The White Elephant 1: Panic!

All: 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...
Gordon: That's it! It is exactly one week since The White Elephant opened and still not one ...
Peter: ... customer!
Ceilia: What? A customer! Are you sure?
Peter: Yes. He's in there sitting down.
Gordon: Well, what does he want?
Peter: I don't know. I didn't ask him.
Mary: Chill out! I think it would be a really good idea to go and ask him.
Peter: Right. OK. Wait there.
Peter: Right, he says he wants the duck eggs and polenta fries but with a small change ...
Gordon: Yes?
Peter: He wants a hen's egg instead of a duck's and ... potato fries instead of polenta fries.
Gordon: What?! So he wants egg 'n' chips. I have not worked in some of the world's top restaurants to end up cooking egg and chips!.
Ceilia: Gordon, Gordon keep your hair on! Customer's is always right – and thank goodness we've got one. So, let's try to keep him happy and - who knows - he might bring his friends next time.
Gordon: Keep them happy?! It's alright for them to be happy, what about me? Egg and chips ... I ask you ...
Ceilia: Don't get your knickers in a twist Gordon.
Mary: Look, why don't I go and speak to him and see if wouldn't rather have Gordon's duck egg and polenta fries.
Ceilia: Thank you Mary.
Gordon: Well?
Mary: He's gone.
