Even a guy with a broken heart must eat. Sixteen hours after he had foresworn food, women, and other similar pursuits, Danton went down to the corner drugstore and devoured a crushed pineapple sundae, two peanut-butter sandwiches, a double chocolate malted, and a package of cookies. In the drugstore he saw a new girl. She was sharp sitting down, and sharp when she got up, and even sharper when she walked. From his valley of sorrow Danton noted that certain parts of her had to trot to keep up.

He paid his check and left. The Walk was heading north, which was within 180 degrees of the direction he had planned to take, anyway. He wished that she walked a little slower. He couldn't overtake her for almost a block.

Q. There is a tone of justification in the way Danton explains his actions. Underline the sentence which expresses this.