle, 589–90
n-back tasks, 514, 518–19
n-body problem, see three-body problem
N170 response, 250–51, 253
N400 response, 490–91, 492, 493, 495
Näätänen, Risto, 285, 286
Nadel, Lynn, 414, 415
Nagel, Thomas, 609
Napoleon Bonaparte, 6
nasal branch of optic nerve, 186
nasal cavity, 173, 175
Navon, David, 144–45, 153
neck, sensation and motor control of, 43
negative feedback, learning from, 595–96
negative prediction error (NPE), 528, 530, 531
neglect, 276–80, 312, 316, 319, 608, 612, 613
neocerebellum, 332–33, 334
brain anatomy and, 45, 52, 53, 56
consolidation and, 414
emotion and, 435
episodic memory and, 113–14
hippocampal memory system and, 399, 401
lesions of, 398, 399
mesocortical pathway and, 526
nondeclarative memory and, 390
neocortical association areas, 416, 417
neospinothalamic tract for pain, 128
neostriatum, 48
nerves, 37, 39
nervous system
development of, 60–67
structure of, 37–39
see also central nervous system; periphera nervous system
Nesbitt, Eric, 635–36
Neumann, John von, 13
neural activity
direction of, 167
modulation of, 36
optogenetic control of, 72–73
rate of, 131
recording of, 352–56
neural areas, 37
neural circuits, 37, 45, 68, 126–27, 133
neural coding of movement, 342–43
neural ectoderm, 60
neural function
methods for the study of
electrocortogram, 102–4
electroencephalography, 98–100
event-related potential, 100–102
functional magnetic resonance imaging, 107–10
magnetoencephalography, 102
positron emission tomography, 105–7, 110
single-cell recording, 95–98
methods to perturb
genetic, 89–91
magnetic or electrical stimulation, 88–89
pharmacological, 87–88
neural groove, 60, 67
neural network models, 113, 114, 131, 244–45
neural patterns of activity, 37
neural plasticity, 336, 369, 416, 531
neural plate, 60, 67
neural reductionism, 627–28, 629
neural reference space, 464, 465
neural systems, 37
neural traces, 385
neural tube, 60, 62, 67
neural tube defects, 62
neurochemical lesions, 83
neuroeconomics, 520, 521–22, 596–98, 599
see also value and decision making
I-16 | Index
neuroethics, 600–601
neurofibrillary tangles, 397
neurogenesis, 62, 63, 64–66, 67
neuroglial cells, see glial cells
neurohypophyseal hormones, 33
neuroimaging and brain graphs, 110–11
neurological dysfunction
brain-behavior relationships, 83–85, 86
causes of, 79–83
surgical intervention for, 85–86
see also neural function, methods to perturb
neurology, 3, 5
neuron doctrine, 9–10
neuronal columns, 53
neuronal conduction, 4
neuronal membrane, 27–30, 68
neuronal proliferation, 62–63, 67
neuronal signaling, 23, 27–32
neuronal switches, 71, 72–73
anatomy of, 24–26
defined, 24, 68
dynamic properties of, 345–46
electrical circuits of, 23–24
electrical transmission within, 9, 10, 27–32
generation of (see neurogenesis)
layers of, 38–39, 40, 49–50
organization in CNS, 38–39, 40, 42
staining of, 8–9
synaptic transmission between, 27, 32–35
see also nuclei (clusters of neurons)
neuropeptide Y, 438
neuropeptides, 33–34, 35, 68
neurophysiology, 95
neuropores, 62
neuropsychological tests of neglect, 277–78
neuroscience, 4
neurotransmitters, 33–35
amygdala and, 438
astrocytes and, 36
auditory pathway and, 168
cortical plasticity and, 184
inactivation of, 34–35
motor neurons and, 331
study of neural function and, 87–88
synaptic transmission and, 27, 32–35, 68
neurulation, 60
neutral trial, 284
Newell, Allen, 13
Newsome, William, 618–19
Newton, Isaac, and Newton's laws, 624–25, 626
night vision, 166–67, 171
Nisbett, Richard, 613
Nissl, Franz, 8
NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor, 90, 418–20
Nobili, Leonardo, 11
Nobre, A. C., 487
nociceptive receptors (nociceptors), 176, 179, 180, 184
nodes in brain graphs, 110
nodes of Ranvier, 26, 31, 32
nonassociative learning, 393, 394
nondeclarative memory, 380, 381, 389, 390–93, 394
nongated ion channels, 29, 32
nonverbal cues
impaired use of, 562, 587–88
theory of mind and, 573, 575, 584–86, 592
nonverbal response techniques, 135
norepinephrine, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 184, 438, 608
Norman, Donald, 549
normative decision theories, 520–21
nostrils, 175, 176
Nottebohm, Fernando, 153
novelty, 319, 447, 455, 552
N2pc, 305–6
NPE, see negative prediction error
nuclear magnetic resonance, 17
nuclei (clusters of neurons)
brain anatomy and, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49
nervous system structure and, 38, 40
nucleus accumbens, 456, 526, 580, 598
nucleus of cell, 24, 25
nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, 169
nucleus of the solitary tract, 176, 177
object agnosia, 255–56
object attention, 287, 308–9, 311
object constancy, 230–31, 236, 237–39, 241
object discrimination task, 225, 226
object identification, 142, 207
Object Permanence Test, 513
object properties, 308
object recognition
anatomy of, 222
auditory, 238
category specificity, 241–46, 258–61
computational problems in, 228–36
failures in, 236–41
four major concepts of, 220–21
patient P.T. and, 163, 203
visual perception pathways and, 222–28, 270
see also facial recognition; mind reading;
visual agnosia
obsessive-compulsive disorder, 361, 565
OCB, see olivocochlear bundle
occipital cortex, 510
occipital face area (OFA), 259
occipital lobe
brain anatomy and, 49, 50, 51, 56, 57
corpus callosum and, 128, 129, 135
facial recognition and, 246, 248
object recognition and, 222, 225, 226, 227, 232, 233
semantic representation and, 478
surgical removal of, 392
TMS over, 89
occipitotemporal cortex (OTC), 227, 229, 252, 486–87
Ochsner, Kevin, 427, 455, 457, 459, 576
O'Craven, Kathleen, 263
ocular apraxia, 279
ocular ataxia, 279
ocular dominance columns, 67, 193, 197
odorants, 173, 175, 176
Oedipus Rex (play), 5
Oesterhelt, Dieter, 71, 72
OFA, see occipital face area
OFC, see orbitofrontal cortex
Ogawa, Seiji, 17–18
Ojemann, George, 488
old/new effect, 410
old/new recognition test, 409
Oldendorf, William, 16
Olds, James, 526
olfaction, 172–76
olfactory bulb, 65, 165, 173, 176, 438
olfactory epithelium, 173, 175
olfactory nerve, 164, 165, 173, 174, 176
olfactory pathway, 164, 173–74, 176
olfactory perception, 174–76
olfactory system, 165–66
see also olfaction
olfactory tract, 128
oligodendrocytes, 35, 36
olivary nuclei, 168, 169
olivocochlear bundle (OCB), 286
open head injuries, 81
operculum, 176, 179
opiates, 456
opioid peptides, 34, 438
opsins, 71, 72, 73
optic ataxia, 227–28
optic chiasm, 46, 153, 164–65, 186, 187
optic nerve
anatomy of eye and, 185
brain anatomy and, 43, 56
ERPs and, 101
severing of, 159
visual pathway and, 121–22, 164, 186–87
optic thalamus, 5
optical illusions, 164
optogenetics, 72–73, 86, 114, 118, 526
oral movements, 156
orangutans, 622
orbicularis oculi muscle, 451
orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)
anger and, 449–50, 464, 466
brain anatomy and, 47, 53, 54, 465, 509
cooperation and, 598
damage to, and decision making, 447–49
damage to, and social cognition, 559–61, 571–72, 573, 593–95
decision making and, 522–24, 532, 597, 599
depression and, 464
dysfunction of, and violent behavior, 600–601
emotion and, 428, 429, 430, 447–49, 463
memory and, 411, 413
reversal learning and, 595–96
secondary olfactory area, 173, 174, 176
self-perception and, 571–72, 573
social cognition and, 561, 562
taste processing area of, 176, 177, 178, 179
traumatic brain injury and, 81, 82, 83
organelles of cell, 24, 25
Organization of Behavior, The (Hebb), 13
orientation columns, 192, 193
orientation perception, 198, 199
orientation selectivity, 192, 193, 202
orientation task, 206–7
orientation tuning, 197, 289
orofacial dyspraxia, 503
Ørsted, Hans Christian, 11
orthogonal planes through brain, 41
orthographic input code, 481, 486–87
Ortigue, Stephanie, 462
Index | I-17
Osterhout, Lee, 491
OTC, see occipitotemporal cortex
outer ear, 168
outlook, 456
oval window, 168, 169
overt attention, 275, 280, 285, 296, 320
Owen, Adrian, 268
blood-brain barrier and, 36
consumption by brain, 17, 79, 105
radioactive forms of, 16, 105, 110
oxygenation and MRI, 17–18, 61
oxytocin, 33, 46, 438
P600 response, 491–92, 495
Pacinian corpuscles, 179, 180
PAG, see periaqueductal (central) gray matter
brainstem and, 608
empathy for, 577–78, 579, 580, 581, 592
neospinothalamic tract for, 128
receptors for, 176, 179, 180
tDCS treatment for, 89
paleocortex, see primary olfactory cortex
pallidotomy, 362
pallidum, 462
pandemonium model, 484–85, 486
Papez, James, 47, 428, 430
Papez circuit, 428, 430
papillae on tongue, 176, 177, 178
papillary light reflex, 129
parahippocampal cortex (PHC)
hippocampal memory system and, 401
hippocampus and, 416
lesions of, 399, 400
medial temporal lobe memory system and, 382
memory encoding and, 109, 404
memory retrieval and, 405–6, 407, 411–13
object recognition and, 261
parahippocampal gyrus, 53, 109, 395, 398, 409, 461
parahippocampal place area (PPA)
defined, 258, 261
delayed-response task and, 542–43
fMRI and, 258, 259, 263, 266, 268
house-face study and, 308–9, 312
mind reading and, 261, 263, 266, 268
parahippocampus, 258
paralimbic region, 53
parallel processing, 77, 347, 351, 356, 436–37, 616
parallel systems, 258
paralysis, see spinal cord injuries
parasympathetic branch of autonomic nervous
system, 38, 39, 428
paraventricular nuclei, 46
parietal cortex
action planning and, 348, 349, 351
anatomy of motor regions and, 330
attention control and, 316–18, 321–22
memory and, 382, 410–13, 422
motor control and, 334, 335, 336–37
prefrontal cortex connection to, 510, 516
semantic deficits and, 478
social cognition and, 561, 562
working memory and, 514
parietal lobe
in Alzheimer's disease, 397
brain anatomy and, 49, 50, 51, 54, 57
control of attention and, 316–18
corpus callosum and, 128, 129
decision making and, 524
dorsal stream and, 222, 224–25, 227, 228, 229
goal-oriented behavior and, 509
language and, 471
love and, 462
mirror neurons in, 364
motor control and, 336–37, 349
object recognition and, 237
phonological working memory and, 388–89
selective attention and, 228
spatial attention and, 226
parietal neurons, 316–17
parieto-occipital sulcus/cortex, 51, 389
parietofrontal processing, 349
Parkinson's disease
deep-brain stimulation and, 547–48
as degenerative disorder, 80, 81, 82
dopaminergic neurons and, 526
facial expressions and, 140, 141
L-DOPA therapy for, 514
motor skill learning and, 391
movement initiation and, 358–59, 361–62, 363
MPTP and, 83, 327–28
shifting hypothesis and, 360–61
surgical treatments for, 86
pars opercularis, 472, 496
pars orbitalis, 496
pars triangularis, 472, 496
Pascual-Leone, Alvaro, 214
passionate love, 462–63, 466
Passionate Love Scale, 462
passive current conduction, 30, 31, 32, 35
passive ion channels, 29, 32
patch clamp techniques, 118
Pattee, Howard, 626, 630
pattern recognition task, 131
Pauling, Linus, 17
Pavlov, Ivan, 393
Pavlovian conditioning, see classical conditioning
Payne, Jessica, 415
payoff and decision making, 522–23
PC, see precuneus
PCC, see posterior cingulate cortex
PE, see prediction error
Pelphrey, Kevin, 585–86
Penfield, Wilder, 7, 12–13, 55, 513
peptide hormones, 46
peptide receptors, 438
access-consciousness and, 616
action link to, 363, 375
amygdala and, 466
attention and, 140–45, 283–85
defined, 164
emotional stimuli and, 446–47, 455
recognition and, 220–21
sensation and, 165
study of, 14
subliminal, 614–15
see also auditory perception; multimodal perception; olfactory perception; tactile perception; taste perception; visual perception
perception-action model of empathy, 576–77, 592
defined, 164
formation of, 197–200
multistable, 223
of objects, 232, 233, 235
olfactory, 175
synesthesia and, 212
threshold stimulus and, 165
visual, 163, 220
perceptual priming, 392, 394, 422
perceptual reorganization, 213–15
perceptual representation system (PRS), 392
Peretz, Isabelle, 238
perforant pathway, 416, 417
periaqueductal (central) gray matter (PAG), 463
perigeniculate nucleus, see thalamic reticular nucleus
peripheral nervous system (PNS), 36, 37–38, 39
peripheral physiological response, 430, 434, 435, 437
peripheral vision, 196
perirhinal cortex (PRC)
anatomy of, 382, 412
anterior temporal system and, 411–12, 413
atrophy of, 414
familiarity and, 406–7
hippocampus and, 416
medial temporal lobe memory system and, 394, 395, 398, 399, 400, 401
memory retrieval and, 405–6
peristimulus histograms, 96
perisylvian cortex, 386, 387
permeability of ion channels, 29
Perrett, David, 585
perseveration, 510, 534, 539
person perception, see mental state attribution
personal responsibility, 606, 624, 631, 632–36, 642–43
personality inference, 581–82
pervasive developmental disorders, not otherwise specified, 561
Pessoa, Luiz, 438
PET, see positron emission tomography
Peters, Ellen, 449
Petersen, Steven, 18, 320–21, 487, 616, 617, 620
Petrides, Michael, 518
Petty, William, 3
PFC, see prefrontal cortex
Pfister, Hans-Rüdiger, 449
phagocytes, 36
phantom limb sensation, 183
pharmacological studies, 86, 87–88, 91
PHC, see parahippocampal cortex
Phelps, Elizabeth, 147–48, 444, 447, 452–53
Phelps, Michael, 16, 17
phenomenal awareness, 609, 624
pheromones, 173
philosophy, 10–12
phonemes, 476, 480, 481–82, 483, 484, 498
I-18 | Index
phonological encoding, 497, 498
phonological input code, 480, 481
phonological loop, 387–88
phonological unification, 496
phonology, 487
phosphene threshold (PT), 298
phosphenes, 211, 298
photodiodes, 188
photopigments, 185
photopsin, 185
photoreceptor proteins, 72
photoreceptors, 185–86, 187, 188
phrenology, 6, 20
physics, 624–28
physiological response, 430, 434, 435, 437
pia mater, 38
Piaget, Jean, 513
PiB (Pittsburgh Compound B), 106–7, 110
Pick's disease, 80
picture-to-word priming paradigm, 615
pigtail macaques, 631
pineal body, 45
Pinker, Stephen, 500, 609, 615–16, 641
pinna, 171
Pirela, Simon, 635
Pittsburgh Compound B (PiB), 106–7, 110
pituitary gland, 46
place cells, 399, 402, 416
place recognition, 258, 261
planum temporale, 126, 133
Plato, 638
pleasure, 461, 580, 581
PM, see posterior medial (PM) system
PMC, see premotor cortex
PMd, see dorsal premotor cortex
PMv, see ventral premotor cortex
PNS, see peripheral nervous system
Poincaré, Jules Henri, 625
pons, 43, 44, 46, 62, 164, 169, 607–8
pontine flexure, 62
pontine reticular formation, 44
pontomedullary junction, 164
pop-out search, 299, 300, 306
population vectors, 342, 343–45, 346, 349, 352–53, 355–56
pores between neurons, 35
portrait analysis of visual deficits, 203, 204
position discrimination task, 225, 226
positive prediction error (PPE), 527–28, 530, 531
positron decay, 16
positron emission tomography (PET), 105–7
biological motion and, 442
blindsight and, 611
blood flow in the brain and, 61
chimp communication and, 502
cortical reorganization and, 214
default network and, 569, 588
dopamine metabolism and, 328
functional anatomy and, 105–7, 108, 110
gustatory system and, 178, 179
history of, 15, 16–17, 18
language lateralization and, 125
object recognition and, 225, 226, 232–33
prefrontal cortex activity and, 564
punishment and, 642
scaffolding to storage movement and, 616, 617
selective attention and, 303–4
semantic representations and, 478
social cognition and, 578–79
spatial attention and, 290
speech production and, 498
syntactic processing and, 492, 493, 495
tumors and, 387
violent behavior and, 600
visual system and, 190, 194–95, 199
visual word form area and, 487
word association and, 535
working memory and, 389
positron scanners, 16
Posner, Michael, 18, 74–76, 284, 285, 583
postcentral gyrus, 49, 54, 182
postcentral sulcus, 49
posterior cerebral artery, 79
posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)
Alzheimer's disease and, 397
default network and, 568, 569
emotional decision making and, 599
emotions and, 458, 462
language and, 471
memory and, 411, 412–13
social cognition and, 561, 562
posterior commissure, 112, 124, 128–29, 130, 133
posterior cortex modulation, 542–43, 549
posterior end of brain, 41, 83
posterior insula, 51
posterior medial (PM) system, 411–12, 413
posterior neuropore, 62
posterior parietal cortex (PPC), 330, 334, 335, 349, 410–11
posterior pituitary gland, 46
posterior superior temporal sulcus/cortex, 145, 387
postsynaptic membrane receptors, 33, 34, 35, 90
postsynaptic neurons, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 68, 418
postsynaptic potential, 34, 417
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 93–94
posture disorders, 327–28
potassium ions
in CSF, 42
in hair cells, 168
neuron signaling and, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
neuron structure and, 25
Powers, William, 16
PPA, see parahippocampal place area
PPC, see posterior parietal cortex
PPE, see positive prediction error
PRC, see perirhinal cortex
precentral gyrus, 49, 53–54, 335, 355, 484, 498, 503
precentral sulcus, 49
preconscious processing, 620
precuneus (PC)
Alzheimer's disease and, 397, 412
attentional control and, 313
default network and, 553, 568
emotion and, 461
memory and, 411, 412–13
theory of mind tasks and, 145
precursor cells of cortex, 62, 63, 67
Predictability (Lorenz), 625
prediction error (PE), 527–28, 530–31, 532
prediction of criminal behavior, 637
predictions, 371–73, 375
prednisone, 415
preference and decision making, 522, 524
preferred direction, 342, 343–44, 345, 346
preferred orientation of visual cortex cells, 192, 193
prefrontal cortex (PFC)
active repression of memory and, 545
approach and withdrawal and, 157
brain evolution and, 68
brainstem and, 608
cognitive control and, 508–20
conceptual priming and, 392
corpus callosum and, 68, 128, 129
in different species, 510
dopamine and, 14
dorsal, 544–45
dynamic filtering, 535, 538, 539
emotion and, 430, 461, 462
emotional regulation and, 457–59
emotional style and, 456
evolution of, 509
extinction and, 448, 464
frontal lobotomies and, 565–65
functions of, 53, 54
goal planning and, 533, 534
hierarchical organization of, 519–20
hypothalamus and, 14
inferior, 543–45
inhibitory control and, 543–44, 549
language and, 471, 483, 496
lesions in, 512–13, 533, 541–42
limbic system and, 47
memory and, 382, 397, 410, 413, 422
modulation of processing and, 543–45
motor system structure and control and, 332–33
number of neurons in, 58–59
psychiatric disorders and activity in, 564–65
regions of, 509, 511
selection of task-relevant information and, 535, 538
social cognition and, 561, 562
social group evaluation and, 453
volume and antisocial personality, 600–601
working memory and, 14, 512–20
see also lateral prefrontal cortex; ventromedial prefrontal cortex
Premack, David, 573, 574
premotor cortex (PMC)
action planning and, 347–48, 349, 351
brain anatomy and, 44, 54
corpus callosum and, 128, 129
goal planning and, 533, 534
language network and, 496
mind reading and, 268
mirror neurons and, 363–64
motor system structure and control and, 329, 330, 332–33, 334, 335, 336, 337
object recognition and, 243
orofacial musculature and, 502
prefrontal cortex connection to, 510
semantic representation and, 478
preoccipital notch, 50, 51
presupplementary motor area, 546, 547
presynaptic neurons, 27, 32, 33, 34–35
Index | I-19
Preuss, Todd, 83, 85, 503
Previc, Fred, 158
pride, 431–32, 433
primary auditory cortex (A1)
AEPs and, 101, 541, 542
anatomical orientation of, 166, 170
auditory pathway and, 169, 172
brain anatomy and, 45, 46, 56, 57
dendritic spread in, 127
language network and, 496
speech perception and, 482, 483, 485
topographic mapping of, 98
primary gustatory cortex, 166, 176, 178, 179
primary motor cortex (M1)
BMI and, 352–53
brain anatomy and, 53, 54, 58, 509
corpus callosum and, 128, 129
motor system structure and control and, 330, 332–33, 334, 335–36, 337
movement direction and, 342–43, 344
neuron responses in, 346
sensorimotor adaptation and, 369–70
skill retention and, 369–70, 375
speech production and, 498
stop-signal task and, 546
primary olfactory cortex, 53, 165, 166, 173, 174, 175, 176
primary reinforcers, 522, 526, 532
primary sensory cortex, 52, 58, 128, 132, 165, 166, 330
primary somatosensory cortex (S1), 46, 54, 129, 180–82, 184, 335
primary visual cortex (V1)
anatomical orientation of, 166, 186
in blind individuals, 214
blindsight and, 612
callosal connections in, 128
cytoarchitectonics and, 8, 52
fMRI and, 108, 197, 264, 265
lesions in, 206–7
multistable perception and, 223
neuronal coherence with attention in, 310, 311
in newborn, 62
novel emotional stimuli and, 447
optic nerve pathway to, 121–22
receptive field organization in, 192–93
surgical removal of, 392
synapse elimination in, 67
thalamus and, 45, 46, 294–95
TMS over, 210–11
visual illusion and, 198–99, 201
visual processing and, 56, 57, 187, 189, 206, 222
visual system and, 37
visuospatial selective attention and, 289–93
primary visual pathway, 56, 610, 611–12
primates, nonhuman, 153–54, 500–2
priming, 313, 314, 392
prism adaptation, 368, 369
prisoner's dilemma game, 598
probability and decision making, 522–23, 524, 528, 529
probability-guessing paradigm, 148
problem solving, 613–14
procedural memory, 383, 390–91, 394
processing speed, 276
processing style in cerebral hemispheres, 155–56
progressive semantic dementia, 477
progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), 80, 320
projection tracts
brain anatomy and, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 56
CNS structure and, 39
proliferative zones, 62
property-based organization, 244, 245
proprioception, 54, 180, 184, 368, 608
proprioceptive system, 330
prosocial decision making, 598
prosody, 139, 152, 471, 482, 484, 502
prosopagnosia, 246, 248, 254–56, 261, 562, 622
see also facial recognition
prosthetic limbs, 356
protein molecules, 25, 27, 28, 42
pruning of synapses, see synapse elimination
P.S. (split-brain patient), 147, 621
PSP, see progressive supranuclear palsy
psychiatric disorders and frontal lobes, 565–65
psychic blindness, 438
psychoactive drugs, 87
psycholinguistics, 470, 504
psychological constructionist approach, 429–30
psychology, history of research in, 10–14
Psychology, the Science of Mental Life (Miller), 13
PT, see phosphene threshold
P.T. (visual perception case study), 163, 203, 204
PTSD, see posttraumatic stress disorder
Public Goods game, 641
pulvinar, 45–46, 186–87, 275, 312, 316, 320–22
punishment, 448, 528, 530, 636–39, 641–42, 643
pupil of eye, 39
Purcell, Edward, 17
pure alexia, 486–87
pure word deafness, 482, 484
Purkinje, Jan Evangelista, 9
Purkinje cells, 9, 25, 37, 90
Purkinje image eye tracker, 610–11
putamen, 47–49, 333, 334, 356, 462, 503
pyloric rhythm in spiny lobster, 627–28
pyramidal decussation, 43, 334–35
pyramidal tract, 43, 54, 332, 333, 334–35, 337
pyriform cortex, see primary olfactory cortex
quadriceps, 332
qualia, 609
quantum theory and mechanics, 625–26, 631
Quintillianus, Marcus Fabius, 413
Rabi, Isidor, 17
racial bias and stereotyping, 452–54
radial arm maze, 419–20
radial glial cells, 62–63, 64, 67
radial unit hypothesis, 63–64, 67
radioactive tracers, 16–17
Raederscheidt, Anton, 276–77
Raichle, Mark, 17, 18, 568, 616, 617, 620
Raine, Adriane, 600
Rakic, Pasko, 64
Ramachandran, Vilayanur, 183
Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 9, 10, 20, 24, 64
Ranganath, Charan, 402–4, 406, 411–12
range of stimuli, 165, 168
Ranvier, Louis-Antoine, 26
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 44
RAS, see reticular activating system
Rasmussen, Theodore, 125
raster plots, 96
rat somatosensory cortex, 180, 182
rate of firing of action potentials, 32, 33
rationalism, 10–11
Rauschecker, Josef, 483
R.B. (memory case study), 395, 396, 398, 399
rCBF, see regional cerebral blood flow
reaching for stimulus, 316–17, 348, 349, 353–55, 370
reaction time and cognitive processing, 10, 76, 284–85
reactivation in long-term memory, 402, 407–8, 410, 414
reading words, 480–81, 484–87
reappraisal of emotion, 457–59
rEBA, see right extrastriate body area
rebound effect, 517
recency memory, 84, 512–13, 518–19
receptive field encoding model, 264, 265
receptive fields of visual cells
area MT and, 190
corpus callosum and, 129, 132
cortical visual areas and, 189
defined, 96–97
primary visual cortex and, 191–93
retinotopic maps and, 187
spatial attention and, 289–90, 293–94
receptor cells for sensory systems, 164, 165–67
reciprocity, 637–38, 641, 642, 643
recognition memory, 76–77, 256, 257, 512–13
recognition test, 147–48
recollection, 404–7, 412, 413
rectifying electrical synapses, 35
reductionism, 627–28, 629
Rees, Geraint, 198, 263
reference frames for movement, 349
reflex arcs, 180
reflex pathways, 40
reflexes, 331, 332, 336, 341
reflexive attention, 280, 285, 295–97, 311
reflexive cuing, 296, 297, 299
refractory period, 31
regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), 106
regret, 448–49
Reid, Clay, 289–90
Reiman, Eric, 18
reinforcement and learning, 361, 528–30, 531
relational memory, 390, 406, 407, 408
relative refractory period, 31
REM sleep, see rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
remote sensing, 184
repetition suppression effect (RS), 231–32, 351, 352
replay of neural activity, 416
representation of value, 522–25, 532
I-20 | Index
reputation, 597, 641
resilience, 456
resonant properties, 170
respiratory system, 39, 40, 45
response conflict hypothesis, 553–55
response selection model, 549–50
response system level of representation, 340–41
response time (RT) to stimulus, 210–11
responsibility, see personal responsibility
resting membrane potential, 27, 28, 29–30, 31, 32, 34
resting state of neuron, 27
restorative justice, 637, 638
retention of memories, see consolidation of learning and memory
reticular activating system (RAS), 428, 608
reticular formation, 332, 608
anatomy of, 185–86
EPSPs and, 30
receptive field organization, 191
topography of, 98
visual acuity and, 167
visual pathway and, 45, 46, 56, 186–87
retinal, 71
retinal implant, 188
retinogeniculate pathway, 187
retinogeniculostriate circuit, 37
retinogeniculostriate pathway, 56
retinotopic coordinates, 150
retinotopic organization and mapping
defined and illustrated, 97, 98, 187, 189, 190
in LOC, 196
PET and, 106
spatial attention and, 287, 291, 292
retributive justice, 606, 632, 636, 637–38, 643
retrieval of memories
amnesia and, 394
contextual, 399, 401–2
defined, 381, 382
episodic vs. nonepisodic, 405, 406–7
false memories and, 409
frontal cortex and, 408, 410
hippocampus and, 404, 405, 406
lateral anterior temporal lobe and, 415
parietal cortex and, 410–13
perirhinal cortex and, 405–7
reactivation and, 408
recollection and familiarity, 404–7
task-relevance and, 535, 538
task switching and, 538–39
retrograde amnesia, 382, 384, 395, 401, 410, 412–15, 567
retrosplenial cortex (RSC), 397, 410–13, 553
Rett syndrome, 561
reuptake of neurotransmitters, 34, 35, 36
Reverberi, Carlo, 536–37
reversal learning, 448, 514, 595–96
reverse waking replay, 416
decision making and, 448, 521–25
dopamine and, 526–30, 531–32
eating and, 178, 179
goal-oriented behavior and, 511–15, 520
happiness and, 461
reward-based learning, 49, 87–88
R.H. (coma case study), 267, 268
rhodopsin, 185
ribosomes, 25
Ribot, Théodule, and Ribot's Law, 382, 384
Richey, Maureen, 411–12
Riddoch, Jane, 239
right-ear advantage, 151, 152, 155
right extrastriate body area (rEBA), 259
right-handedness, 126, 153–54, 156, 158
right hemisphere interpreter, 149
right-hemisphere language, 621
right-hemisphere of brain
amodal completion and, 149
anatomical asymmetries with left-hemisphere, 125–28
attentional orienting and, 57, 160
causal perception and, 148–49, 153
complex skills and, 617
conscious experience and, 159, 621
facial expressions and, 140, 141
facial recognition and, 138, 139–40, 152, 154–55, 160, 248
gaze direction response of, 144
global and local processing and, 145
holistic processing and, 258
impoverishment in split-brain patients, 146
inferential abilities of, 138
language and, 138, 471, 621
linguistic capabilities in, 137, 138–39, 152
neglect and damage to, 276–78, 279–80
object constancy and, 238–39, 241
perceptual categorization and, 131
sexual dimorphism in, 132–33
theory of mind and, 145–46
ventral attention network and, 319, 322
visuospatial processes and, 7, 135, 149, 152
visuospatial working memory and, 389
withdrawal behaviors and, 157
see also hemispheric specialization
right lateral occipital area (rLO), 259–60
right occipital face area (rOFA), 259
right temporoparietal junction, 582–84
Ringo, James, 131
risk-aversion, 449
Rizzolatti, Giacomo, 348, 363, 460–61, 501
rLO, see right lateral occipital area
Robertson, Lynn, 145
Robinson, David Lee, 320–21
rods, 185, 186, 187
Roediger, Henry, 409
rOFA, see right occipital face area
Rolls, Edmund, 448
Romei, Vincenzo, 210–11
Roser, Matt, 148–49
Ross, Lee, 613
rostral end of brain and spinal column, 41
RS, see repetition suppression effect
RSC, see retrosplenial cortex
RT, see response time (RT) to stimulus
Rubinstein, Ariel, 641
Ruffini corpuscles, 179, 180
Rumelhart, David, 485–86
S1, see primary somatosensory cortex
saccades, 228, 279, 289, 314–20, 530
see also eye movements
Sacks, Oliver, 242
associated brain areas, 429, 461, 462, 465
facial expressions, 426, 431, 432, 451
Safire, William, 476, 600
sagittal sections of brain, 41
sagittal sinus, 42
Sahin, Ned, 498
salience, 531–32, 616
saliency map, 318
salivation, 39
Sally-Anne False-Belief Task, 574–75, 582, 583–84, 586
see also false-belief tasks
saltatory conduction, 32
same-different paradigm, 612, 613, 621
Sams, Mikko, 385
San Francisco, views of, 220, 221
Sapolsky, Robert, 446
SAS, see supervisory attentional system
satiation, 178, 179
Savigny, J. B. H., 211
Saxe, Rebecca, 145, 146, 582–84
SC, see superior colliculus
scaffolding to storage movement, 616, 617, 620
Scalia, Antonin, 635–36
schadenfreude, 580
Schaffer collaterals, 416, 417
schema control units, 549–50
schizophrenia, 14, 115, 242, 564–65, 635
Schneider, Gerald, 206–7
Schoenbaum, Geoffrey, 595, 596
Scholte, Steve, 213
Schooler, Jonathan, 629
Schrodinger equation, 625
Schwann cells, 36
Schweimer, Judith, 88
scientific method, 5, 73
scotomas, 206, 611–12
scotopia, see night vision
Scoville, William Beecher, 379, 383, 395
SCR, see skin conductance response
sculpting the response space, 536–37
secondary auditory areas
brain anatomy and, 56, 57, 166
hemispheric asymmetry and, 127
spoken word processing and, 482–83
tonotopic maps and, 98, 169, 170, 172
secondary gustatory cortex, 176, 179
secondary motor cortex, 58, 336, 337, 509
see also premotor cortex; supplementary motor area
secondary olfactory cortex, 165, 166, 173, 174, 175, 176
secondary reinforcers, 522, 532
secondary sensory cortex, 58, 165
secondary somatosensory cortex (S2), 54, 166, 180, 182, 335
secondary visual areas
brain anatomy and, 166
cellular properties across, 189–90
map of, 187, 189
perception and, 198–99
specialized functions of, 190–97
visuospatial selective attention and, 288–89, 291, 292
see also extrastriate visual cortex; visual areas
secondary visual pathway, 56, 610, 611–12
Index | I-21
SEF, see supplementary eye fields
segmentation problem in language comprehension, 482
ECoG and, 103
epilepsy and, 81–82, 83, 98
grand mal, 83, 121
Montreal procedure and, 13
TBI and, 81
topographic organization and, 7
tumors and, 508
Sejnowski, Terry, 357–58
selection of task-relevant information, 535, 538
selective attention
arousal and, 286–87
auditory, 281–82, 285, 286
Broadbent's model of, 283
cerebral cortex and, 608
defined, 274–75
divided attention vs., 303–4, 551
ERP and, 100
parietal lobe and, 228
visual, 224, 274, 280–81, 286, 317–18
see also attention
selective permeability of membranes, 29, 30, 31
selective sweep, 503
self, sense or concept of, 561, 607, 608, 622
self-awareness, 456, 618, 622–23
self-descriptive personality traits, 567–68, 571
self-domestication, 639, 640, 643
self-insight, 571–72, 594–95
self-knowledge, 563–73
consciousness and, 609
mental state predictions, 572–73
self-perception, 563, 570–72, 602
self-referential processing, 553, 561, 563–67, 568–70, 573, 588
self-perception, 563, 570–72, 602
self-reference effect, 563, 566–67, 568
self-referential processing, 553, 561, 563–67, 568–70, 573, 588
self-regulation, 579
Selfridge, Oliver, 484–85, 486
semantic dementia, 412, 414, 477–78
semantic encoding model, 264, 266
semantic memory
brain regions associated with, 410, 413, 414–15
category-specific deficits of, 477–78
episodic memory vs., 390, 394
organization of, 244–45
retrieval of task-relevant information and, 535, 537–38
semantic networks, 476–77, 478, 480
semantic paraphasias, 477, 498
semantic priming, 392, 476
semantic processing, 490–91, 495
semantic relationships between words, 476, 480, 481
semantic unification, 496
sensation, 164, 616
see also sensory systems
sense of self, 561, 607, 608, 622
senses, interaction between, 164
sensitivity to context, 456
sensitization, 393
sensorimotor adaptation, 367–68
sensorimotor learning, 368–70, 393
sensorimotor predictions, 371–73
sensory axons, 40
sensory buffer, 381
sensory cortex
attention and, 275, 313
brain anatomy and, 58
emotional learning and, 446–47
emotional networks and, 429
fear conditioning and, 441
motor cortex and, 346
synaptogenesis and synapse elimination in, 67
sensory deprivation, 214, 215, 216
sensory-guided action, 348
sensory homunculus, 55, 180, 182, 184
sensory inputs, 44, 54, 608
sensory integration, 337
sensory memory, 380, 381, 384–85, 387, 393
sensory nerve pathways, 164, 393
sensory neurons, 40, 42, 45, 96, 332
sensory nuclei, 43, 44
sensory processing, 100
sensory systems, 164–67, 428
see also audition; gustation; olfaction; somatosensation; vision
sensory tuning, 346
sentences, processing structure of, 490
sentience, 609, 618
sentinel hypothesis, 568
serial processing, 77, 347, 386, 498–500
serial reaction time task, 391
serotonin, 33, 34, 438, 526 7-tesla (T) fMRI system, 197
sexual dichromatism, 165
Seyfarth, Robert, 500
Seymour, Ben, 530
Shackleton, Ernest, 569
Shadlen, Michael, 199
shadows test, 238–39
Shallice, Tim, 386, 510, 549
shame, 431–32, 433
Shannon, Claude, 13
shape encoding, 230, 232–33
shape perception, 202–3, 207, 228–30
Shepard, Roger, 623
Shepherd, Gordon, 11
Sherrington, Charles, 10, 12, 20, 328, 337–38
Shiffrin, Richard, 385–86
shifting hypothesis for Parkinson's disease, 360–61
Shmuelof, Lior, 228
short-term forms of memory, 383, 384–89
short-term memory
absence of, 439
amnesia and, 382, 383, 395
definition and overview of, 380, 385–87, 393
frontal cortex and, 408
hippocampus and, 402
human memory structure and, 381
medial temporal lobe and, 399
Shulman, Gordon, 18
shyness, 456
sign language, 501, 502
signal transmission, 26
Silliman lectures on neural organization, 13
silver method for staining neurons, 8–9
Simon, Herbert, 13
simple cells, 192, 289–90
Simpson, Joe, 592–93
simulation theory, 575–76, 591–92
simulations, 111–13
simultanagnosia, 279
simultaneous concept task, 147
Singer, Tania, 577–78, 579–80
Singer-Schachter Theory, 435–36
single-cell recording method
action planning and, 347–48
amygdala and, 440, 442
in animals, 95–98, 104
attention to eye gaze and, 585
combined with other methods, 115
decision making and, 522–23, 524–25, 532
decoding and, 262
empathy and, 578
facial recognition and, 249
in humans, 98, 99
inferior temporal cortex and, 225, 235–36
neural coding of movement and, 342–43
OFC and, 448
tonotopic organization and, 169
visual area MT and, 190
visuospatial selective attention and, 288–89
working memory and, 513, 515
single dissociation, 84, 85, 86, 227, 392
skin conductance response (SCR), 448
Skinner, B. F., 14
skull, 79, 92, 158
skull defects and blood flow in the brain, 15
sleep and memory, 415, 416
sleep-related replay, 416
sleep-wake cycles, 608
S.M. (emotion case study), 425–27, 429, 438, 449, 450–52
SMA, see supplementary motor area
Small, Dana, 179
small-world architecture, 59, 154
smelling and sniffing, 174–75
see also olfaction
Smith, Edward, 389
smooth muscles and autonomic nervous system, 38, 39
smoothing, 112
SNc, see substantia nigra pars compacta
SNi, see substantia nigra
sniffing and smelling, 174–75
see also olfaction
Sobel, Noam, 174–75
sociability, 456
social anxiety disorder, 459
social cognition, 559–602
anatomy of, 561, 562
case studies
E.V.R., 560
M.R., 559
Phineas Gage, 559–60, 561
deficits in, 561–63
self-knowledge (see self-knowledge)
social knowledge (see social knowledge)
theory of mind (see theory of mind)
social cognitive neuroscience, 560–61, 563
I-22 | Index
social communication and olfaction, 173
social decisions, 521
social group evaluation, 452–54
social interaction tasks, 593–95
social intuition, 456
social knowledge, 592–601, 602
decision making and, 595–96
moral decisions and, 598–99
neuroeconomics, 596–98
neuroethics, 600–601
representations of, 593–95
social layer and behavior, 631
Socrates, 563
sodium ions
in CSF, 42
neuron structure and, 25
neuronal signaling and, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
salty taste and, 176
sodium-potassium pump, 29, 30
Soloman, Robert, 427
soma, see cell bodies of neurons
somatic marker hypothesis, 448, 465
somatic motor system, 38
somatic pathway, 167
brainstem and, 608
neural pathways of, 179–80, 181
plasticity in cortex, 181–84
processing of, 180, 182
somatosensory cortex
in blind individuals, 214, 215
brain anatomy and, 43
cortical topography and, 55, 56, 182, 191, 336
corticospinal fibers and, 334
emotion and, 429
empathy and, 578, 579
mirroring system in, 578
see also primary somatosensory cortex; secondary somatosensory cortex
somatosensory information, patterned, 141, 152
somatosensory receptors, 179–80, 181, 184
somatostatin, 34
somatotopy and somatopic maps, 56, 180, 181–84, 191, 335, 336, 337
see also topographic organization and mapping
sommeliers, 179
song production in birds, 153
"soul blindness," 237
sound localization, 170, 171, 172, 224
sound wave transduction, 169, 172
sour flavor, 178–79
South (Shackleton), 569
S.P. (emotion case study), 442–43, 452–53
span of immediate (short-term) memory, 386
spatial attention
control of, 312, 539
cuing studies of, 284–85
feature attention compared to, 302–3, 305
feature attention interplay with, 305–8
neglect and, 279–80
object-based attention and, 308–9
reflexive, 295–97
synchrony of neurons and, 310–11
voluntary, 285–95
cortical attention effects, 285–94
ERPs and, 285–88
neuroimaging studies and, 290–93, 294–95
single-cell recording and, 288–89
subcortical attention effects, 293–94
V1 simple cells and, 289–90
visual search and, 299–300
spatial cuing paradigm, 284–85
spatial cuing task, 142–43, 290, 298
spatial information transfer and integration, 142
spatial-learning performance, 90, 418–20
spatial memory, 184, 420
spatial navigational learning, 399–400, 401, 402
spatial orientation, 207
spatial perception, 224, 228, 236
spatial processing, 150, 154
spatial working memory, 389
spatiotemporal receptive-field map, 289, 290
speech apparatus, 169, 170
speech apraxia, 472, 474
speech errors, 497–98
speech movements, 337
speech perception, 208
speech production, 7, 138–39, 472–73, 475, 477, 496–500
speech waveforms, 482
speed tuning, 194
Sperry, Roger, 133, 136
spider monkey somatosensory cortex, 180, 182
spike-triggering zone, 30, 31
spina bifida, 62
spinal accessory nerve, 5
spinal cord
anatomy of, 40, 41
brainstem and, 43, 608
central nervous system structure and, 37–38, 39
conduction of motor and sensory information by, 45, 164
CSF and, 42
development of, 62
diencephalon and, 45–46
motor system structure and control and, 329–32, 333, 334, 337
severing of, 337–38
somatosensory pathway and, 180, 182
spinal cord injuries, 344, 352, 353, 355–56
spinal motor neuron, 26
spinal nerves, 40
spinal neurons, 181
spines, dendritic, 26, 33
spinocerebellum, 332, 334
Spinoza, Baruch, 10–11
spiny lobster, 627–28
SPL, see superior parietal lobule
splenium of corpus callosum, 128, 135, 136
split-brain procedure, see callosotomy
split-brain research and patients
bimanual movement and, 350–51
birth of field of, 123–24
callosotomy and, 133
case studies
J.W., 136, 137, 139–40, 142, 621
P.S., 147, 621
V.P., 138, 621
W.J., 121–23, 135, 139, 150
conscious experience and, 159, 621
hemispheric specialization and, 136–45
attention and perception, 140–45, 160
interpreter and, 146–49
language and speech, 136–39
theory of mind and, 146
visuospatial processing, 139–40
interhemispheric communication and, 135–36, 150
on monkeys, 154
spoken-sentence comprehension, 494
sports rivalries, 580
spotlight of attention, 285, 294, 296, 300, 616
Spurzheim, Johann, 6
SQUIDS, see superconducting quantum interference devices
Squire, Larry, 395, 398–99, 414
standard consolidation theory, 414, 415
stapes, 168, 169
statistical pattern recognition and mind reading, 263–66, 267
stereocilia, 168, 169
Sternberg, Saul, 76–77
Stevens, John Paul, 636
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 274, 301
STG, see superior temporal gyrus
stimulus-driven behavior, 511, 624
stimulus-driven control, 274, 280, 285, 297, 299, 312, 319
stimulus-driven processing of affective sharing, 579
stimulus-response decisions, 521
stimulus-response psychology, 13
STN, see subthalamic nucleus
Stoeckenius, Walther, 71, 72
Stone, Valerie, 593–94
stop-signal task, 545–47
storage of memories
amnesia and, 394, 395, 399
defined, 381, 382
short-term and long-term, 385, 386
structures associated with, 413, 414, 415, 416, 422
visuospatial sketch pad and, 388
Stratton, George, 367–68
stress, 65, 415, 440, 446
stretch reflex, 331, 332, 336, 337, 341
stria terminalis, 5
striate cortex, see primary visual cortex
brain anatomy and, 47–49
decision making and, 523, 526, 530–32
definition of, 5
dopamine and, 363, 510, 526, 530–32
motor control and, 333, 334
movement initiation and, 356–57, 358, 359
see also dorsal striatum; ventral striatum
string galvanometer, 14–15
stroboscope, 9
brain damage and, 7, 79, 80, 82
connectivity problems and, 111
cortical plasticity and, 184
global and local processing and, 150, 151
Index | I-23
object recognition and, 227
tDCS treatment for, 89
visual perception and, 163, 201, 202–3, 204, 242
strong emergence, 626
Stroop, J. R., 78
Stroop task, 78, 213, 535, 539, 541, 553–55
STS, see superior temporal sulcus
subarachnoid space, 38, 42
subcallosal gyrus, 47
subconscious processing, see unconscious processing
subcortical areas
attention and, 275, 276, 279–80
memory and, 381–82
subcortical attentional control network, 319–22
subcortical information transfer, 141–42, 147
subcortical motor structures, 329–30, 332–34, 368
subcortical multisensory integration, 209–10, 212
subcortical visual pathways, 206–7
subgoals, 532–33, 534–35, 539
subicululm, 411, 412, 417
subjective experience of emotional stimuli, 430, 434, 437
subjective feelings, 561
subjective sensory awareness, 167
subliminal perception, 614–15, 620
subplate, 63, 64
subsequent-memory paradigm, 402–4
substance abuse disorders, 459, 548
substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), 358, 359, 363, 526, 530, 532
substantia nigra (SNi), 47–48, 83, 328, 332, 333–34, 356–57, 391
subthalamic nucleus (STN)
brain anatomy and, 47, 48
motor control and, 333, 334
movement initiation and, 356, 357, 358, 359, 362, 363, 546–47
subventricular zone, 62, 63, 65, 66
sulci, 38, 49, 50, 51, 57, 93
see also Sylvian (lateral) fissure
superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDS), 102, 103
superior colliculus (SC)
attention and, 275, 312, 319–20, 322
brain anatomy and, 44, 45, 56
movement initiation and, 356, 357
multisensory integration and, 209–10, 212
visual perception and, 206–7, 224
visual system pathways and, 186, 187
superior frontal gyrus, 49, 579, 580
superior longitudinal fasciculus, 222, 502
superior olivary nucleus, 168
superior olive, 44
superior parietal lobule (SPL), 313, 316
superior surface of brain, 41
superior temporal gyrus (STG)
brain anatomy and, 49
language and, 473, 482–84, 485, 489–90, 493–94, 496, 503
sadness and happiness and, 462
tonotopic maps and, 170
see also Wernicke's area
superior temporal sulcus (STS)
autism and, 586, 587
cortical processing and, 210
face recognition and, 222, 235, 248–50
language and, 471, 478, 482–84, 485, 495
multisensory interaction and, 212
social cognition and, 561, 562
synesthetes and, 213
theory of mind and, 145, 584–86, 587
supertasters, 178, 179
supervisory attentional system (SAS), 549, 550, 552, 555
supplementary eye fields (SEF), 313
supplementary motor area (SMA)
brain anatomy and, 54, 509
connectivity between right and left, 373
empathy and, 580
mind reading and, 268
motor control and, 334, 335, 336, 337, 348–49, 351
motor pathways and, 329
speech production and, 498
suppression of emotion, 457, 459
supramarginal gyrus, 49, 205, 388, 389, 474, 484, 502
supraoptic nucleus, 46
surface structure of message, 497
surgical interventions for brain dysfunction, 85–86
surprise, 426, 431, 432
Sutherland, Stuart, 609
Swaab, Tamara, 494
sweat glands, 38, 39
Swets, John, 14
switching cost, 539
syllabic writing system, 484, 487
Sylvian (lateral) fissure, 49, 50, 51, 125–26, 459, 471, 504
symmetry breaking, 630
sympathetic branch of autonomic nervous system, 38, 39, 428, 435
synapse elimination, 67
synapses, 26–27, 30, 32–35, 36
synaptic cleft, 32, 33, 34, 68
synaptic efficiency, 184
synaptic strength and plasticity, 415–17, 418–19, 420, 422, 531
synaptic transmission, 32–35
synaptogenesis, 67
synchrony in cortical neurons, 129, 132, 310–11
syncytium, 9
synesthesia, 164, 211–13
syntactic parsing, 490, 495
syntactic positive shift (SPS), see P600 response
syntactic processing, 491–93, 495, 497
syntactic theories, 14
syntactic unification, 496
syntax, 472, 475, 480
syntax-semantics distinction, 136
syphilitic lesions in brain, 7
tachykinins, 33
tactile information transfer, 135, 136
tactile perception, 115, 154, 160, 214
tail flip reflex of crayfish, 35
Talairach, Jean, 112
Talairach coordinate, 112
Tan, see Leborgne (Broca's patient)
Tanner, James, 14
target detection, 319
task-specific constraints on performance, 78
task switching, 49, 538–39, 540
tastants, 176, 179
taste, see gustation
taste buds, 176, 177, 178
taste cells, 176, 177, 179
taste perception, 178–79
taste pores, 176, 177
tasting words, 211–12
TBI, see traumatic brain injury
tear glands, 39
tearing an object, 348
tectum of midbrain, 44
Teglas, Erno, 574–75
tegmentum of midbrain, 44
telencephalon, 47–49
temporal branch of optic nerve, 186
temporal coupling of movement, 351
temporal discounting, 522, 524, 526, 528, 529
temporal gradient, 382, 384, 402, 414
temporal lobe/cortex
brain anatomy and, 49, 50–51, 54, 56, 57
conceptual priming and, 392
consolidation and, 414–15
corpus callosum and, 128, 129
emotion and, 461
facial recognition and, 248–50, 261
language and language network in, 471, 473, 496
mirror neurons in, 364
prefrontal cortex connection to, 510, 516
retrograde amnesia and, 413
selection of task-relevant information and, 538
semantic representation and, 478, 538
social cognition and, 561
storage and, 422
surgical removal of, 379–80
ventral stream and, 222, 223, 224–25, 227, 228, 229
word representations and, 495
see also specific temporal regions
temporal lobectomy, 379–80, 383–84, 394–95
temporal pole/temporopolar cortex, 145, 483, 485, 561
temporally limited amnesia, 382
temporoparietal cortex, 541, 542
temporoparietal junction (TPJ)
attentional control and, 316, 319, 321, 322
attribution of beliefs/mental state, 145–46, 582–84
autism and, 586–87
default network and, 568, 570
social cognition and, 561, 562, 579
Ter-Pogossian, Michel M., 16
testosterone, fetal, 133
TGA, see transient global amnesia
thalamic relays, 45–46, 294, 295, 297, 298, 311
thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN), 294–95, 297
thalamocortical connections, 37
AEP waves and, 101
anatomical diagram of, 320
I-24 | Index
attention and, 294–95, 296, 297, 298, 312
brain anatomy and, 43, 44, 45–46, 47, 48
consciousness and, 607, 608
cortex communication with, 50, 53, 54, 56, 294–95
depression and, 464
emotion and, 428, 429, 430, 435
fear and, 441
Huntington's disease and, 358, 359
lateral asymmetry of, 126
motor system structure and control and, 332–33, 334, 357, 361
neglect and, 279
Parkinson's disease and, 358, 359, 362
prefrontal cortex and, 510
sensory nerve pathways and, 164–65, 167
somatosensory pathway and, 181
speech production and, 498
see also anterior thalamic nucleus; medial geniculate nucleus
Thales, 5
Thatcherized image, 256, 257
theory of mind, 145–46, 573–92
autism and, 586–91, 592
consciousness and, 623
defined, 145, 573, 591
developmental milestones, 573–75
emotion and, 461
hemispheric specialization and, 145–46
mechanisms for, 575–80
neural correlates for, 580–86
theory theory, 575, 592
see also mental state attribution
third ventricle, 42, 44, 45, 46
Thompson-Schill, Sharon, 535, 538
Thorndike, Edward, 12
three-body problem, 625, 626
three-dimensional imaging of brain, 15–16, 126
"Three Models for the Description of Language" (Chomsky), 14
three-strikes-laws, 606
threshold for initiating action potential, 31, 32, 131
threshold stimulus value, 165
throat, sensation and motor control of, 43, 45
Thulborn, Kerith, 17
thyroid-stimulating hormone, 46
time, sense of, 396
time-frequency analysis, 102
timing, 49
timing and decision making, see temporal discounting
timing hypothesis, 372–73
tip of the tongue (TOT) state, 470, 497, 498
tissue stains, 8
TMS, see transcranial magnetic stimulation
Tomasello, Michael, 500–1, 585, 623, 639, 640–41
tomographic radiography, 15
Tonegawa, Susumu, 90
Tong, Frank, 540
tongue, 176, 177
tonotopic organization and mapping, 56, 57, 97, 98, 168, 169–70, 172
Tooby, John, 436, 641–42
tool use and handedness, 156
Tootell, Roger, 291
top-down control, 274, 280, 285, 286, 312
topographic organization and mapping, 7, 54–56, 57, 128, 199, 209, 351
see also retinotopic organization and mapping; somatotopy and somatopic maps; tonotopic organization and mapping
TOT, see tip of the tongue (TOT) state
touch, see somatosensation
Touching the Void (Simpson), 592
Tourette's syndrome, 361
Tournoux, Pierre, 112
Tower of Hanoi problem, 613–14
TPJ, see temporoparietal junction
trace conditioning, 393
Tracy, Jessica, 431–32
trajectory planning, 339, 340
transcallosal conduction delays, 131
transcortical connections, 134, 150
transcortical motor aphasia, 474
transcortical sensory aphasia, 474
transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), 86, 89, 369–70, 371, 642
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), 88–89
category-specific systems and, 259–60
combined with other methods, 115
FEF disruption by, 539, 541
FEF stimulation by, 315–16
as method for perturbing function, 86, 88–89, 91
mirror systems and, 364, 366
neural plasticity and, 336
over cerebellum, 371, 372
over prefrontal cortex, 543–45
over V5, 204–6
over visual cortex, 89, 210–11
somatotopic mapping and, 335
spatial attention and, 298
transcription factors, 503
transformations of mental representations, 75, 76
transient global amnesia (TGA), 395–96
transmembrane proteins, 28, 32, 34, 68
transverse section of brain, 41
transverse temporal gyrus, 462
traumatic brain injury (TBI), 81, 82, 111
Treatise on Physiological Optics (Helmholtz), 281
Treisman, Anne, 283, 299, 301, 616
tremors, 333, 336, 362
triceps, 330, 331
trigeminal nerve, 164, 176
Trivers, Robert, 641
TRN, see thalamic reticular nucleus
trolley dilemma, 598–99, 638
trustworthiness, judgment of, 452, 454
Tulving, Endel, 380, 390
tuning curves, 169, 170
tuning properties of voxels, 263–64
Twain, Mark, 481–82
twin studies, 93 2-fluorodeoxy-D-glucose (2FDG), radioactively labeled, 17
two-process model for object recognition, 257
Tyler, Lorraine, 478–79
tympanic membrane, 167, 168
typical effect of neurotransmitters, 34
Ultimatum economic game, 597–98, 638, 641, 642, 643
ultraviolet light, 165
umami, 176, 177, 178, 179
Uncertainty Principle (Heisenberg), 626
unconditioned response (UR), 393, 439, 440, 442, 443, 454
unconditioned stimulus (US), 393, 439–40, 442–43, 446, 454, 527–29
unconscious processing, 609, 610, 612–20
Ungerleider, Leslie, 222, 224
unification and language comprehension, 495–96
unilateral spatial neglect, see neglect
unilateral temporal lobectomy, 380
unmyelinated pain neurons, 179, 180
Unusual Views Object Test, 237–38, 239
UR, see unconditioned response
Urbach-Wiethe disease, 425
US, see unconditioned stimulus
uterine contractility, 46
utilitarian justice, 636–38, 643
utilization behavior, 511
vagus nerve, 5, 177
valence, 433–34, 446, 447, 460, 531–32
valid trial, 284
Vallebona, Alessandro, 15
value and decision making, 521–25, 528, 530, 532, 595–96, 598
Van Wagenen, William, 133–34
vascular disorders, 79, 80
vasopressin, 33, 46, 438, 463
vegetative state, 267–68, 608
ventral columns, 40
ventral-dorsal gradient of PFC function, 519, 520
ventral frontal cortex (VFC), 319, 322
ventral frontoparietal attention network, 312, 316, 318–19, 322
ventral horn, 40, 42
ventral nerve root, 40, 330–31, 332
ventral (occipitotemporal) stream, 222–28, 229, 261, 289, 478
ventral posterior medial nucleus (VPM), 176, 177, 179
ventral posterior nuclei, 45, 46, 167, 180
ventral posteromedial nucleus, 167
ventral premotor cortex (PMv), 336
ventral striatum
amygdala output to, 437
cognitive control networks and, 550, 551
decision making and, 530, 532
dopamine and, 456, 510, 514, 526
emotional networks and, 429
empathy and, 580, 581
positive emotion and, 456
result evaluation and, 449
ventral surface of body and brain, 41
ventral tegmental area (VTA), 370, 375, 462, 510, 526, 532
ventral temporopolar cortex (VTPC), 411–13
ventricles of brain, 38, 42, 91, 92, 93
ventricular zone, 62, 63–64, 67
ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), 54, 518, 561, 562
ventromedial frontal lobe (VMF), 595–96
ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC)
Index | I-25
cognitive control and, 509, 511, 524, 526
default network and, 413, 569
posterior medial system and, 413
predictions of mental states and, 572–73
reversal learning and, 595–96
social cognition and, 560, 561, 562, 579, 596
verb generation task, 535, 538, 551, 553, 616, 617
verbal-spatial dichotomy, 155
verbal working memory, 389
Verrey, Louis, 201
vertebrae and vertebral column, 40
vertebral arteries, 61
vervet monkeys, 500
vesicles, 32, 33
vestibular functions, 44, 45, 158, 608
vestibular nerve, 164
vestibular nuclei, 332, 334
vestibularcochlear nerve, 164
vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), 332
vestibulocerebellum, 332, 334
VFC, see ventral frontal cortex
Vidman, Peter, 366
view-dependent frame of reference, 231, 232, 236
view-invariant frame of reference, 231, 232, 236
violation of expectation task, 575
violent behavior, 600–601, 635–36
violinists, 183
viral infections, see infectious disorders of the CNS
viral transduction, 72
virtual-lesion approach, 88
visible spectrum, 185–86
for action (see dorsal (occipitoparietal) stream)
anatomical structure for, 164
neural pathways of, 184–87
range differences for, 165
for recognition (see ventral (occipitotemporal) stream)
visual acuity, 167, 196–97
visual agnosia
case studies
C.K., 239–40, 254, 255
D.F., 225–27
G.S., 219–20, 240, 243
H.J.A., 239
J.B.R., 241, 243
J.S., 227
category specificity in, 241–46, 477
for faces (see prosopagnosia)
for objects (see object agnosia)
for reading (see acquired alexia)
subtypes of, 236–41
see also facial recognition; object recognition
visual areas
brain anatomy and, 128, 166
defined, 37
MST, 289, 308
bimanual coordination and, 374
feature-based selective attention and, 305
FEF stimulation and, 316
fMRI and, 108
house-face study and, 308
lesions in, 204, 207
motion perception and, 190, 194–95, 197, 200, 204–6, 263
single neuron response patterns in, 618
speed tuning in, 194
visual illusions and, 199
visuospatial selective attention and, 289
V1 (see primary visual cortex)
V2, 52, 189, 190, 196, 198–99, 201, 447
V3, 198, 199, 201
color perception and, 194, 195, 197, 199–200
feature-based selective attention and, 305
FEF stimulation and, 314–15
flickering stimulus and, 1998
lesions in, 202, 207
multistable perception and, 223
neuronal coherence with attention and, 288–89, 292–93, 294, 310, 311
retinotopic areas and, 196
shape perception and, 202–3
synesthetes and, 213
visuospatial selective attention and, 288–89, 292–93, 294
V5 (see visual areas, MT)
VO (V8), 198
V4 , 199–200
see also secondary visual areas
visual association cortex, 57, 129
visual attention, 224, 274, 280–81, 286, 317–18
visual cortex
blood flow to, 15
columns of, 126
early fMRI of, 18
emotional stimuli and, 446, 447
expansion in humans, 196
feature analysis and, 304–5
FEF stimulation and, 316
lesions in, and blindsight, 610
neuronal coherence with attention in, 310, 311
pioneers in, 191–93
selective attention and, 312
spatial attention and, 294–95, 296, 298, 313, 314
stimulation of, 195, 199–200
synchrony in neurons of, 129, 132
tactile perception and, 115
topographic mapping of (see retinotopic organization and mapping)
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over, 89, 210–11
visual system and, 37
see also primary visual cortex; secondary visual areas
visual deprivation and cortical reorganization, 214, 215
visual discrimination task, 206–7
visual evoked potential, 101
visual fields
in birds, 153
letter priming and, 137
mapping of, 196
neglect and attention testing and, 278–79
restricting stimuli to, 134–35, 141, 142, 150–51
visual pathway and, 186–87
visual illusions, 197–201, 623
visual imagery, 242, 268
visual information transfer, 135, 136, 141–42, 150
visual memory, 242, 277–78, 280
visual pathway, 164, 167, 186–87, 206
visual perception
auditory stimuli and, 211
case studies
M.P., 204, 205
P.T., 163, 203, 204
deficits in, 201–7
disruption of, 79, 89
formation of percepts, 197–200
imagery and, 242
individual differences in, 200–201
multiple pathways for, 222–28
split-brain research and, 139–40, 141, 154, 160
visual processing
amygdala and, 446, 447
brain anatomy and, 56, 57
percept formation, 197–200
selective attention and, 297, 301
spatial attention and, 311
TMS and, 89
visual areas and, 189–90
visual search, 143–44, 297–301, 305–8, 320
visual-spatial attention, see spatial attention
visual stimulation and split-brain research, 134–35
visual system, 37, 96–97, 134, 166–67, 190
visual word form area, 255, 487
visuomotor adaptation, 368–70
visuomotor functions, 44, 45, 56
visuospatial processes, 7, 133, 135, 139–40, 150, 154
visuospatial sketch pad, 387–89
VMF, see ventromedial frontal lobe
VMPFC, see ventromedial prefrontal cortex
vocalizations among non-human primates, 500–2, 631
Vogt, Oskar, 8
Vohs, Kathleen, 628–29
voltage-gated ion channels, 30, 31, 32, 33, 418
voluntary attention, 280, 281–82, 284–85, 285–95, 297, 313
voluntary movement, 331–32, 336, 341
see also movement initiation
VOR, see vestibulo-ocular reflex
voxels, 106, 110, 197, 263–64
V.P. (split-brain case study), 138, 621
VPM, see ventral posterior medial nucleus
VTA, see ventral tegmental area
VTPC, see ventral temporopolar cortex
Vuilleumier, Patrick, 231
Vytal, Katherine, 461
Wada, Juhn A., 125
Wada test, 125, 133
Wagner, Anthony, 109
wakefulness, 607, 608
walking, 337–38
Wallis, Jon, 522
I-26 | Index
Walter K. (blood flow case study), 15
Warrington, Elizabeth, 131, 237–39, 240–41, 386, 477–78
water-maze studies, 399–400, 419, 420, 445
water retention, 46
Watson, Gary, 606
Watson, John B., 12
weak emergence, 626
Weber, Ernst Heinrich, 12
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 139
Weinberger, Daniel, 115, 117
Weiskrantz, Larry, 610
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, 503
Wernicke, Carl, 7–8, 20, 475, 483
Wernicke's aphasia, 473, 474, 475, 477, 498
Wernicke's area
anatomy of language and, 471
damage to, 473, 483
hemispheric asymmetry and, 126–27, 133
history of cognitive neuroscience and, 7, 8
KE family and, 503
Lichtheim's model and, 474
stimulation mapping and, 488
syntactic processing and, 493
see also superior temporal gyrus
Wessinger, Mark, 610–12
"what pathway" of visual perception, see ventral (occipitotemporal) stream
Wheeler, Elizabeth, 595–96
Wheeler, Mark, 408
"where" pathway of visual perception, see dorsal (occipitoparietal) stream
white matter
brain anatomy and, 43, 44, 49–50
brain graphs and, 111
brain tumors and, 79
cerebral cortex development and, 63, 67
CNS structure and, 39
computed tomography and, 91–92
degenerative and infectious disorders and, 80, 81
DTI and, 93–95
emotional style and, 456
expansion in prefrontal cortex, 509
language and, 473
MRI and, 93, 94
spinal cord anatomy and, 40, 42
TBI and, 81, 82
tracts of, 39–43, 50, 82, 112, 213, 474
see also corpus callosum
Wiesel, Torsten, 191–93, 234
Wilbrecht, Linda, 537
Willis, Thomas, 3–4, 5, 6, 20, 47
Wilson, Matt, 416
wine connoisseurs, 179
wiring laws of large brain, 59, 154
withdrawal and approach, 157, 434
W.J. (prosopagnosia case study), 254
W.J. (split-brain patient), 121–23, 135, 139, 150
Wolf, Al, 16–17
Wolfe, Jeremy, 300, 301
Wolff, Patrick, 617
Wolford, George, 148
Wolman, Baron, 123
Wolpert, Daniel, 328–29
Woodruff, Guy, 573
word association tasks, 386, 613
word comprehension models, 489, 493
word recognition
alexia, 255–56
context and, 489–90, 493
hierarchical model for, 483, 484, 485
object recognition and, 257–58
word superiority effect, 77, 137, 485–86
working memory
amnesia and, 382, 383
cognitive control and, 508, 511, 512–20, 556
definition and overview of, 380, 387–89, 393
displacement of goals in, 552
fluid intelligence and, 514
Goldman-Rakic and, 14, 512
human memory structure and, 381
inhibitory control and, 548
medial temporal lobe and, 399
physiological correlates of, 513–17
prefrontal cortex and, 14, 512–20
selection of task-relevant information and, 535
working memory maintenance hypothesis, 412
W.R. (cognitive control case study), 507–8, 510
Wren, Christopher, 4
Wurtz, Robert H., 294, 320
X-rays, 91, 95
Yates, Simon, 592–93, 598, 599
Zamanillo, Daniel, 419
Zeki, Semir, 190, 194–95
Zhang, Weiwei, 306–8
Zohary, Ehud, 228
Zola, Stuart, 395, 398–99
Zwitserlood, Pienie, 489