Hunting with a camera is much like hunting with a gun, but far more difficult. Even with the largest telephoto lens you must get quite close to your subject. A hundred yards is about the maximum in my estimation. Beyond that distance the atmosphere deteriorates the image too much. With a gun you need only put a single shot into your victim, but with a movie camera you may need 400 pictures smoothly joined together by a movement so perfect that those pictures will not jiggle or jump when they are projected—and every picture must be in sharp focus!

I think every nature photographer honestly believes that some personal demon is constantly following him about with the sole purpose of thwarting his every effort. When the sun is shining, everything is quiet; but the moment it disappears behind a cloud the action really starts. Put a big telephoto lens on your camera and an alligator catches a fish right under your nose.

Q. Underline the sentence which supports the conclusion that the nature photographer should have different kinds of cameras ready at all times.