All the guns around me now are in the hands of prison guards, but for fifteen years the guns were in my hands. Guns were my life, and your pharmacy was my business. I was a professional bandit, and among the places I robbed over the years I can count more than forty drug stores.

Drug stores come in for more than their fair share of robberies because most druggists simply don't believe holdups are ever going to happen to them. However, there are a couple of attractive features about drug stores—the fact that most are located in areas where pedestrian traffic is heavy enough for a man in a hurry to lose himself quickly, and the presence of narcotics that can be resold at high prices on underworld markets. Pharmacies, moreover, are seldom so heavily staffed that one man with one gun can't handle the job alone.

Q. Underline the sentence which allows you to conclude that the robber is in jail.