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Stradivari's Violins

If you know anything about violin music, you have perhaps heard the word "Stradivari". Stradivari is the name for the world's most wonderful violins. They are named after their creator, Antonio Stradivari.

Stradivari was born in northern Italy and lived from 1644 to 1737. Cremona, the town he lived in, was a place where violins were produced. Stradivari was very young when he learned to play the violin. He grew to love the instrument so much that he began to make them himself.

Violins were new instruments during Stradivari's time. People made them in different sizes and shapes and of different types of wood. Stradivari is said to have been very particular about the wood he selected for his violins. He took long walks alone in the forest to find just the right tree. He is also said to have used a secret and special type of varnish to put on the wood. Whatever the reasons, his violins are the best in the world.

Stradivari put such care and love into his violins that they are still used today. Many, of course, are in museums. But some rich musicians, who can afford the thousands and thousands of dollars they cost, own Stradivari's violins.

Stradivari passed his methods on to his sons. But the secrets of making Stradivari's violins seem to have died out with the family. Their rarity, as well as their mellow sound, made Stradivari's violins among the most prized instruments in the world.

Short Answer Questions

  1. Where were Stradivari's violins created?
  2. It was only because Stradivari's violins were made of a special kind of wood that his violins became famous, wasn't it?
  3. How did Stradivari select the wood for his violins?
  4. Who else knew Stradivari's secrets for making such wonderful violins?
  5. Why do some rich musicians spend a lot of money on Stradivari's violins?
