Fact Box

Level: 8.967

Tokens: 189

Types: 121

TTR: 0.64

Art of Conversation

A good conversationalist is welcome anywhere, so conversation is an art worth studying. Notice what makes other people's conversation attractive or unattractive. Practice saying only things that are interesting to others. It is a bad taste in society to talk a great deal about one's self or one's family. There are many interesting and fascinating subjects of conversation in these days—world issues, social problems, literature, art, music, sports, education, psychology, hobbies or any special interest one has in common with others. Nothing reveals more quickly the kind of person you are than the things you talk about.

It is considered bad manners in Western countries to talk about certain things. It is very important to know these and avoid them. The subjects to be avoided are: income or salary of friends, or prices of their possessions; the age of the person one is talking with; personal questions, such as, "Why don't you get married?" or "I should think you would want to have some children." Some of these are permissible in Chinese society, but they should be avoided in Western society.