R 1.332
Early Autumn
R 1.741
Two Languages
R 1.858
Six Pence per Second
R 1.898
Leaf and Loaf
R 2.167
R 2.363
The Death Car
R 2.704
The Woman of His Dreams
R 2.781
She Wanted to Teach
R 2.874
Great Inventions
R 3.024
A Game of Light and Shade
R 3.153
R 3.175
Needing and Wanting Are Different
R 3.448
The Day I Went to Open a Bank Account
R 3.611
Linda's New Friend
R 3.628
Talking Without Sound
R 3.704
R 3.725
Cycling for Airwith Love
R 3.825
Are You Putting Me On?
R 3.836
Pace of Life
R 3.859
Johnny the Explorer
R 3.887
The Blues—the Song of the Walking Wounded
R 3.923
On Background Music
R 3.966
Extrasensory Perception
R 3.987
Why I Love the City
R 4.042
Mr. Smith Blunders
R 4.055
Growing Pains
R 4.076
Do Animals Think?
R 4.097
Rites of Passage
R 4.188
Working while You Grow
R 4.201
R 4.322
Nowhere to Call Home
R 4.35
Nowhere to Call Home
R 4.35
Professor Jules Throckmorton and His Computer
R 4.441
Go for the Gold
R 4.487
Biological Clocks
R 4.618
A Long Walk Home
R 4.633
Our Changing Environment
R 4.666
A Case for the UN
R 4.688
The Boyhood of Pablo Picasso
R 4.696
The Power of Forgiveness
R 4.698
Black Holes
R 4.707
How I Rowed Across the Atlantic and Found Florida
R 4.719
How I Rowed Across the Atlantic and Found Florida
R 4.719
Alone in the Arctic Cold
R 4.766
A Lucky Escape
R 4.83
The Nose on Your Face
R 4.856
Some Shed Light
R 4.864
How to Study
R 4.869
The Escaped Robber
R 4.879
A Timeless Letter of Comfort
R 4.916
People on the Move
R 4.929
The Cosmos
R 4.964
Readingthe Most Important Way to Learn English
R 5.009
Jones Beach
R 5.034
Against All Odds
R 5.047
Top Soloist or "Trained Seal"?
R 5.06
Top Soloist or "Trained Seal"?
R 5.06
A Working Woman's Dilemma
R 5.075
My First Day in the United States
R 5.078
The Last Adventure
R 5.081
The Soft Sell
R 5.106
How to Find Meaning in Your Work and Your Life
R 5.137
The Last Escapade
R 5.14
The Carpet Fitter
R 5.187
The Romans and the Arabs
R 5.195
Across the Frozen Sea
R 5.202
The Roadrunner
R 5.207
Remembering My Grandparents
R 5.238
Just the Job!
R 5.266
Sold Out!
R 5.337
Afraid to Fly
R 5.357
Dangers in and near a House
R 5.404
Just the Job!
R 5.419
Black and White
R 5.45
The High Cost of Living
R 5.481
The Flying Fool
R 5.496
Two Kinds
R 5.528
The Deli
R 5.546
Louis Pasteur: A Modern-Day Scientist
R 5.555
The New World
R 5.591
The Impact of Time
R 5.613
A Break in the Routine
R 5.618
The Worst Scare of My Life
R 5.621
The View from Out There
R 5.66
Memory Lane Isn't What It Used to Be
R 5.689
Churchill's Portrait
R 5.697
As Dream Comes True
R 5.701
Living a Long Life
R 5.779
Marriage and Romance
R 5.781
Best of Friends, Worlds Apart
R 5.783
The Gift
R 5.785
Living a Long Life
R 5.8
Daniel Mendoza
R 5.821
Working for Fun and Profit
R 5.832
R 5.839
I Don't Know
R 5.859
An Advertisement
R 5.86
Everyday Cruelty
R 5.863
Women at Work
R 5.875
Talk to Me
R 5.879
Normie's Bet
R 5.903
The First Read
R 5.954
Getting Lost on Purpose
R 5.964
The Kind of Work Daddy Does
R 5.996
"Journalist ... Rewarding, But Very Political"
R 6.022
A World Without Books or Music
R 6.022
Alex, the Talking Parrot
R 6.062
R 6.102
Fire and Water
R 6.121
From Your Valentine
R 6.148
Thank Him or Kick Him?
R 6.171
A New Island for Iceland
R 6.279
The Scientific Method (1)
R 6.281
The Deaf Composer
R 6.302
Nobody Can Do It Like McDonald 's
R 6.307
The Receipt
R 6.311
Mind Your Manners
R 6.436
Christmas in the Antarctic
R 6.451
The Wonders of Water
R 6.459
Guilty or Not?
R 6.49
At Century's End, A Nostalgic Glance Back
R 6.503
On the Stock Exchange
R 6.526
Coming to an Awareness of Language
R 6.548
Grand Canyon Crowding
R 6.551
Push-button English
R 6.562
National Holiday
R 6.608
R 6.628
Peanuts Creator Schulz Dies on Eve of Last Strip
R 6.631
Help A Li'l Bit
R 6.639
Future Talk
R 6.639
Hunting for Viruses on the Amazon
R 6.657
Letters: Obsolete Technology
R 6.67
R 6.685
Paying Your Way
R 6.686
A Nurse Speaks Out!
R 6.692
Doing Favours Can Be Dangerous
R 6.73
Population Control
R 6.732
Learning to Keep Your Cool During Tests
R 6.735
What is intelligence, anyway?
R 6.749
Take Care, America
R 6.763
Cheap and Lovely
R 6.775
The Pyramids
R 6.78
The Scientific Method (2)
R 6.781
The City of the Future
R 6.844
The Creation of the Automotive World
R 6.851
Conversational Ball Games
R 6.861
States United by Terror
R 6.862
Dolly Parton
R 6.869
R 6.873
The Bounty of the Sea
R 6.897
Adult Education in the U.S.
R 6.948
Men and Women: Some Differences
R 6.962
Pockety Women Unite?
R 6.972
What Makes a Good Job?
R 7.045
The Nixies
R 7.083
The Missing Wallet
R 7.091
Mrs. Henderson
R 7.093
Can Telling Lies Ever Be Justified?
R 7.129
A Visit to a Prison
R 7.134
How Desert Animals Survive the Summer Heat and Dryness
R 7.142
From Song to Sound
R 7.213
Education and Good Books
R 7.232
The Nixies
R 7.241
Buzz-bombs and Doodlebugs
R 7.318
Correspondence Schools in the U.S.
R 7.334
Rosa ParksA Hero of Civil Rights
R 7.379
Health Education Should Start at Home
R 7.427
The Appeal and Drawbacks of Gambling
R 7.441
The Fun and Excitement of "Reality"
R 7.45
Survey: Many Students Say Cheating's OK
R 7.478
Handling Office Calls
R 7.498
Naturalist Has Whale of a Time in Alaska
R 7.516
A Merry Christmas ...
R 7.535
The Television Camera
R 7.541
A Country of Immigrants
R 7.562
How Postoptics Gets 58% of Its Online Sales through Google Advertising
R 7.574
Flight: An Invention That Shrank the World
R 7.576
The True Story of a Young Man
R 7.592
Don't Fly with Me
R 7.623
Mackenzie's First Exploration
R 7.631
E.T.A fairy Tale of the Space Age
R 7.669
R 7.697
Flags of the United States
R 7.703
Inside Story
R 7.738
The Psychology of Money
R 7.743
I. M. Pei
R 7.755
Acid Rain
R 7.8
The Jeaning of America and the World
R 7.805
R 7.819
What Are the Qualities of a Good Teacher?
R 7.86
Going VegetarianThe Healthy Way
R 7.889
A Life of Quiet Desperation
R 7.925
Rubbish Disposal
R 7.926
Gold Is the Devil
R 7.996
The Unwanted Box That Made Millions
R 8.031
The Beginning of Money
R 8.04
Read Good Books
R 8.058
Family Rituals
R 8.074
Can Computers Replace People?
R 8.092
The Underclass—An Open Wound in Society's Belly
R 8.105
The Underclass—An Open Wound in Society's Belly
R 8.105
The Suburban Century
R 8.174
Death of a President
R 8.181
R 8.225
Why Read?
R 8.234
Wit Can Gain a Breakfast
R 8.241
White Lies
R 8.263
The Conquest of Mt. Jolmo Lungma
R 8.306
A New Doctors' Dilemma
R 8.33
Behind Enemy Lines
R 8.345
Do Universities Broaden Minds?
R 8.361
A Sound Sleeper
R 8.377
A Sound Sleeper
R 8.377
The Banana
R 8.392
Americans and Food
R 8.427
From Cattle to Cash
R 8.429
Greenwich Mean Time
R 8.443
Little White Lies
R 8.449
Flowers in the Desert?
R 8.463
Why English?
R 8.51
The Thanksgiving Story
R 8.528
Adapting to the New World
R 8.54
R 8.546
Marco Polo
R 8.549
Homage to Windmills
R 8.566
Should Gambling Be Legalized?
R 8.571
Will It Matter if I Skip Breakfast?
R 8.575
Atomic Cars
R 8.577
Communications of the Future
R 8.604
The Culture of "Lead Time'
R 8.622
How to Prepare for an Interview
R 8.692
The Automobile in American Life
R 8.707
Thomas Adams and the Invention of Chewing Gum
R 8.771
Caution: Bumpy Road Ahead
R 8.777
Sister Cities
R 8.814
A Sleepless Night
R 8.824
Happy Marriages Make for Happy Hearts
R 8.881
Tchaikovsky (1840—1893)
R 8.897
Seeing Ourselves
R 8.914
R 8.918
Global Warming May Not End up Being Warm at All
R 8.995
A Universal Language
R 9.077
The Role of the Family in Society
R 9.081
School Without Walls
R 9.101
Engineers Ask Nature for Design Advice
R 9.142
Our Lost Children
R 9.158
What American Consumers Like
R 9.159
The Sad Suicide of Admiral Nimitz
R 9.206
Healthy Eating
R 9.346
How Far Can You Think?
R 9.412
Ted Turner: His Life and Career
R 9.444
First Planet from the Sun
R 9.45
Literary Women in the Civil War
R 9.468
English World-Wide
R 9.524
Conquering the Channel
R 9.534
Local Newspapers in Britain
R 9.589
Trash Troubles
R 9.6
Industry and the Environment
R 9.615
Fibbing Common in Everyday Conversation
R 9.651
Why Read Literature?
R 9.665
Making Friends
R 9.68
Black Box Tells Its Secrets
R 9.681
What Can a Child Do at Five?
R 9.713
Working Your Way Around the World
R 9.832
Marriage Works Better for Men
R 9.847
A Tree Project Helps the Genes of Champions Live On
R 9.877
Descending the Rapids
R 9.96
My Friendly Insurance Agent
R 9.983
Teachers and Actors
R 10.027
Improving Industrial Efficiency Through Robotics
R 10.096
A Young, Blind Expert on Computers
R 10.108
Maglev: A New Generation in Railroad Technology
R 10.119
The Door Swings Open
R 10.187
Feminine Force
R 10.23
Memories of Afghanistan
R 10.258
A University Diploma
R 10.264
Two Kinds of American Business Heroes
R 10.356
Starting Your Own Business
R 10.416
R 10.505
The Brain Revolution and Ethics
R 10.61
1066 and All That
R 10.642
The Standard of Living
R 10.644
Hello, World
R 10.695
Doctors to Decide on Right to Die
R 10.7
Man and Nature
R 10.704
Study Finds Why Marriage Is on the Decline
R 10.714
Brave New World of Biometrics
R 10.773
Flying All Day in "The Dragonfly"
R 10.818
The Attack on Pearl Harbour
R 10.982
A Carrot a Day May Keep Cancer Away
R 11.016
Electronic Mail Brings Business Closer Together
R 11.073
Going Green After Gray
R 11.092
Staying Happy
R 11.12
The Civil War
R 11.273
The Digital Age
R 11.294
LA Times
Tests Multilingual Waters
R 11.349
Computers for the Masses
R 11.4
Terminally Ill Woman Fights for Right to Die
R 11.462
Online Database Pinpoints Plagiarism
R 11.519
Willis Haviland Carrierthe Father of Cool
R 11.604
Women in the Workforce
R 11.724
William H. GatesChairman and Chief Software Architect of Microsoft Corporation
R 11.754
The Commercialization of Higher Education
R 11.792
The Civil War on Film
R 11.976
Environmental Pollution
R 12.002
Weaving a Multilingual Web
R 12.198
Metropolitan Life Insurance
R 12.383
Diseases of the 21st Century
R 12.586
A True Wartime Story
R 12.689
Telelearning: The Multimedia Revolution in Education
R 13.249
The University of the Future
R 13.404