The White Elephant 15: Sad

Gordon: Oh ... you've got a face like a wet weekend. Keep it down will you, I'm trying to cook here. Ceilia, it's Peter – he's feeling blue, sort him out will you?
Ceilia: Oh Peter, you seem down in the dumps.
Peter: Yes, it's Edith ... She's dead.
Gordon: Who's Edith?
Ceilia: I'm not sure ... but I think it's his mother.
Gordon: Sorry old chap. That's terrible news. I understand why you're so downhearted. Were you close to Edith?
Peter: Yes. I'd talk to her every day and watch her go round and round. She was a great swimmer.
Gordon: Oh. Don't cry your eyes out. Worse things happen at sea. Shall I get you a glass of wine?
Ceilia: This must be a very upsetting time for you. Would you like some time off?
Mary: What's going on? Is Peter ok?
Gordon: It's Peter - his mother's died. He's beside himself with grief. I've given him a glass of wine.
Peter: Edith! Edith!
Mary: Edith? Did he just say Edith?
Ceilia: Yes.
Mary: Edith is the name of his pet goldfish. Peter, has your goldfish died?
Peter: Yes.
Gordon: Great! You've got a dead fish, I could use it in my fish pie.
Mary: Gordon!
