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 5 heartily sorry
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 5 genuinely surprised
 5 genuinely shocked
 5 genuinely puzzled
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 5 genuinely happy
 5 genuinely competitive
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 5 generally quiet
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 5 generally disappointing
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 5 fairly reasonable
 5 fairly prosperous
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 5 fairly popular
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 5 faintly sick
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 5 extremely talented
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 5 extremely capable
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 5 extremely brave
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 5 exponentially decaying
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 5 exceptionally small
 5 exceptionally rapid
 5 exceptionally nice
 5 exceptionally gifted
 5 exceptionally complex
 5 exceptionally busy
 5 exceptionally able
 5 exceedingly valuable
 5 exceedingly sorry
 5 exceedingly pleased
 5 exceedingly lucky
 5 exceedingly large
 5 exceedingly important
 5 exceedingly hot
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 5 exactly identical
 5 exactly friendly
 5 exactly analogous
 5 evidently pleased
 5 ethically acceptable
 5 essentially traditional
 5 essentially procedural
 5 essentially positive
 5 essentially optimistic
 5 essentially new
 5 essentially liberal
 5 essentially good
 5 essentially general
 5 essentially economic
 5 essentially dynamic
 5 essentially complementary
 5 especially skilled
 5 especially public
 5 especially problematic
 5 especially lucky
 5 especially low
 5 especially local
 5 especially influential
 5 especially impressive
 5 especially happy
 5 especially English
 5 especially appealing
 5 especially American
 5 equally welcome
 5 equally unsatisfactory
 5 equally uncertain
 5 equally unacceptable
 5 equally tough
 5 equally strange
 5 equally skilled
 5 equally silent
 5 equally ridiculous
 5 equally popular
 5 equally old
 5 equally massive
 5 equally lovely
 5 equally inconceivable
 5 equally guilty
 5 equally fruitful
 5 Equally familiar
 5 equally extraordinary
 5 equally expensive
 5 equally diverse
 5 equally disastrous
 5 equally desperate
 5 equally dependent
 5 equally crucial
 5 equally confused
 5 equally bizarre
 5 equally beneficial
 5 equally beautiful
 5 equally apparent
 5 equally ambitious
 5 equally adept
 5 Equally absurd
 5 environmentally damaging
 5 Entirely Valid
 5 entirely unconnected
 5 entirely subjective
 5 entirely foreign
 5 entirely feasible
 5 entirely fanciful
 5 entirely erroneous
 5 entirely empty
 5 entirely dissimilar
 5 entirely conventional
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 5 entirely altruistic
 5 enormously wealthy
 5 enormously powerful
 5 enormously exciting
 5 emotionally stable
 5 emotionally immature
 5 elegantly simple
 5 elaborately carved
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 5 ecologically sustainable
 5 ecologically fragile
 5 easily transportable
 5 easily transferable
 5 easily shocked
 5 easily readable
 5 easily predictable
 5 easily portable
 5 easily measurable
 5 easily explicable
 5 easily detectable
 5 easily attainable
 5 easily applicable
 5 easily adaptable
 5 drastically wrong
 5 doubly interesting
 5 distinctly cool
 5 distinctively ethical
 5 disproportionately small
 5 disarmingly frank
 5 directly usable
 5 directly traceable
 5 directly opposed
 5 directly enforceable
 5 directly effective
 5 directly analogous
 5 differently coloured
 5 devastatingly handsome
 5 devastatingly effective
 5 desperately sick
 5 desperately afraid
 5 deservedly popular
 5 densely wooded
 5 demonstrably unfair
 5 demonstrably successful
 5 deliriously happy
 5 delightfully simple
 5 deliberately obtuse
 5 deeply unconscious
 5 deeply spiritual
 5 deeply opposed
 5 deeply hostile
 5 deeply fond
 5 deeply embarrassing
 5 deeply afraid
 5 decidedly unpleasant
 5 decidedly dodgy
 5 decently possible
 5 dangerously quiet
 5 currently responsible
 5 currently resident
 5 Currently inactive
 5 curiously similar
 5 curiously reluctant
 5 curiously calm
 5 culturally determined
 5 culturally appropriate
 5 critically low
 5 critically acclaimed
 5 criminally responsible
 5 conveniently close
 5 contractually obliged
 5 continuously irregular
 5 continuously involved
 5 continually amazed
 5 contextually specific
 5 constitutionally responsible
 5 constantly recurring
 5 constantly alert
 5 conspicuously different
 5 consistently poor
 5 completely valid
 5 completely unruffled
 5 completely uninterested
 5 completely unaffected
 5 completely stupid
 5 completely sterile
 5 completely solid
 5 completely serious
 5 completely predictable
 5 completely original
 5 completely opposite
 5 Completely lifeless
 5 completely insane
 5 completely ineffective
 5 completely individual
 5 completely impossible
 5 completely healthy
 5 completely English
 5 completely effective
 5 completely disorientated
 5 completely deaf
 5 completely confident
 5 completely bewildered
 5 comparatively unknown
 5 Comparatively trivial
 5 comparatively tiny
 5 comparatively shallow
 5 commercially necessary
 5 commercially acceptable
 5 closely linked
 5 closely dependent
 5 closely allied
 5 clinically evident
 5 clinically dead
 5 clearly reluctant
 5 clearly orange
 5 clearly observable
 5 clearly incapable
 5 clearly embarrassed
 5 clearly disappointed
 5 clearly definable
 5 clearly certain
 5 clearly absurd
 5 classically beautiful
 5 chemically similar
 5 certainly prepared
 5 certainly preferable
 5 certainly capable
 5 certainly adequate
 5 causally necessary
 5 carefully blank
 5 brutally honest
 5 brutally frank
 5 brutally clear
 5 broadly neutral
 5 broadly Christian
 5 brilliantly sunny
 5 blatantly unfair
 5 blatantly racist
 5 blatantly political
 5 bitterly sorry
 5 bitterly angry
 5 beautifully manicured
 5 beautifully coloured
 5 beautifully carved
 5 basically insecure
 5 basically honest
 5 basically concerned
 5 barely significant
 5 barely possible
 5 barely detectable
 5 barely awake
 5 awfully cold
 5 awfully big
 5 automatically eligible
 5 arbitrarily small
 5 appreciably different
 5 apparently universal
 5 apparently stable
 5 apparently small
 5 apparently ready
 5 apparently obvious
 5 apparently limitless
 5 apparently interested
 5 Apparently insoluble
 5 apparently insatiable
 5 apparently haphazard
 5 apparently dead
 5 apparently concerned
 5 apparently able
 5 appallingly low
 5 appallingly difficult
 5 anatomically distinct
 5 amazingly high
 5 amazingly generous
 5 allocatively efficient
 5 allegedly corrupt
 5 admirably clear
 5 administratively difficult
 5 acutely painful
 5 acutely depressed
 5 actually wrong
 5 actually superior
 5 actually aware
 5 academically gifted
 5 absurdly high
 5 absolutely useless
 5 absolutely tremendous
 5 absolutely stunned
 5 absolutely steady
 5 absolutely sick
 5 absolutely rigid
 5 absolutely reliable
 5 absolutely privileged
 5 absolutely precise
 5 absolutely normal
 5 absolutely lovely
 5 absolutely horrific
 5 absolutely frightful
 5 absolutely fair
 5 absolutely desperate
 5 abnormally slow
 5 abnormally rapid

-ly words used in this structure: (according to frequency)

 7978 particularly
 5963 relatively
 5934 highly
 5780 extremely
 5484 really
 3849 fairly
 3332 equally
 3286 increasingly
 3074 completely
 2862 totally
 2774 entirely
 2707 perfectly
 2365 especially
 2258 slightly
 2242 absolutely
 1873 largely
 1661 usually
 1544 apparently
 1533 purely
 1487 generally
 1446 clearly
 1400 sufficiently
 1398 potentially
 1310 reasonably
 1306 virtually
 1286 wholly
 1265 hardly
 1256 probably
 1201 deeply
 1140 essentially
 1024 certainly
 1012 mainly
 1008 obviously
 1002 remarkably
 920 easily
 896 comparatively
 855 politically
 826 unusually
 816 readily
 815 nearly
 800 mentally
 799 terribly
 796 utterly
 762 directly
 761 merely
 760 surprisingly
 758 simply
 752 seemingly
 751 suddenly
 751 previously
 731 immediately
 698 necessarily
 692 genuinely
 679 exceptionally
 677 socially
 674 seriously
 669 mostly
 629 predominantly
 599 currently
 592 strictly
 549 thoroughly
 533 heavily
 520 incredibly
 518 widely
 516 normally
 511 physically
 508 primarily
 498 actually
 490 distinctly
 488 exceedingly
 486 strongly
 483 barely
 477 extraordinarily
 469 environmentally
 460 immensely
 459 partly
 456 similarly
 455 possibly
 454 Naturally
 453 mutually
 442 economically
 402 Strangely
 399 exactly
 396 notoriously
 384 typically
 382 broadly
 375 desperately
 359 significantly
 359 morally
 347 wonderfully
 342 legally
 342 intensely
 340 specifically
 336 fundamentally
 320 frequently
 320 commercially
 314 technically
 309 inherently
 307 profoundly
 307 greatly
 305 scarcely
 305 decidedly
 304 ultimately
 304 statistically
 302 roughly
 302 basically
 301 severely
 300 closely
 298 suitably
 296 sexually
 291 painfully
 286 dangerously
 283 vaguely
 283 moderately
 282 curiously
 281 rarely
 274 supposedly
 273 practically
 273 peculiarly
 272 excessively
 271 faintly
 271 acutely
 268 positively
 267 initially
 265 radically
 262 bitterly
 261 enormously
 252 deliberately
 250 partially
 250 infinitely
 246 consistently
 244 doubly
 240 occasionally
 236 financially
 235 rapidly
 230 awfully
 229 traditionally
 226 visually
 224 exclusively
 220 unduly
 218 Horribly
 217 formerly
 216 uniquely
 216 undoubtedly
 214 unexpectedly
 214 notably
 210 mildly
 210 constantly
 209 surely
 208 grossly
 208 eminently
 206 strikingly
 205 recently
 205 actively
 204 vitally
 199 publicly
 197 wildly
 197 personally
 194 specially
 194 instantly
 193 beautifully
 192 historically
 189 properly
 189 overwhelmingly
 187 hugely
 187 Fiercely
 185 brightly
 179 emotionally
 177 amazingly
 176 pleasantly
 176 permanently
 172 theoretically
 170 definitely
 168 markedly
 168 evidently
 164 substantially
 162 internationally
 162 hopelessly
 161 finally
 160 unnecessarily
 160 singularly
 158 quietly
 158 clinically
 157 logically
 157 effectively
 156 uncomfortably
 155 massively
 154 carefully
 153 vastly
 151 remotely
 151 freely
 150 impossibly
 150 critically
 150 characteristically
 150 approximately
 149 universally
 149 supremely
 149 overtly
 148 tremendously
 145 inevitably
 144 dreadfully
 143 plainly
 142 originally
 139 allegedly
 138 culturally
 137 invariably
 137 intrinsically
 136 ridiculously
 133 terminally
 133 overly
 133 gently
 130 astonishingly
 126 openly
 125 explicitly
 122 delightfully
 122 deceptively
 120 richly
 120 abnormally
 118 ordinarily
 118 absurdly
 116 locally
 116 intellectually
 116 brilliantly
 112 understandably
 112 keenly
 110 solely
 110 patently
 110 disproportionately
 108 abundantly
 106 literally
 106 correspondingly
 105 unbelievably
 105 temporarily
 105 qualitatively
 103 uniformly
 103 formally
 100 happily
 100 commonly
 99 presumably
 98 conspicuously
 97 chronically
 96 visibly
 96 violently
 95 principally
 94 slowly
 94 professionally
 94 biologically
 93 genetically
 93 crucially
 93 chiefly
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 90 eventually
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 89 sharply
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 88 consequently
 85 psychologically
 84 geographically
 84 continually
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 83 structurally
 83 marvellously
 82 nationally
 82 functionally
 81 manifestly
 80 undeniably
 80 ideologically
 80 centrally
 79 unfortunately
 79 superbly
 79 refreshingly
 79 quickly
 79 automatically
 79 alarmingly
 78 startlingly
 78 appropriately
 78 admittedly
 77 strategically
 77 namely
 77 insufficiently
 77 firmly
 77 deliciously
 77 blatantly
 74 outstandingly
 74 officially
 74 noticeably
 73 tolerably
 73 subtly
 73 reportedly
 73 frighteningly
 72 unacceptably
 72 stunningly
 72 semantically
 71 unbearably
 71 blissfully
 69 presently
 69 lightly
 68 dramatically
 68 continuously
 67 woefully
 67 unmistakably
 67 disturbingly
 66 nominally
 66 grammatically
 65 regularly
 65 preferably
 65 precisely
 65 gloriously
 64 uncommonly
 64 rightly
 64 finely
 64 artificially
 63 secretly
 63 scrupulously
 63 powerfully
 63 exquisitely
 63 embarrassingly
 63 educationally
 63 appallingly
 62 aggressively
 61 justly
 61 inordinately
 61 brutally
 60 spectacularly
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 59 passionately
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 59 endlessly
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 58 splendidly
 58 narrowly
 58 impressively
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 44 hideously
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 42 unquestionably
 42 outrageously
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 42 admirably
 41 wickedly
 41 shockingly
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 41 administratively
 40 subsequently
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 40 Conveniently
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 39 fearfully
 38 unpleasantly
 38 pathetically
 38 materially
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 37 miserably
 37 fantastically
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 36 ethnically
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 21 Fiendishly
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 20 Evolutionarily
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